Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

New Joker call and Gotham Tonight Episode: Bank Robbery July 13th, 2008

The own­ers of the assorted Joker phones have received a new phone call, with a mon­tage of mum­bled sounds and clips with phrases such as “Is any­body there? Please help” and “Don’t do it, don’t do it”, together with the sounds of the Gotham PD in the back­ground before end­ing with the Joker’s mani­a­cal laugh.

Down­load audio of the call

Coin­cid­ing with this phone call, the lat­est episode of Gotham Tonight has been added to GCN, the episode is set to inter­view Har­vey Dent, the “White Knight”, how­ever half way through it cuts to news of The Joker’s bank robbery.

Cel­e­brated jour­nal­ist Mike Engel sits down with the “White Knight” of Gotham City — Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent. Dent defends con­tro­ver­sial crime-fighter Bat­man, and says they’ve “ben­e­fited the entire city.”

Dent takes calls from view­ers on Jonathan Crane and fears of a new out­break of Fear Toxin, and con­fronts a GPD police offi­cer angry over Dent’s pros­e­cu­tion of cor­rupt cops. And Engel asks the ques­tions everybody’s been talk­ing about — is Har­vey Dent dat­ing Assis­tant Dis­trict Attor­ney Rachel Dawes? The episode ends with the break­ing news that the Gotham National Bank has been hit by rob­bers who made away with 68 mil­lion dol­lars from the vault.

Comments No Responses to “New Joker call and Gotham Tonight Episode: Bank Robbery”

Tim July 13th, 2008

I love how the video hap­pens at the same time as the begin­ning of The Dark Knight

Julian July 14th, 2008

i got the phone call and i don’t have the joker cell.…