Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Soundtrack samples online June 17th, 2008

Csam Cram informs us that sam­ples of The Dark Knight Sound­track are now online for all to lis­ten to. The sound­track will be released as a stan­dard ver­sion and a lim­ited edi­tion ver­sion. We’ve pre­vi­ously reported on the track­list­ing and the art­work.

Why So Serious — My Hero, Two Face Footage June 16th, 2008

The Gotham City Pizze­ria updated when all piz­zas were deliv­ered to include a sub­tle “Ha Ha Ha” link via the HA in Gotham. This takes you to www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​m​y​h​e​ro/ — here a video plays. “I thought you were dead”. We have our first TwoFace video!

Citizens for Batman — Nycticeius Underground June 16th, 2008

The code has been cracked and the forums found — the Nyc­ti­ceius Under­ground!

The words were:


Login with user­name: nyc­ti­ceious, pass­word: mer­ritt

Why We Fight:

I’ve been patrolling my neigh­bor­hood for sev­eral weeks now. I’ve seen crime hap­pen in front of me. It’s obvi­ous City Hall doesn’t care, so why should we? I think that’s an impor­tant ques­tion to answer before we set out to DO SOMETHING about crime in Gotham. The answer might be dif­fer­ent for each of us. For me, I want to fight because I lost my sis­ter to vio­lent crime. She was attacked and bru­tally assaulted when she was leav­ing a group of friends at a restau­rant early one Sun­day night. Some­one was wait­ing for her by her car. She screamed and yelled “fire,” but no one came to help. Unlike many vic­tims, she went to the police, but they didn’t do any­thing. They gave her the runaround for months until she found her own peace. I fight for my sis­ter. I fight so bad things don’t hap­pen again to any­one. I fight because the police won’t. I fight to take back the city I used to be proud to call home.

Free Pizza at Gotham City Pizzeria! June 16th, 2008

UPDATE: Puz­zle solved, forum found

Gotham City Pizze­ria has updated for its 16th June spe­cial pro­mo­tion. There is now a map of the US with loca­tions marked out in green and red — green means that there are free piz­zas to be grabbed, red means they’ve all been taken. The “order your free pizza” link takes you to a domi­nos page with a store loca­tor. 245 piz­zas avail­able in total!

Chat here as the game unfolds

The Site

Gotham City Pizzeria - Free Pizza

The Pizza boxes

The Pack­ages

Pic­tures thanks to CerealKiller:

The Letter involving Citizens for Batman

The author­i­ties are after us, so we had to be a lit­tle secre­tive about our hide-out. Here is a lit­tle some­thing to point you in the right direction:


You need to share this infor­ma­tion with other con­cerned Gotham cit­i­zens like your­self. I’m sure you can fig­ure out how.

When you put the pieces together, join us — and help us fight back against the ene­mies of Gotham City.

Never give up,


Pic­ture thanks to Pennyworth

This pack­age comes with a dif­fer­ent let­ter and a username.

Words so far

/euderma — This is a species of bat


User­names so far

nyc­ti­ceius — species of bat

Pass­words so far


This URL leads to a blank page: http://​www​.cit​i​zens​for​bat​man​.org/​m​i​d​n​i​g​ht/. Maybe it will have con­tent at midnight?

With guess work I have built up the sec­ond part of the URL by going through var­i­ous species of bat, I hit lucky with Nyc­talus. Then, alter­nat­ing species and nor­mal words I have got this far:


GCN Updated — Batman Sightings, Gotham Tonight show June 16th, 2008

Gotham Cable News has updated, there is now a link to the Gotham City Pizze­ria (remem­ber today’s pro­mo­tion!), a sub­mit your sight­ings of Bat­man arti­cle and sub­mis­sion page and most impor­tantly, the high res­o­lu­tion, high qual­ity 8 minute “Gotham Tonight” video which orig­i­nally aired on friday.

Gotham Tonight Screen­shots:

Have You Spot­ted Bat­man in Your Neigh­bor­hood (Sub­mit Pic­tures):

We want your Bat­man pics. We just can’t cover the entire city with GCN pho­tog­ra­phers, so we’re ask­ing for cit­i­zens to sub­mit their pho­tos. Click here for sub­mis­sion page.

When­ever news breaks, GCN is there. We’ve cov­ered all the news you care about — from traf­fic tie-ups to police chases to scan­dal at City Hall.

One news tar­get is prov­ing elu­sive — Bat­man. Every­one is talk­ing about him — the cops, the crim­i­nals, even the kids on the play­ground seem to know all about this myth­i­cal hero.

