Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Joker pictured on Set July 15th, 2007

type­orocks and Laura have been out and about once more, pro­vid­ing exclu­sive Bat­man set reports. This time he comes back with pic­tures… mas­sive pic­tures. These are pretty spoiler filled so to see them you need to view the full article.

And here is The Joker truck in action:

Comments 132 Responses to “The Joker pictured on Set”

Tyson July 15th, 2007

what is wrong with u people…u are rid­ing this whole new movie of a Joker in it..u’ll like anything,and even if ur lik­ing this new crappy look of the Joker how dare u even bash Jack’s Joker..that was the Joker hands down..if u think oth­er­wise u really need to go pick up a comic for reference…i dont even wanna see anther Joker,Batman has a whole Rouge’s Gallery y even go back and do one that was done good​.It was going fine in Begins 2 new villians…if u wanna do any over do the one’s that were F’d up in the last 2 flicks…i’m sorry i’ve sat back 4 awhile and read and heard every prais­ing this new Joker look just cuz they wanna c Joker and i hon­estly think ur all nutz…but dont get me wrong i’m not say­ing the movie’s gonna be badd…2 me Joker is the great­est vil­lian of all time period-movies,tx,comics,video games,books,w/e he’s it so sorry i just have high expec­ta­tions when it comes 2 Joker…whoo there i said my pieace i dont care what any1 else has 2 say…

Hoopla — Enter­tain­ment Blog » Blog Archive » ‘Dark Knight’ Update: New Joker Pics, Eck­hart Con­firms Two Face Will Make an Appearance July 15th, 2007

[…] one of them advanced screen­ings that don’t show pre­views). So that was yes­ter­day. Today, we have new pics of Heath Ledger as The Joker, cour­tesy of The Dark Knight’s Unof­fi­cial Movie Blog. It’s prob­a­bly impor­tant to point […]

brooke July 15th, 2007

So far I’m just not feel­ing it. In these pics he looks not unlike Bran­don Lee in The Crow– The half assed, akwardly acted-but ok, i guess-film ver­sion of j. o’barrs insane, dark, bru­tal revenge story. ANYWAY, i might ad in the close up it looks like theres a faint “clown nose” painted on him. how­ever, with out a per­for­mace or a clear view it’s impos­si­ble to form a final opin­ion really. i’m sure when offi­cial pics are released i’ll feel dif­fer­ently. but these pics don’t impress. i was a big fan of ‘Begins’ –it’s Bat­man done right!

Magic July 16th, 2007

Losers. Either watch the new movie or don’t. Stop bitch­ing about every lit­tle thing.
Signed Heath Ledger.

rxsheepxr July 16th, 2007

Tyson, don’t preach to me and try to con­vince me that Jack’s Joker was like the comic’s Joker, because it’s not. You’re prob­a­bly read­ing the comics they decided to “change” the joker in the coin­cide with the film back in the day, but for the major­ity of Batman’s his­tory, the Joker has been a young, com­pletely dif­fer­ent char­ac­ter. Bat­man Begins, and the sequel, are an updated ver­sion of the fran­chise, which is why the Bat­mo­bile, the suit, the man­sion, every­thing is dif­fer­ent… so why is it so hard for you to accept an updated Joker?

Kaleb July 16th, 2007

Well that was close-minded. Great spoiler, I can­not wait to see this. But so far I hadnt heard of said truck, only the old half painted pur­ple klunker. News to me! On another note, jack­ass below, If you’ve actu­ally read the comics you’re blab­bing your pre-pubescent mouth about, then you would know that though Jack Nichol­son did A con­vinc­ing joker, he was by no stretch of the imag­i­na­tion THE Joker.Go read A Death in the Fam­ily, Hush, Arkham Asy­lum, Or the best Joker TPB I’ve read, The Killing Joke, When You’ve read some actual joker sto­ries and not just watched “The Bat­man” on WB Sat­ur­day Morn­ings, and clean up your god-awful gram­mar and silly inter­net lingo, we’ll talk

scott July 16th, 2007

jack was a good joker true, but he was also jack before he was joker. it should be the other way around. his look(being a fat shit) didn’t really do alot for me, as did the spray painted green hair. it really wouldnt have been too hard for them to use real dye, con­sid­er­ing he got the most money out of the movie.

