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The Dark Knight

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Operation Slipknot Packages Arrive April 24th, 2008

Pack­ages handed out to the lucky few involved in Jim Gordon’s covert Oper­a­tional Slip­knot have today received their travel packages.Those with the details on the fugi­tives have been slowly fill­ing in the gaps and the cor­rupt offi­cers are going to be “apprehended”:

The enve­lope itself con­tains a joker card, tele­phone (as expected), a Gotham city dri­ving license, a for­eign lan­guage phrase book, a Gotham City bank bond, a let­ter from Joseph Can­do­loro, a travel con­fir­ma­tion let­ter from Kinsly Travel and an itin­er­ary for ticket-less travel.

Andriz­zle, upsince­four, gob­ru­tus and RawWulf at Super­hero Hype have kindly posted detailed pic­tures of the package:

Enter­ing the flight details at Kinsly Travel for GAL/2567:

Depar­ture City: Chicago
Depar­ture Time: 0745
Des­ti­na­tion City: Ban­ga­lore
Arrival Time: 0215
Sta­tus: On Time


Depar­ture City: St. Louis
Depar­ture Time: 0543
Des­ti­na­tion City: Dus­sel­dorf
Arrival Time: 0235
Sta­tus: On Time

The Assign­ment also updated:


Within the last twenty-four hours, many of your col­leagues inter­cepted pack­ages intended for the 30 fugi­tives pic­tured here.

These infor­mants are now receiv­ing this crit­i­cal evidence.

MCU is stand­ing by. We need the infor­ma­tion in the pack­ages to be uploaded AS SOON AS IT IS RECEIVED. We will process the infor­ma­tion and imple­ment our final apprehension/extradition plans by 6:00 pm.

Time is of the essence. Do not let these sus­pects escape the long arm of Gotham City jus­tice at the last minute. Upload the infor­ma­tion immediately.

Operation Slipknot (Gotham Major Crimes Unit) April 23rd, 2008

Today Jim Gor­don sent out a new email to the Acme Secu­rity System’s Delos crowd:

OK friend, you’re up to bat now. You have your­self a new assign­ment: Oper­a­tion Slipknot.

Link­ing to a new Gotham Major Crimes Unit page ded­i­cated to “Oper­a­tion Slip­knot”.

Click­ing each of the police images reveals details about the indi­vid­u­als. The assign­ment states,


Gotham Police Major Crimes Unit, in coöper­a­tion with the GPD Inter­nal Affairs Divi­sion, needs you to help track down numer­ous offend­ers that are fugi­tives from jus­tice. Inter­est­ingly, we’ve tracked all of these indi­vid­u­als to the same last known loca­tion: Gotham Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Hotel. But we don’t know where they’ve gone from there.

Call the hotel and con­vince the concierge to ship you a cer­tain pack­age that’s been sent there for each fugi­tive. Use the pro­vided intel and what­ever means you can to con­vince him that you’re the intended recip­i­ent, your travel plans have changed, and he needs to send the pack­age to you. Once received, you should have all you need to fill in the blanks as to that fugitive’s location.

We will add details about addi­tional fugi­tives as they become avail­able. Time is of the essence, as we have only a short time before the trail runs cold. Your coöper­a­tion in this oper­a­tion will go a long way. Good luck.

Head­ing over to the Gotham Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Hotel, we are pre­sented with a tele­phone num­ber to call their concierge — 1 866 306 5589.

The aim is to state that you are the offi­cer and pro­vide your ref­er­ence num­ber — as out­lined by the INTEL:

You should have received your dupli­cate care pack­ages by now. If not, con­tact the concierge at the Inter­con­ti­nen­tal and have him for­ward you your orig­i­nal pack­age (ref­er­ence #‘s, as always, the total num­ber of let­ters in your name fol­lowed by your last name shifted for­ward one let­ter, like 15DBOEPMPSP). He’s been instructed to send no-questions-asked if these ref #‘s are used. Do NOT con­tact me.

Bön Voy­age!

Then you must state that your travel arrange­ments have had to change, the concierge shall ask for a mail­ing address and then con­firm that a pack­age shall be sent out to that address overnight. You also need to pro­vide a tele­phone num­ber in case of prob­lems. The phone lines are VERY BUSY and new fugi­tives are being added regularly

When you get your pack­age, their is a sub­mit but­ton to pro­vide the rel­e­vant details and turn them in:

If you have received a pack­age, enter any per­ti­nent intel on your sub­ject here: the con­fir­ma­tion # of their ticket, the last name of the alias they’re trav­el­ing under, and the city they’re fly­ing to. If every­thing checks out, we’ll for­ward it so that appro­pri­ate action can be taken.

