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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Clowns Against Dent April 7th, 2008

The Maiden Avenue Report has updated with some results from the polls, putting Har­vey Dent at a low low 9%, with rumors that he shall with­draw from the race. But more excit­ingly, on the right of the page there are three links with the descrip­tion “Clowns against Dent” — which link off to YouTube and three creepy clown videos declar­ing war against Har­vey Dent.

Thanks Jackie Chavez!

Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit April 7th, 2008

This new viral site links in with the Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems mes­sage where the Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit was unveiled with logo. The URL was dis­cov­ered very close to the time but the site hadn’t gone live, today it has:

GPDMCU: www​.gpdmcu​.com

The site lists a con­tact email address (which was orig­i­nally incor­rectly point­ing to a .org address), contact@​gpdmcu.​com.

Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit

Rachel Dawes supports Harvey Dent April 7th, 2008

Sorry for the delay in post­ing this and thanks to every­one that sent it in. This is our first piece of viral mar­ket­ing that actively includes the stars of The Dark Knight. In this case it is Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal as Rachel Dawes, air­ing her sup­port for Har­vey Dent in a press con­fer­ence. This video orig­i­nated at the Maiden Avenue Report.

Down­load the Quick­time Ver­sion (2mb) : View at Gotham Times

Official Warner Bros. Updates April 5th, 2008

Warner Bros. have released their lat­est press pack­age for Sum­mer 2008, within it comes infor­ma­tion about The Dark Knight. Most of which we already knew, but inter­est­ingly their plot syn­op­sis has updated:

“The Dark Knight” reunites direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan with star Chris­t­ian Bale, who returns to con­tinue Batman’s war on crime. With the help of Lieu­tenant Jim Gor­don (Gary Old­man) and Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent (Aaron Eck­hart), Bat­man sets out to destroy orga­nized crime in Gotham for good. The tri­umvi­rate proves to be effec­tive, but they soon find them­selves prey to a ris­ing crim­i­nal mas­ter­mind known as the Joker (Heath Ledger), who thrusts Gotham into anar­chy and forces the Dark Knight ever closer to cross­ing the fine line between hero and vigilante.

They have also offi­cially released two new images, (some of you may have seen these before when they were leaked with 17 oth­ers):

Batman and Joker Merchandise from Neca April 2nd, 2008

Neca have today revealed their Dark Knight mer­chan­dise includ­ing alarm clocks, key chains and wall hang­ings. Visit their site for details on the new prod­ucts, or spend a few moments gaz­ing at this won­der­ous knocker:

Heath Ledger Joker Knocker


Leaked Joker Pictures April 2nd, 2008

It looks like the Jow Forums have leaked some very reveal­ing shots of The Joker in The Dark Knight, albeit with some pho­to­shop effects thrown over the top. They include scenes from the hos­pi­tal and the parade — they are major spoil­ers as to cer­tain events in the movie.

As these were leaked we shall not be post­ing them here. Cer­tain sites do still have them though. How­ever I rec­om­mend stay­ing away from these, if you can — these are things you’d want to see in the movie and not beforehand.

Thanks Keith.

Acme Security Systems “Delos” April 1st, 2008

The Clown Travel Agency prize has been unveiled, it is a link to Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems, a page with the descrip­tion of “delos”:


The aim is to deac­ti­vate a par­tic­u­lar secu­rity sys­tem, and the pass­word is “Nee­dle”.

Enter­ing your tele­phone leads them to call you with an auto­mated mes­sage, on answer­ing you need to clearly state “Nee­dle” as the pass­word. Say­ing “Hello” fails the pass­word check. You’ll then be greeted by a fel­low (Gor­don) from Gotham Police Depart­ment stat­ing that your iden­tity has been cap­tured and that you “work for us now”. It is a very excit­ing and inter­est­ing phone call if you get it to go through.

Mean­ings to the num­bers in the Iden­tity Cap­tured image — they are charges:
156.05 Unau­tho­rized use of a com­puter.
156.10 Com­puter tres­pass.
156.27 Com­puter tam­per­ing in the first degree.
156.35 Crim­i­nal pos­ses­sion of com­puter related mate­r­ial.
(thanks gilga)

Down­load Audio Record­ing of the Phone Call

(thanks to BANEpark­our)

Tele­phone Transcript:

Woman: Hello, this is the Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems voice print iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem, please say the pass­word clearly.

Caller: NEEDLE

Gor­don: This is Jim Gor­don, major crimes, Gotham Police Depart­ment. Not the voice you were expect­ing… huh? We have your name. We have your num­ber. We have your computer’s IP address. So what I’m say­ing is, we have you. Con­sider your­self the Gotham Police Department’s newest recruit. You see, this works one of two ways, either you’re going to jail for con­spir­acy in a crim­i­nal enter­prise, or, you’ll work for me. We’ll be in touch. Oh, have a great day!

Clown Travel Agency — The Hunt is On April 1st, 2008

All pack­ages have been uncov­ered! Now time to head over to Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems or con­tinue fol­low­ing our coverage

As expected, The Clown Travel Agency viral puz­zle has come online — this time they have gone inter­na­tional. By click­ing on the manilla enve­lope (donned with the text “Proud Mother” in the bot­tom right) a sheet of loca­tions is revealed — from Paris to Sao Paolo. At each of these loca­tions is a package.

The text reads:

“Ready to have a ball?
A spe­cial bag of fun awaits the first to claim it. But you bet­ter strike fast, there’s no time to spare

The mes­sage hints at the sport of Ten Pin Bowl­ing, and this mes­sage from Alex at SHH con­firms that:

I con­tacted the Tavi­s­tock Hotel, but I was too late, how­ever they gave me some info on the pack­age. Some­one col­lected it and inside was a bowl­ing ball, and a nifty smart mobile phone. On the ball was a mobile phone num­ber etched on it. He rang the num­ber apa­prently and was told they now knew who he was and to await fur­ther instructions.

The folks over at SHH and Omelette have posted their pic­tures of the packages.

The note that came with it reads:

“Nice work, clown! Now call the num­ber on the ball imme­di­ately, from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Don’t give this num­ber to any­one else, or I’ll know.

Hope­fully, your cohorts will be in the same league as you, because once all your points are racked up, I’ll give you all some­thing that will really bowl you over…”

A bowl­ing ball, a joker card, a phone, a mes­sage and a bag for the lot.

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