Mainstream television/video features covering The Dark Knight/Batman/Heath Ledger are popping up all over the place as we approach the much anticipated released of the movie. Here’s a new feature to quickly get your teeth into, by ReelzChannel:
Batman: The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
“Meet the Cast” Feature July 15th, 2008
Christian Bale on the Today Show July 15th, 2008
Christian Bale has also been talking with the folks at The Today Show — delving into a little bit of the Batman psyche in this 7 minute feature:
There are also some candid shots of his Today Show appearance, standing next to the Bat pod and some extra snippets of Bale being interviewed at the premier. The 3 videos are embedded in a playlist below:
Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine interviews July 15th, 2008
The presenting in this first video, The Today show, is hilariously bad, do people actually watch this rubbish? (I’m British and don’t have to contend with such things)… Mr Morgan Freedman… . That aside — we get to hear Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine’s views of Heath Ledger’s performance in a noisy and poorly sounded interview:
Thanks Rockers94 (video mirror)
For a much better and more interesting interview, I advise you watch these next clips from “The View” with Whoopi Goldberg:
More terrible television clips after the break… this time featuring Keith Ledger!
Stars pay tribute to Heath ledger at Première July 15th, 2008
The BBC have posted an article from The Dark Knight’s première, citing quotes from the cast and crew paying tribute to the late heath Ledger and his performance as The Joker. (Video available on the BBC site)
“It’s the best performance of a villain I have seen. […] My feeling is that he will get a nomination, I would be very surprised if he didn’t get the Oscar — he has my vote anyway,” — Sir Michael Caine
“I haven’t seen a villain like this, or a bad guy like this, since Dennis Hopper played Frank Booth in Blue Velvet — this out-scares Hannibal Lecter.” — Gary Oldman
“What we wanted to do was create a villain that’s iconic and terrifying, I think, but also recognizably human. And I think Heath does that in a very interesting way — I think people are going to be blown away.” — Chris Nolan
“He’s created this anarchic, Sid Vicious-like, punk rock Joker, unlike any Joker that’s been seen before. I think it’s a real classic portrayal that will be remembered for ages. It is tragic he is not here, but I am here to see his talents and celebrate it and I hope everybody will.” — Christian Bale
“I’m so sad he’s not here with us and doing these interviews right now, but we are going to honour him tonight.” — Aaron Eckhart
Dark Knight Wallpapers, MSN Site July 15th, 2008
MSN have released a special Dark Knight website, similar to the Comcast and Verizon ones, with downloads, wallpapers, trailers and synopsis, nothing too fancy here though there are some lovely new Wallpapers to check out:
Thanks Israr!
Tumbler at Niagara Falls July 13th, 2008
Sean was at Niagara Falls to catch the tumbler and Bat-pod tour along with Batman trivia, t-shirts and buttons. He’s sent in this video of the Tumbler entering the area:
More Tumbler and Bat pod videos after the break…
16th Dark Knight TV Spot July 13th, 2008
The 16th Dark Knight TV spot is now airing, featuring excerpts from the Rolling Stone review,
TV Spots 12–15, TV Spots 6–9, 5th TV Spot, 4th TV Spot, Third TV Spot , First Two TV Spots
Thanks BatGirl567!
Joker Bazooka Video Clip July 13th, 2008
MTV have posted an exclusive, one minute long video clip from The Dark Knight, showing the Joker and his new toy, a Bazooka:
Thanks BatGirl567!