Thanks Bruce, Maeghan and Carlos!

Update: All fugi­tives have been assigned and pack­ages sent out. The game has gone quiet until tomor­row morn­ing, when I’m sure it will return with more surprises!

New Dark Knight Trailer Debuts, Comic Con April 20th, 2008

The long rumored, new Dark Knight trailer was aired at the New York Comic-con yes­ter­day, and it is expected to arrive at your local the­ater in the next cou­ple of weeks — when the inter­net gets it is anyone’s guess, though I imag­ine we’ll get a grainy boot­leg shortly before a high-definition download-able version.

MTV have pro­vided a trust­wor­thy descrip­tion of the trailer if you can’t take the wait,

— After a breath­tak­ing shot of Bat­man perched high above Gotham, a voiceover from Heath Ledger’s Joker asks “Where do we begin?” Bat­man glides through the city.

- “Kill the Bat­man,” the Joker states to an adjoined meet­ing of mob bosses, before an explo­sion is shown and the sub­se­quent show­ing of a Joker card. This seem­ingly gels with the sus­pi­cion that the Joker is con­trol­ling the mob through ran­som (after rob­bing the mob-run bank in the IMAX preview).

- After sev­eral shots of Har­vey Dent in Dis­trict Attor­ney mode, we finally get every­one together as the Joker invades a fancy bash with Bruce Wayne (Chris­t­ian Bale), Alfred (Michael Caine), Har­vey Dent (Aaron Eck­hart) and Rachel Dawes (Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal). Sadly, the scene wasn’t topped off by the Pen­guin crash­ing through the floor on a giant duck.

- “The dawn is com­ing” says Dent in a voiceover.

- The Joker mut­ters “Here we go” before walk­ing down a city street blow­ing stuff up in one par­tic­u­larly awe­some scene.

- In one of the most fore­bod­ing moments of the trailer, Dent emphat­i­cally states “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see your­self become the vil­lain.” Har­vey Dent, of course, back­wardly ref­er­enc­ing his future trans­for­ma­tion into super-villain “Two-Face.”

- Our eyes may have been play­ing tricks on us, but it cer­tainly looked like the Joker drops Dawes at some point. The length of said drop is uncertain.

IGN have also been there, tak­ing pic­tures, with some spec­tac­u­lar Bat­man and Joker figures:

And Wash­ing­ton Square News got the low down on The Dark Knight Scare­crow action figure:

Scarecrow Action Figure in Box

Close up of Scarecrow Action Figure

Citizens for Batman — “Forums Now Open” April 19th, 2008

Pierre informs us that the viral web­site “Cit­i­zens for Bat­man” has just updated, adding a link to a set of forums on the right hand side, beneath the news col­umn. This is not a forum you can sign up to — rather a forum posted to by cit­i­zens of Gotham city with their Bat­man expe­ri­ences. Wel­come their new acronym, “WWBD” or, “What would Bat­man do?”

Citizens for Batman Forum

Poster Reddy-Steddy has started a topic “I got a pic­ture”, which con­tains a blurry Bat­mo­bile shot taken by him at “5th street”:

And here is an inter­est­ing extract from the topic “Garcetti is wrong”:

I sup­port Bat­man but Garcetti, as a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the estab­lished civil author­ity really has to take that posi­tion. Bat­man exists out­side the estab­lished author­ity and is there­fore a threat to it. Think about it, there are over four hun­dred cit­i­zens for every cop, so the sys­tem works only if 1. the police are the only ones to enforce order and 2. most of us fol­low the rules and the police only have to deal with a few peo­ple who deviate.

The alter­na­tive is a world where any­one who has a grudge takes care of it them­selves. That means that a per­son who feels wronged deals directly with his neigh­bor, shoots them if they feel its nec­es­sary. You get feuds and law­less­ness and a sur­vival of the fittest. The strong dom­i­nate the weak. By tak­ing the law into his own hands, Bat­man threat­ens the police monop­oly on main­tain­ing order and could be seen as tak­ing the first step towards that kind of lawlessness.

The prob­lem is that the police are not keep­ing their end of the civil con­tract. We give them power with the under­stand­ing that they will main­tain order. But any­one who lives in Gotham can see that order and safety are break­ing down. We are already in a state of law­less­ness. Bat­man is respond­ing to the increas­ing dis­or­der. And so are we by join­ing Cit­i­zens For Batman.

