Body By Milk has added a new “got milk?” ad, with Batman sporting the ‘stache. Check out their website for details on a contest whereby you can be inserted in to an actual Batman comic. There’s also a nice widget, as well as a wallpaper and buddy icon of the ad.
And here is the ad:
Christian Bale has been featured on the cover of Details (a men’s magazine on the order of Vogue, for those not in the know). The article features an interview where he talks a little about his role as Batman, and his initial reaction to the Batsuit itself:
“I was standing on the back lot where they were creating the suit, and I had a few minutes to myself, staring up close in the mirror, just thinking, ‘This isn’t going to work. I’m claustrophobic, I can’t breathe, I’m getting a headache already, and this is all going to go very badly.’”
He also comments on Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker:
“He was incredibly intense in his performance but incredibly mellow and laid-back. Certainly there was this great anarchistic streak to it—just getting dirtier than anybody’s envisioned the Joker before. This character has power because he has no limits—absolutely nothing to lose.”
Read the full interview here, at’s The Gadabout blog.
Thanks Jenny Stein!
Omelete has posted two new exclusive The Dark Knight movie banners.
With a margin of 44%, The Dark Knight’s second trailer won USAToday’s Golden Trailer Award for best trailer of the year. It beat 12 other contestants, each the award winner from their own individual category.
Cinematical has posted a gallery of pictures from the Cannes film festival. Apparently a bunch of advertisements for The Dark Knight showed up part-way through. (Here is a link to their blog post about it too.)
Warner Bros. has updated the website for The Dark Knight again, now with content. There’s a plot synopsis, a video section and photo gallery, and a bunch of downloads. The wallpapers are pretty cool. Visit the site at
![]( has posted a Q&A with Gary Oldman. He speaks a little about his character and role in the film, as well as Harvey Dent and the Joker. The interview includes a few spoilers about the plot, so those of you that avoid such things may want to stay away.
Hershey’s has launched its website for its Batman themed candies. The site includes information on their sweepstakes (the grand prize being a Dark Knight motorcycle), and a new contest, Revenge Videos. There is also a media section with the trailers we’ve already seen.