Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Is this Two Face? May 6th, 2008

A fairly large and detailed image has begun cir­cu­la­tion around the inter­net, claim­ing to be Two Face, as we shall see him in The Dark Knight. This image has the poten­tial to be spoi­lerific and it is also quite graphic, hence it is included after the break…

EDIT: Image removed — looks like WB are doing the rounds and tak­ing down the images as and when they find them — must be legit­i­mate then!

You can still find it here: AICN | The Blem­ish | Amber Street | Kens­ing­ton Victoria

Analy­sis: The detail on this is astound­ing — enough to sug­gest that it is not a fake. It also looks like some sort of noise pho­to­shop fil­ter has been applied over the top — much like the leaked joker pic­tures we saw last month.

The pic­ture orig­i­nated from Comic Book Resource.

Comments 7 Responses to “Is this Two Face?”

Maeghan May 6th, 2008

I saw that before and thought it was a fake. Now that the WB is mak­ing peo­ple take it down, I really think it’s the real thing. It’s freaky look­ing, either way. He’ll make a good villain.

kun­deremp May 6th, 2008

I think it was the con­cept art.

krist­blud May 6th, 2008

i agree its the con­cept art prob­a­bly… i do like it how­ever, and its about time a movie ver­sion of two face got its dues as being as grotesque as an acid burn vic­tim ought to be! aaron eck­hart will do awwsome

Andrew Sayer May 7th, 2008

Yeah — WB have just filed a DMCA vio­la­tion with me too. Gotta take the pic­ture down.

destruct26 May 8th, 2008

Hmm. If that’s a legit­i­mate pic­ture, then, well.……eeew. It’s definit­ley a step up from Tommy Lee Jones’ Freddy Krueger– er..I mean Two-Face and puts the creepy fac­tor up a cou­ple hun­dred notches. BUT, what if, its just another mar­ket­ing ploy by WB to throw you off in another direc­tion, so when you’all see the movie, he actu­ally looks dif­fer­ent and bet­ter? They could have put the damn pic out there them­selves while rip­ping it from the very sites pro­mot­ing it. I guess we will have to wait and see in July when Billy Dee Williams unmasks as the evil that will bring down Pat Hin­gle and his fiesty crew of cops.

sam August 1st, 2008

two face is a vil­lan in the new batman

World News March 1st, 2011

Very inter­est­ing entry to read on.. I am really amazed with this post. Look­ing for­ward for future posts.