Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Batman in new “Outdoor Artwork” April 30th, 2008

Super­hero Hype just posted this huge hor­i­zon­tal ban­ner, as per usual, click the image for the larger version:

Thanks Pierre!

New Dark Knight Trailer Leaked online April 29th, 2008

One of those that was lucky enough to be at the trailer’s screen­ing man­aged to get a low-quality record­ing of the footage, which has since been put up on YouTube in its ugly boot­legged for­mat. For those too impa­tient to see it, I include the video below (likely to be removed by the WB any time soon):

Sitting Ducks and Happy Trails April 28th, 2008

The final clue in the “It’s all part of the plan” game revealed a grid con­tain­ing all the let­ter J’s:


Each of these then cor­re­sponds to a let­ter that spells out “sit­ting­ducks” when unscram­bled. This leads to a new Why So Seri­ous page:


In this lit­tle flash game, each of the ducks rep­re­sent binary code, blue ducks being 0 and yel­low ducks being 1. 1st row: “To win shoot” 2nd row: “Only row two” 3rd row: ybbyyyybbybby

Com­plet­ing the game reveals a “You Win” sign:

Click­ing that takes you to the Happy Trails (aka trailer!) page:


Now we have to wait til Sun­day to see the trailer.

It’s all part of the plan — Why So Serious scavenger hunt! April 28th, 2008

EDIT: 4:00 PM EDT: Lon­don clues have been solved and the safe opened
5:30 PM EDT: Boston (43–26-76), Philadel­phia (26–16-06), New York (33–80-89), Toronto (32–60-68) — all com­pleted and safes opened.
6:30 PM EDT: Chicago (98–20-49), Dal­las (86–56-01), Kansas City (74–35-76) — all com­pleted
8:30 PM EDT: Seat­tle (65–42-60), Los Ange­les (41–44-98), San Fran­cisco (76–36-42), Sao Paulo (60–47-41) — all completed.

EDIT: I have set up a flash based chat page to help every­one keep up to date:
Why So Seri­ous Live Chat (warn­ing: this chat can degrade into non­sen­si­cal rub­bish because that is the nature of people).

Con­tinue read­ing to see our full cov­er­age with updates as they come

The first of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt count­downs has ended — Lon­don is up and ready, rar­ing to go. The por­trait image has updated — it now con­tains a set of clues:

Read the rest of this entry »

5 New Dark Knight Posters, possibly fake April 28th, 2008

Omelette have the exclu­sive on five brand new Dark Knight posters, one of these is in the same vein as the offi­cially released poster which came through Why So Seri­ous, the oth­ers are in a com­pletely new style — and I believe, almost cer­tainly faked — their min­i­mal­ist lay­out which con­tains pre­vi­ously seen imagery that also strays away from the tra­di­tional Dark Knight font-set and lay­out are the clues. They are still sul­try and impres­sive however.

New Joker Dark Knight Poster

New Dark Knight Poster - Batman

Harvey Dent Dark Knight Poster

This final adap­ta­tion is almost cer­tainly a fake — reusing a Joker image seen in a pre­vi­ous poster with some poorly ren­dered burn­ing Joker card, via Film School Rejects. Though once again, I am post­ing it because it is a nice concept.

Why So Serious Update — 3 Days April 26th, 2008

The count­down on “It’s all part of the plan” has gone down to three days, but now all the pres­i­dent por­traits are click-able. Click­ing each one reveals a larger image with a flash count­down, geo­graph­i­cal co-ordinates and these instructions:

Gather with 300 of your clos­est friends at this exact spot on April 28th.

You’ll need to be in con­tact with a partner-in-crime who has online access to relay your instruc­tions once you’re there. These instruc­tions will give you the TRAIL to fol­low, but be sure to look both ways when cross­ing the street; we wouldn’t want you to make an unsched­uled visit to the ER now, would we?

Put on a smile and plan to spend about an hour or so bond­ing with your fel­low clowns.

Check back here often for updates or changes.

Note the TRAIL-ER.

Boston | New York | Los Ange­les | Kansas City | Philadel­phia | Toronto | Chicago | San Fran­cisco | Dal­las | Lon­don | Seat­tle | Sao Paolo

Con­tinue read­ing our cov­er­age of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt with vaults and codes

More Viral Updates April 25th, 2008

Bryan has been in con­tact to inform us of a large num­ber of updates to assorted viral sites.

Ibelievein­har­vey­dent has updated with a mes­sage from Har­vey Dent for his sup­port­ers that stuck with him through­out the slur cam­paign. Down­load Audio Mes­sage. Zdravko has also told us about an email he received from the Har­vey Dent campaign:

What a dif­fer­ence a week makes.

Last week, our cam­paign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was bury­ing us, and urged us to with­draw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear cam­paign, with its vicious lies against Har­vey Dent, spread fear, uncer­tainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.

But now - thanks to peo­ple like you - things look very dif­fer­ent. Thou­sands of peo­ple gath­ered in the Dent for DA head­quar­ters for its reopen­ing. And I saw some­thing dif­fer­ent in the crowd. Some­thing has changed. The “White Knight Inci­dent,” as it has become known, is allow­ing peo­ple to see Har­vey Dent dif­fer­ently. Not just as a man with the guts and the tough­ness to change Gotham. But as a sym­bol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost for­got existed.

But that Gotham City does exist. It’s a Gotham where ordi­nary peo­ple can walk out their door at night with­out fear­ing for their lives. It’s a Gotham where the good can tri­umph over the evil. It’s a Gotham where jus­tice isn’t just for the rich and pow­er­ful, but for everyone.

With your help, we’ll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Elec­tion Day, every­thing changes. Har­vey Dent will take back Gotham City — thanks to the hard work of peo­ple like you.

See you on elec­tion day!

Allan Cypes

Media Man­ager, Har­vey Dent for Gotham DA

Maid­e­nAv­enueRe­port com­ments on the cap­tured and extra­dited cops, a tele­vi­sion inter­view from the hostage saved by Har­vey Dent, a miss­ing GCN reporter and the huge swing in sup­port for Dent. Polit­i­cal cam­paigner Dana Wor­thing­ton has added news to her site. Glenn Barhyte has new email and the forums at Cit­i­zens for Bat­man have also been updated. Con­tinue read­ing to see the updated arti­cles from I Believe in Har­vey Dent…

Read the rest of this entry »

It’s all part of the plan — New Dark Knight Poster! April 24th, 2008

Oper­a­tion Slip­knot has completed:


Oper­a­tion Slip­knot is com­plete. Even though three sus­pects remain at large, your work rep­re­sents a huge step for­ward in clean­ing up our beloved city.

The fugi­tives are being arrested, hand­cuffed, and extra­dited back to Gotham for prosecution.

Doesn’t it feel bet­ter to be on the right side of the law for once?

Thanks to you, Gotham can hold its head high once again. But do me one favor… stay out of trouble.


Click­ing each of the sus­pects shows how they were caught. Shortly after the com­ple­tion (despite three missed sus­pects), par­tic­i­pants received a phone call from Jim Gor­don (DOWNLOAD).

humanresources@whysoserious then sent out a text to the mobiles in the pack­ages received — point­ing us towards a new Why So Seri­ous Page: “It’s All Part of the Plan”.

There’s a four day count­down and a lever in the top right — click­ing the lever reveals a brand new Dark Knight Poster: “Wel­come to a world with­out rules” (Down­load Super Hi Res­o­lu­tion Image)

Sam­ple of the high res­o­lu­tion poster:
High Resolution Dark Knight Poster Sample

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