Csam Cram has been in touch to tell us of Comcast’s latest Dark Knight promotion, an online flash game featuring the Batpod and Joker trucks throwing explosives, entitled “Gotham City Street Chase”:
Batman: The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
Comcast Game: “Gotham City Street Chase” July 17th, 2008
Joker Defaced Posters July 16th, 2008
We reported that The Joker got to the front page of the Official Dark Knight website, wreaking havoc with his red paint, we forgot to mention that the poster downloads also got hit — whilst the main site has now returned to its former state, here are the posters as they once stood, graffiti’d by The Joker:
Contributing Source: IMPAwards
Dark Knight World Premier Gallery July 16th, 2008
These images from the World Premier of The Dark Knight on 68th Street and Broadway in NYC, come via two sources — the glitzy posed shots with excellent lighting were posted by Cinematical, whilst the candid but super high resolution shots were taken by Flickr user czangle:
Dark Knight Review Round Up — Part Deux July 16th, 2008
In the next few days reviews for The Dark Knight will be pouring in left right and center as the general populous descend on the screenings. Ontop of our first round up, we have two more glowing reviews to share with you:
Film School Rejects, Neil Miller:
In summation, The Dark Knight is a rarity in Hollywood — a truly earnest adaptation that in many ways exceeds even the brilliance of the work upon which it is based. It is a film that is on a grand scale with larger-than-life characters, but also that is grounded by a plausible story and a very real environment. For the first time, a superhero movie could have us believing that this could all really happen. And whether or not this film will change the way superhero flicks are made in the future is unclear, but should more directors choose to go the route of Christopher Nolan and make films that are as jarring, as epic and as expertly crafted as films, not just as adaptations of a comic medium, then I certainly wouldn’t complain. For as much as The Dark Knight is not a perfect film, it is certainly pretty damn close.
With a weighty running time on this one you’d expect to feel it, but I have to tell you this doesn’t feel anywhere near two and a half hours. It runs like clock work and keeps things boiling even between the action. I was worried when I heard about all the people in this thing and all the plot points getting covered. Spider-Man 3 couldn’t keep all its balls in the air and it had far less to juggle. But nothing is left to waste or shoe horned in to this story it flows effortlessly and entertains on a massive scale. Much like the Joker himself it doesn’t just threaten to do something it delivers on all counts.
Not just another comic book film this is high art wrapped in one.
AICN — Quint:
Mark my words: Ledger will be nominated, Wally Pfister will be nominated, Chris Nolan will be nominated for direction, Jonathan and Chris Nolan for script and if the movie Gods are feeling kind early next year we might even see a Best Picture nom.
It really is that good. I am already giddy about seeing it again in 15 hours
After critic David Denby savaged one of his Batman films, noted hack Joel Schumacher defended the idiotic excess of Batman and Robin and Batman Forever by asking “Well, it’s based on a comic book; what did he expect, Long Day’s Journey into Gotham?” What Shumacher did not understand — and that Nolan, thankfully, does — is that while any Batman film is by definition based on a comic book, that film can still have actual drama, actual characters, and something to say beyond Biff! Bam! Pow! action and simplistic camp. The Dark Knight may be based on a comic book, but it’s a real movie made by real talents — exciting, engaging, gorgeously crafted and thematically rich.
New Dark Knight and Joker Tees from French Connection July 16th, 2008
French Connection have ranged 7 stylish new Dark Knight/Joker related t-shirts, I particularly like the first one, except that faddish “faded t-shirt” look that seems to be in at the moment. If I order it now it might arrive in time for the IMAX screenings in London next thursday (any other Brits going to that?)
Thanks JP Gainey
The Dark Knight Video Interview Collection July 15th, 2008
Amongst the Dark Knight premier videos, a slew of video interviews with the cast and crew have popped up, much to our delight. This embedded 20 video playlist also features Gary Oldman on the Conan O’Brien show and The View.
Many thanks to the YouTube user falconunderground that has been staying on top of these as best possible.
The Dark Knight Premier — Video Highlights July 15th, 2008
Wow, I just can’t stop posting videos today. I’ve already provided some video highlights of Christian Bale on the “Black carpet” at the premier, however enough videos have popped up for me to make a dedicated post — please find below an 18 video playlist of Dark Knight premier videos!
The videos feature Aaron Eckhart, Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal interviews amongst others, as well as television studio features from Fox, the BBC and Associated Press:
Heath Ledger tipped for Posthumous Oscar July 15th, 2008
It seems like this is the story many television stations are picking up and running with, it’s a little bit early for us fans to determine whether Heath should be considered for an Oscar or not (with the exception of those already lucky enough to have seen the movie), but the signs are certainly encouraging — from what we have seen and heard and from what the critics tell us. Below are a selection of videos echoing the distinct possibility of a posthumous Oscar nomination — it would be the first win in thirty years (EDIT: Correcting 30 years fact, thanks Nick):