Matt July 16th, 2007

I was actu­ally on the same set a cou­ple days ago in Chicago… didn’t see too much except for a cam­era dolly attached to the back of a truck. Prior to that late night shoot, though, I was on the set design / prop loca­tion and saw gotham city police cars, swat vans (founded in 1820), and other cars rigged with explo­sives. In addi­tion, the Joker’s truck was there marked “Laugh­ter is the Best Medicine.”

I can’t wait for this film.

P.O.D July 16th, 2007

THIS IS CRAP. Nolan is screw­ing up big time. Bats ver­sus a *&^#-ed up Crow. This ‘real­ism’ crap is being pushed a tad too far with the series, I mean, c’mon, its still a comic, even if some­one filmed Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns. The Gothic is what makes Bat­man dif­fer­ent and cool. In jet­ti­son­ing that Chris Nolan, admit­tedly a res­cuer — after Joel ‘Calamity’ Schu­macher — has lost the comics’ true soul. Suxxxxx!!

Josh July 16th, 2007

This is for Tyson: Jack was NOT the Joker. He was a silly car­toon of the Joker. If you had, in fact, read a comic book, namely Frank Miller’s “Year One” on which these movies are mostly based, the Joker was a homi­cial maniac. He did noth­ing but bru­tally kill peo­ple. Jack’s Joker was more about punch­lines and pur­ple suits. And who are you to insult peo­ple because of their feel­ings about the movie? If some­one likes this new Joker, than so be it. Peo­ple have the right to their own opin­ions. Nolan’s vision of Bat­man is, by far, the best vision cap­tured on film. Bur­ton had a good vision of Gotham and Keaton was a good Bat­man, down to earth, funny at times, but also brood­ing. But Nolan’s vision is more real­is­tic, tak­ing Bat­man out of the comic books and plac­ing him in the real world. Keaton could never act as though he was a child of mur­dered par­ents with a vendetta against the crime of Gotham, some­thing Bale has cap­tured beau­ti­fully. Leave peo­ple alone, Tyson. Just because you hap­pen to love Jack Nicolson’s Joker, that doesn’t mean that every­one else has to. You are right, there is a rogue’s gallery of vil­lains, but the Joker is iconic. And if you’re going to put a new spin on Bat­man, as Nolan is try­ing to do, then you have to put a new spin on his neme­sis. If you’re going to show the ulti­mate good, you have to show the ulti­mate evil. The Joker as the next vil­lain is only fitting.

The Bunz July 16th, 2007

I hear you, m’man. I think expec­ta­tions for the Joker run high all around, which is why my itch has yet to be scratched by a paunchy, weez­ing Heartburn/Prizzi’s Honor-era Nichol­son in a Tex Avery City Wolf Zoot Suit phon­ing it in (col­lect) from the moon or an old fart who wouldn’t even shave his god­damned mus­tache for a pay­check.
And yep, out of con­text the out­fit looks like some­thing one of the less finan­cially sol­vent Goth kids would have thrown together for Senior Spirit Week ’94, but as the only dude to have ever cranked out a decent Bat­man movie*, I’m giv­ing Nolan (and Ledger) ben­e­fit of the doubt.
*I am includ­ing Tim Burton’s ’89 mas­ter­piece “Robert Wuhl: The Motion Pic­ture” in that statement.

Film​Grotto​.com: Blog and Movie News » Blog Archive » Joker Shots and Dark Knight Teaser July 16th, 2007

[…] Unof­fi­cial Blog for The Dark Knight has posted a cou­ple of set shots that show Heath Ledger in his Joker cos­tume and […]

tim July 16th, 2007

this is the first pic taken by some­one hun­dreds of feet away from the set — poor light­ing, no act­ing, no voice, he’s wear­ing run­ning shoes, no treat­ment. good god, let’s wait until we at least see a trailer or some­thing before we even think about doing com­par­isons let alone bitch about what nolan’s done.

CatAtomic July 16th, 2007

Holy crap! A truck!

What am I miss­ing here?

