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Batman: The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

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“Meet the Cast” Feature July 15th, 2008

Main­stream television/video fea­tures cov­er­ing The Dark Knight/Batman/Heath Ledger are pop­ping up all over the place as we approach the much antic­i­pated released of the movie. Here’s a new fea­ture to quickly get your teeth into, by ReelzChannel:

Christian Bale on the Today Show July 15th, 2008

Chris­t­ian Bale has also been talk­ing with the folks at The Today Show — delv­ing into a lit­tle bit of the Bat­man psy­che in this 7 minute feature:

There are also some can­did shots of his Today Show appear­ance, stand­ing next to the Bat pod and some extra snip­pets of Bale being inter­viewed at the pre­mier. The 3 videos are embed­ded in a playlist below:

Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine interviews July 15th, 2008

The pre­sent­ing in this first video, The Today show, is hilar­i­ously bad, do peo­ple actu­ally watch this rub­bish? (I’m British and don’t have to con­tend with such things)… Mr Mor­gan Freed­man… . That aside — we get to hear Mor­gan Free­man and Michael Caine’s views of Heath Ledger’s per­for­mance in a noisy and poorly sounded interview:

Thanks Rockers94 (video mir­ror)

For a much bet­ter and more inter­est­ing inter­view, I advise you watch these next clips from “The View” with Whoopi Goldberg:

More ter­ri­ble tele­vi­sion clips after the break… this time fea­tur­ing Keith Ledger!

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Stars pay tribute to Heath ledger at Première July 15th, 2008

The BBC have posted an arti­cle from The Dark Knight’s pre­mière, cit­ing quotes from the cast and crew pay­ing trib­ute to the late heath Ledger and his per­for­mance as The Joker. (Video avail­able on the BBC site)

“It’s the best per­for­mance of a vil­lain I have seen. […] My feel­ing is that he will get a nom­i­na­tion, I would be very sur­prised if he didn’t get the Oscar — he has my vote any­way,” — Sir Michael Caine

“I haven’t seen a vil­lain like this, or a bad guy like this, since Den­nis Hop­per played Frank Booth in Blue Vel­vet — this out-scares Han­ni­bal Lecter.” — Gary Oldman

“What we wanted to do was cre­ate a vil­lain that’s iconic and ter­ri­fy­ing, I think, but also rec­og­niz­ably human. And I think Heath does that in a very inter­est­ing way — I think peo­ple are going to be blown away.” — Chris Nolan

“He’s cre­ated this anar­chic, Sid Vicious-like, punk rock Joker, unlike any Joker that’s been seen before. I think it’s a real clas­sic por­trayal that will be remem­bered for ages. It is tragic he is not here, but I am here to see his tal­ents and cel­e­brate it and I hope every­body will.” — Chris­t­ian Bale

“I’m so sad he’s not here with us and doing these inter­views right now, but we are going to hon­our him tonight.” — Aaron Eckhart

Dark Knight Wallpapers, MSN Site July 15th, 2008

MSN have released a spe­cial Dark Knight web­site, sim­i­lar to the Com­cast and Ver­i­zon ones, with down­loads, wall­pa­pers, trail­ers and syn­op­sis, noth­ing too fancy here though there are some lovely new Wall­pa­pers to check out:

Thanks Israr!

Tumbler at Niagara Falls July 13th, 2008

Sean was at Nia­gara Falls to catch the tum­bler and Bat-pod tour along with Bat­man trivia, t-shirts and but­tons. He’s sent in this video of the Tum­bler enter­ing the area:

More Tum­bler and Bat pod videos after the break…

Read the rest of this entry »

16th Dark Knight TV Spot July 13th, 2008

The 16th Dark Knight TV spot is now air­ing, fea­tur­ing excerpts from the Rolling Stone review,

TV Spots 12–15, TV Spots 6–9, 5th TV Spot, 4th TV Spot, Third TV Spot , First Two TV Spots

Thanks BatGirl567!

Joker Bazooka Video Clip July 13th, 2008

MTV have posted an exclu­sive, one minute long video clip from The Dark Knight, show­ing the Joker and his new toy, a Bazooka:

Thanks BatGirl567!

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