Pierre has also spot­ted that the name “Larry” posted in the Neigh­bor­hood watch thread refers to Larry Coniglia, enter­ing this name in the record search at St Swith­uns reveals his mar­riage cer­tifi­cate — which we have pre­vi­ously dis­cov­ered by search­ing for Sal­va­tor Maroni (he is the witness)

Gotham Voter Survey April 18th, 2008

I recently got a call to my cell phone, via the num­ber I sub­mit­ted to the Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems web­site, ask­ing me to take part in a Gotham Vot­ers Sur­vey. The call asks your opin­ions about Har­vey Dent with a rat­ing of 0–9 for each ques­tion, they are very prob­ing ques­tions and ask how Harvey’s men­tal state, fail­ure to file tax returns and links to organ­ised crime affect your view of him.

At the end of the call they pro­vide a num­ber to give to friends if they wish to take part — 8777776197.

Down­load the recorded call with secret mes­sage at the end

This cor­re­sponds with an update on CCFABG,

Mes­sage from the Webmaster:

You may be won­der­ing why I haven’t updated this site recently. Well, you wouldn’t either, if you were fac­ing legal actions like slan­der charges and defama­tion of char­ac­ter accusations.

I can’t afford to get sued for hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars, espe­cially now that every­one who sup­ported this site is “unavail­able” or “can’t remem­ber” they had any­thing to do with the site.

If I weren’t wait­ing for my last pay­check, I’d go on a lit­tle “vaca­tion” myself. In fact, if you don’t get any more updates from me in the next few days, it means I did just that.

This whole smear cam­paign has been a real SOURCE of con­ster­na­tion for me. I’ll be glad when it’s all in the past. And you know what? I just might vote for Har­vey Dent.

William Bucksworth-Haven, Web­mas­ter Extraordinaire

In the source code for the page is this comment:

<!-- <ACCESS: 164938> -->

Which, when entered as answers on the sur­vey reveal a secret message.

Edmund has also sent in this mes­sage (thanks!) that he received from Jim Gor­don (jim.​gordon@​gpdmcu.​com):

My friend,
Indict­ments are about to be handed down. If you don’t want your name on one, we’ll need your full coöper­a­tion in an upcom­ing operation.

In case you haven’t heard, we are strug­gling with a bit of cor­rup­tion in the depart­ment. I’m not about to let the Gotham PD col­lapse in on itself, so we’re tak­ing action. We’ve iden­ti­fied a group of offend­ers that need to be appre­hended. Prob­lem is, most of these cops are high­tail­ing it out of the city. But a C.I. just like you just gave us some infor­ma­tion on their last known where­abouts. Now all we need is to catch them. This is where you come in.

Con­sider your­self on deck. I’ll con­tact you next week, and let’s just say it’s in your best inter­est to play along. County’s not a place you want to spend the rest of your life.

Lt. Jim Gor­don, MCU

Saved By Harvey Dent April 16th, 2008

The Maiden Avenue Report has updated, now with the head­line, “Saved by Har­vey Dent — He’s my White Knight” and a pic­ture of the hostage:

Hostage saved by Harvey Dent


Thanks Bryan!

Wiretap from Rossi’s Deli April 15th, 2008

Glenn Barhyte’s email, acces­si­ble through the Gotham Police secure doc­u­ments web­page, has a new mes­sage from Mel Finn, in the inbox reading:

Seems MCU had your boy’s diner under light sur­veil­lance. Wire­tap showed noth­ing unusual, just phone orders for var­i­ous menu items. That is, until just before the inci­dent. Check out MCU3932571. It’s odd, one caller seemed to know some­thing was ready to go down, but didn’t feel like warn­ing anyone…

That num­ber refers to a secure doc­u­ment which con­tains a record­ing of the deli’s order line:
Down­load Wire­tap MP3

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has also updated,





Friends, my entire cam­paign I’ve talked about how this cam­paign is a strug­gle for this city’s soul. On the one hand, there are those peo­ple who prey on the inno­cent cit­i­zens of Gotham. On the other hand, there is our move­ment to take back Gotham from crime and corruption.

At Rossi’s Deli, we saw that strug­gle play out. Play out inside the head of the hostage taker, Sgt. Frank Notaro. Some are call­ing him a “crazed smear cop” but he encap­su­lates the choice fac­ing us. Do we con­tinue to allow our worst nature to lead us? Or do we take a chance on hope?

That’s the choice I laid out to Frank Notaro. And he responded. He released an inno­cent, ter­ri­fied girl. He turned him­self in. And he is now talk­ing to the police about mob involve­ment in the smear cam­paign against me.

That’s the real les­son of the inci­dent. We must, all of us, have the courage to hope. If we have the power to change our­selves, if we have the power to change one per­son, then we have the power to change Gotham.

Harvey Dent Believes in Two Things April 15th, 2008

Clowns Against Dent are back with a new video, Har­vey Dent believes in two things, Crime and Cor­rup­tion. The date, 7/2/08 is now seen in card form.

Thanks Bryan and Keith!

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