El Joker, cazado en el set de ‘The Dark Knight’ July 16th, 2007

[…] web Bat­man: The Dark Knight-Movie chron­i­cles ha col­gado hoy los primeros pics decentes de Heath Ledger como El Joker, y digo decentes porque […]

ynnek July 16th, 2007

While Nicholson’s joker matched what he looked like in the comics, in the end he wasn’t play­ing the joker but rather him­self. If you like Nicholon’s joker, good for you, but when you start critiz­ing just because of a grainy image, that it just arro­gance. With this new joker, I think the look matches the tone of the movie but my final opin­ion will based on how well heath does in the role.

matt the bat July 18th, 2007

He looks like michael myers with green hair thats all i have to say

Boomer July 18th, 2007

It’s called “Free­dom of Speech”, moron. Look it up on Wikipedia if you don’t know what I’m talk­ing about.

Bat­man: The Dark Knight Update — New Joker Images « Nev­erend­ing Digression July 18th, 2007

[…] See the arti­cle and pho­tographs here:–07/the-joker-pictured-on-set/#more-39 […]

Kratos July 18th, 2007

I agree with those say­ing that its WAY too early to judge this joker. I’m await­ing the teaser trailer that should be out with the simp­sons movie to see if we really see the joker in action. Until then, stop think­ing so hard over poor qual­ity photographs.

Pro­ton July 20th, 2007

Tyson, with all due respect, I think it’s you who need to pick up a Bat­man comic to see what the Joker’s really like.

Nicholson’s Joker had lit­tle to do with its ori­gin mate­r­ial. Sure, he deliv­ered a wacky, enter­taing per­for­mance, but that’s it. The Joker isn’t a fat, mid­dleaged mob enforcer with a per­ma­nent, false smile. He’s actu­ally about the same age as Bat­man, with a skinny build.

As for Ledger as the Joker. I admit I have my doubts. But Nolan nailed it the first time and I trust he’ll do it even bet­ter this time.

I per­son­ally would have picked some­one like Adrian Brody for the role, but we’ll see. Can’t wait for the first trailer.

Steve July 22nd, 2007

ok tyson, jack was a good joker but, he wasn’t the best based on comics, the joker was a maniac, yeah jack did ok, and im a huge jack fan, but as far as lunacy goes there could have been a lot bet­ter act­ing invovled and im sorry to say that heath will do a good job so don’t bash the peo­ple who are into this movie b/c clearly they know the comics bet­ter than you

Big Boss July 23rd, 2007

Look­ing at Ledger’s Joker “make up” in those pics, it looks to me like he’s wear­ing a mask. His make up seems to be applied more neatly which indi­cates to me that this is Ledger before the acci­dent that dis­fig­ures the guy and turns him into the fully psy­chotic Joker. Appar­ently the Joker in full on form will have a rot­ting flesh slash smile from cheek to cheek, as seen in the infa­mous pub­lic­ity pic at ibelievein​har​vey​too​.com

Have patience folks, I think Ledger is going to be an absolutely fan­tas­tic Joker and will take the char­ac­ter in a new direc­tion from Romero’s and Nicholson’s camp, zaney incarnations.

Nolan and Ledger are going right back to the orig­i­nal comic book’s such as “The Killing Joke” where the Joker is petty crook turned com­pletely sadis­tic and pyschotic.

I just got a look at the leaked teaser trailer, and I have to say I can­not wait till sum­mer 2008. This Bat­man vs The Joker film is going to be fantastic.

Paul July 24th, 2007

I think most of the fans read­ing this page could agree with 3 major points.

1. Jack Nicholson’s Joker was a great char­ac­ter. Enjoy­able to watch on screen, and was a good fit for that film.

2. There is no rela­tion­ship between Nicholson’s Joker and Ledger’s Joker. Its a sep­a­rate char­ac­ter­i­za­tion entirely. The way Renior paints a boat dif­fers very much from how Van Gogh would paint a boat. Both artists’ ren­di­tions are mas­ter­ful works of art, and in no way intended to ref­er­ence each other–merely the boat.

