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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Batman’s got milk, why don’t you? May 28th, 2008

Body By Milk has added a new “got milk?” ad, with Bat­man sport­ing the ‘stache. Check out their web­site for details on a con­test whereby you can be inserted in to an actual Bat­man comic. There’s also a nice wid­get, as well as a wall­pa­per and buddy icon of the ad.

And here is the ad:

Christian Bale in Details Magazine May 28th, 2008

Chris­t­ian Bale has been fea­tured on the cover of Details (a men’s mag­a­zine on the order of Vogue, for those not in the know). The arti­cle fea­tures an inter­view where he talks a lit­tle about his role as Bat­man, and his ini­tial reac­tion to the Bat­suit itself:

“I was stand­ing on the back lot where they were cre­at­ing the suit, and I had a few min­utes to myself, star­ing up close in the mir­ror, just think­ing, ‘This isn’t going to work. I’m claus­tro­pho­bic, I can’t breathe, I’m get­ting a headache already, and this is all going to go very badly.’”

He also com­ments on Heath Ledger’s per­for­mance as the Joker:

“He was incred­i­bly intense in his per­for­mance but incred­i­bly mel­low and laid-back. Cer­tainly there was this great anar­chis­tic streak to it—just get­ting dirt­ier than anybody’s envi­sioned the Joker before. This char­ac­ter has power because he has no limits—absolutely noth­ing to lose.”

Read the full inter­view here, at’s The Gad­about blog.

Thanks Jenny Stein!

New Movie Banners May 28th, 2008

Omelete has posted two new exclu­sive The Dark Knight movie banners.

Dark Knight wins “Golden Trailer Award” May 27th, 2008

With a mar­gin of 44%, The Dark Knight’s sec­ond trailer won USAToday’s Golden Trailer Award for best trailer of the year. It beat 12 other con­tes­tants, each the award win­ner from their own indi­vid­ual category.

Dark Knight At Cannes May 22nd, 2008

Cin­e­mat­i­cal has posted a gallery of pic­tures from the Cannes film fes­ti­val. Appar­ently a bunch of adver­tise­ments for The Dark Knight showed up part-way through. (Here is a link to their blog post about it too.)

The Dark Knight Website Updated May 22nd, 2008

Warner Bros. has updated the web­site for The Dark Knight again, now with con­tent. There’s a plot syn­op­sis, a video sec­tion and photo gallery, and a bunch of down­loads. The wall­pa­pers are pretty cool. Visit the site at www​.thedark​knight​.com.

Interview With Gary Oldman May 22nd, 2008

Wiz​arduni​verse​.com has posted a Q&A with Gary Old­man. He speaks a lit­tle about his char­ac­ter and role in the film, as well as Har­vey Dent and the Joker. The inter­view includes a few spoil­ers about the plot, so those of you that avoid such things may want to stay away.

Hershey’s Launches Dark Knight Website May 21st, 2008

Hershey’s has launched its web­site for its Bat­man themed can­dies. The site includes infor­ma­tion on their sweep­stakes (the grand prize being a Dark Knight motor­cy­cle), and a new con­test, Revenge Videos. There is also a media sec­tion with the trail­ers we’ve already seen.

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