But the infa­mous cru­sader seems to be quite camera-shy. In fact, GCN news oper­a­tives have not yet snapped one usable shot of this con­tro­ver­sial Gotham figure.

That’s why we need to ask you, the cit­i­zens of Gotham for help. Keep a look­out for the famil­iar dark sil­hou­ette of Bat­man. Remem­ber to carry a cam­era — dig­i­tal, film, cell-phone, or video — on your per­son at all time.

As Gotham City has learned, you can never know when Bat­man will decide to emerge from wher­ever he lurks between interventions.

We’ll post the best ones here on GCN. So get your flash­lights out and start cir­cling the block, because Bat­man is out there — you just have to find him.

Thanks Bruce and Keith!

Gotham Times — Issue 3 out now June 14th, 2008

The third edi­tion of The Gotham Times is out now for your perusal, head­lin­ing with the title “Bat­man — Sav­ior or Men­ace?”, whilst also report­ing on Har­vey Dent’s “Land­slide win” and grass roots cam­paign scheme.

Thanks Tim and Pierre.

There’s also a new Har­vey Dent email, sent in by Zdravko:

If some­one were to tell me four months ago that Har­vey Dent was going to win by the biggest mar­gin in Gotham City his­tory, I would have directed him to Arkham Asy­lum. But that’s the big story today. Thanks to the incred­i­ble efforts of peo­ple like you, we have changed the fate of Gotham City.

Har­vey Dent won every precinct, every neigh­bor­hood, every demo­graphic, and every gen­der and age group. His sweep­ing vic­tory shows just how far the desire for real change goes in Gotham City.

This is not just Har­vey Dent’s vic­tory, it’s your vic­tory. You passed out fly­ers, ral­lied, marched, cre­ated polit­i­cal videos, and got out and voted. You made your voices heard. And today, the entire world can hear you. Today, “Take Back Gotham” is not just a slo­gan – it is a reality.

This is the last cam­paign email we’re send­ing out. Now, we turn our ener­gies to the hard job of fight­ing and win­ning the war on crime and cor­rup­tion. We’ll need your help – to keep the pres­sure up on the politi­cians, to show the crim­i­nals our will, and to sup­port Har­vey Dent’s crack­down on corruption.

Together, we will save Gotham City.

Allan Cypes
Media Manager

Joker picture messages sent out, Gotham City Pizzeria June 13th, 2008

The Joker is tex­ting his cohorts, Bruce has sent us in the con­tent of his message:

I just got a text mes­sage on the Joker Phone that has a pic­ture that says “Memo­r­ial”. With the text, Group 2: Share this piece where *any* clown can find it.

Oth­ers have reported sim­i­lar mes­sages with images:

Group 1 images

Matador Mask55Mexican TrainMap

Some have sug­gested that Mex­i­can Train is a type of Domi­noes game.

Group 2 images

Group 3 images

All the first images relate to a type of Domino game.
All the sec­ond images are spelt with the same let­ters, as does the word “Com­mer­cial“
The frac­tions add up to 6/16

This all sug­gests: “Domi­nos Com­mer­i­cal on 16th June” — not sure what impor­tance that holds.

EDIT: GCN has updated — full Gotham Tonight show will be avail­able there on Mon­day, which is the 16th! Looks like that is the date to watch for.

Gotham City Pizze­ria, “pow­ered by Domi­nos pizza”


Harvey Dent wins in a landslide June 13th, 2008

I Believe in Har­vey Dent has updated, to announce that Har­vey Dent is vic­to­ri­ous in his cam­paign to become Gotham City’s dis­trict attor­ney. Was it likely any­one else would win?

Har­vey Dent wishes to thank all of the peo­ple of Gotham who helped turn a grass­roots move­ment into a resound­ing suc­cess on Elec­tion Day.

Har­vey Dent’s land­slide vic­tory means great things for the city of Gotham. Because of your belief in Har­vey Dent, Gotham now has a Dis­trict Attor­ney who will make war on crime and corruption.

The real work, how­ever, is just begin­ning. Har­vey Dent now moves on to City Hall, where every cor­rupt force will try to tie his hands and weaken the people’s will to destroy orga­nized crime and snuff out cor­rup­tion. The move­ment to take back Gotham still needs your help.

We hope you con­tinue your sup­port of Har­vey Dent. More than ever, he’s going to need every cit­i­zen on his side to ensure vic­tory over the destruc­tive forces that are wreak­ing havoc on our city.

Thanks Keith!

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