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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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Extended Trailer at the Dominos Dark Knight Vault July 1st, 2008

Domi­nos have unveiled their lat­est part in the ongo­ing Dark Knight pro­mo­tional cam­paign — a vault filled with good­ies, includ­ing an extended trailer with new footage. There are wall­pa­pers and many fea­tures still listed as com­ing soon, such as a mobile game, a new trailer and inter­views, pre­sum­ably with cast and crew.

Domi­nos Dark Knight Vault

Thanks Pierre, Tim, Anton, Linda, Csam!

Cast and Director Video Interviews June 29th, 2008

The IESB have posted 8 video inter­views with cast mem­bers of The Dark Knight — Aaron Eck­hart, Chris­t­ian Bale, Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal, Michael Caine, Mor­gan Free­man, Antony Michael Hall, Nestor Car­bonell and Christo­pher Nolan. All 8 videos are included below in a YouTube playlist, in no par­tic­u­lar order:

Thanks for the heads up Israr Azam!

New International Trailer June 27th, 2008

Eric has writ­ten in with a link to Trailer Addict, with an all new Dark Knight trailer fea­tur­ing new footage, quotes and a well cut mon­tage of what we can expect when the movie is released:

12 new Dark Knight video clips June 27th, 2008

The IESB has posted 12 excel­lent, brand new clips of The Dark Knight. Beware, there may be spoil­ers ahead. Below is a playlist of all 12, which will play one after the other:

Thanks Israr!

Gotham Tonight #3 and #4 June 27th, 2008

The “Crime” episode

This explains that weird ‘clip­pet’ we saw of The Joker down by the docks.

Episode with Jim Gordon

High Resolution Dark Knight Movie Stills June 26th, 2008

SHH have posted more High Res­o­lu­tion Dark Knight movie stills, here are a selec­tion of high qual­ity images we haven’t seen before includ­ing Bat­man and Jim Gordon:

Harvey Dent / Two Face coin flip

Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow June 26th, 2008

The Why So Seri­ous page, “My Hero” has been updated for the worse — the Har­vey Dent / Two Face video has been removed, replaced by the phrase:

hEro toDAy goNe toMorRoW

The link from the Gotham City Pizze­ria has also been removed. Do not fret how­ever, the video is still avail­able on YouTube, for now at least:

Thanks Pierre!

Set of 39 Images June 26th, 2008

The IESB have pro­vided another set of Dark Knight images, we’ve seen a lot of these before, but there are a few new ones that stand­out, par­tic­u­larly these two sub­way advertisements:

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