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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Vote in the Gotham Elections June 9th, 2008

The Gotham City elec­tion for dis­trict attor­ney has begun at the Gotham Elec­tion Board. Results are out June 13th!

Gotham Elec­tion Board


The Gotham Elec­tion Board is charged by the City of Gotham to ensure fair­ness and accu­racy in all city­wide elec­tions. As part of this man­date, the board has imple­mented a new elec­tronic vot­ing sys­tem acces­si­ble from any com­puter with an Inter­net connection.

Impor­tant reminder: City­wide elec­tion results announced on June 13
Vot­ing Ordi­nance 198.182.v4 now in effect.
New vot­ing equip­ment installed at the Dun­can Avenue polling sta­tion.
New fine-tipped punch­card sty­lus reduces voter error.
Elec­tion Board wel­comes new mem­ber, Direc­tor Penny Charring.

Reg­is­ter to Vote

Thanks to Jason!

Dark Knight products appearing on Amazon June 9th, 2008

Rodrigo Vilaça has kindly pointed out to us that Ama­zon has listed three new Dark Knight related prod­ucts. Art of The Dark Knight and two edi­tions of the Hans Zim­mer soundtrack:

Art of the Dark Knight (with com­plete script!)

Art of The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Soundtrack

Dark Knight Soundtrack

Dark Knight Sound­track Spe­cial Edition

Dark Knight Soundtrack - Limited Edition

Comcast Launch Dark Knight Site June 6th, 2008

Com­cast have unveiled a Dark Knight themed flash based web­site, com­plete with posters and screen­saver down­loads, in a sim­i­lar vein to the offi­cial site, but all the same slightly dif­fer­ent! Thanks Csram

Handy ZIP of all downloads


The site fea­tures two new fea­turettes, one focus­ing on Imax, another on the mak­ing of the clown masks.

Down­load IMAX Promo

Down­load Clown Masks Featurette


I’d also like to take this moment to thank my friend aCyn­i­calPie for keep­ing the web­site up to date in my two week absence! The remote parts of Greek islands do not have high speed inter­net access.

Joker defaces entire Empire Magazine June 6th, 2008

Empire Mag­a­zine are run­ning a Batman/Joker dual edi­tion of their pub­li­ca­tion, the Bat­man fronted ver­sion is as nor­mal, with the caped cru­sader don­ning the front, and all pages as nor­mal. The excit­ing bit comes in the form of The Jok­er­ized ver­sion, where the Joker has taken it upon him­self to not only deface the Bat­man arti­cle, but also the entire issue!

Batman version of Empire Magazine Joker version of Empire Magazine

Seems like NYC is under­go­ing sim­i­lar treat­ment…

Large Dark Knight Ad

(via Desedo)

Clowns Against Dent — 6th Message Posted June 6th, 2008

“Atten­tion loyal CAD Followers… ”

Thanks Keith!

Totino Promotion June 6th, 2008

Totino’s Pizza Rolls have started a Dark Knight pro­mo­tion. Thanks Zdravko.

Verizon Wireless Trailer June 2nd, 2008

Ver­i­zon Wire­less has released a trailer for mobile phones. It is a slightly altered ver­sion of the exist­ing third trailer, with new footage and dia­logue. You can view it at You Tube here.

The Dark Knight Soundtrack May 29th, 2008

The release date for the sound­track has been announced. It will be released on July 15th. More infor­ma­tion can be found here.

Warner Bros. Records will release four dif­fer­ent con­fig­u­ra­tions of The Dark Knight sound­track: a stan­dard jewel case CD, a 2 LP set of heavy-weight 180 gram vinyl ver­sion, a spe­cial edi­tion digi­pack, and a collector’s edi­tion with spe­cial art­work to come after release.

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