3. Chris Nolan has suc­cess­fully proven to have a very com­plex, and invested vision of The Batman’s story. Why don’t we let him tell the story the way he chooses to tell it? If any read­ers or posters of this mes­sage board have made a full-length multi-million-dollar Bat­man film of their own, they should cer­tainly be the first to knit-pick down to the finest detail what another crit­i­cally acclaimed direc­tor is doing with the franchise.

mr.j July 24th, 2007

this is a new spin on the bat­man series chris nolan is doing what joel shu­macher fucked up at so quit bitchin about the joker and thank him for revamp­ing the char­ac­ter. jus think what the joker wouldve looked like if he was in those movies…he’d prob­a­bly would have nip­ples on his cos­tume too

holy diver July 25th, 2007

you peo­ple make me sick. jack was the best joker ever in bat­man his­tory. lea­ger played a fagget in broke back moun­tain. what makes him think he could play the joker any­ways. the joker was and still is the great­est vil­lian in any comic, movie, series, ect. i am not say­ing the is going to suck or any­thing but william devoe in my opin­ion would have been the best choice for the joker. he looks like joker even with­out the makeup.

GorillaW­illy July 27th, 2007

Okay peo­ple, here’s the skinny on it all. First things first, Chris Nolan has made a truly INCREDIBLE! ver­sion of Bat­man, I think most would agree. At no point in my life was I more pumped to see a film than Bat­man Begins and what was even more unbe­liev­able was that it lived up to my expec­ta­tions and beyond. How­ever nobody should EVER, EVER, EVER com­pare Burton’s ver­sion of Bat­man to Nolan’s. While Nolan’s ver­sion is more to my taste, Bur­ton tru­ely did, in my opin­ion mind you, an equally good but vastly dif­fer­ent film. To sit and debate the two ver­sions is like com­par­ing lemons to limes, who gives a rat’s ass!! For those of you bitch­ing about the new Joker, good grief! give Nolan a chance! Tak­ing a fran­chise that was basi­cally destroyed by Schumaker(who him­self as actu­ally admit­ted to drop­ping the ball with Bat­man) and turn­ing it into the one of best super-hero movies ever is no easy task in a sea of crappy films that flood the­aters today. On the flip­side of this debate if any­one ever actu­ally sits and watches the spe­cial edi­tion ver­sions of Burton’s Bat­man, there is bonus mate­r­ial of Bob Kane on the set of the ’89 Bat­man film (for those of you who are com­pletely retarded Kane is the cre­ator who birthed Bat­man from his imagination)regeg

GorillaW­illy July 27th, 2007

Kane never once sat on Burton’s set and griped about how it sucked, or how Bur­ton was totally screw­ing up his vision. So if the man who frigg’n CREATED Bat­man was pleased with what he saw, then you bas­tards should be too. To bash an artist’s ver­sion or ren­di­tion of some­thing is as shal­low as it gets. Admire both films for what they are, cin­e­matic masterpieces!

The Frank Truth July 27th, 2007

Why do peo­ple insist on review­ing a movie before actu­ally watch­ing it? Please stop say­ing “this movie sucks”. Please stop say­ing “This movie looks crappy”. Please stop say­ing any­thing at all until you have seen the movie and actu­ally have a cred­i­ble opin­ion. No one has seen this movie yet. Its not fin­ished, edited, or even out in the­aters yet! Per­haps you do not agree with the way they choose to por­tray cer­tain char­ac­ters. Maybe they are chang­ing too much for you. You are enti­tled to those opin­ions. But, to say a movie is bad or will be bad before its release, is com­pletely ignorant.

The most inter­est­ing aspect of all these posts is the fact that no mat­ter how much peo­ple insist they hate the movie already, they will still be right there in line on open­ing day. Come back and post about how much you hate the movie or char­ac­ters after you have seen it. Then you will have some­thing to say that actu­ally sounds intel­li­gent or credible.

As for me, I am anx­ious to see this movie. The first install­ment (Bat­man Begins) left me want­ing to see more. Did it relate to and mimic the orig­i­nal series, comic, car­toon, or what­ever? Well, I am sure there are peo­ple way bet­ter qual­i­fied than me who can answer that. But I do know that I truly enjoyed the movie. Will I like this sec­ond install­ment? I have no idea. I will have to wait and reserve judg­ment until I actu­ally watch it.

One last note… What hap­pened to the Eng­lish lan­guage or proper writ­ing skills? Do they still teach writ­ing and gram­mar in school? Some of you really need to learn how to spell and use a period or comma. Sad.

T.O.Hun July 27th, 2007

Well, have to say, many peo­ple are very igno­rant. Clearly SOME peo­ple don’t know what the Joker is really like. Jack Nicholson’s joker — a joker ofcourse, but not THE joker from the comics. Wayy to happy-go-lucky. The Real joker is a dark char­ac­ter, and I am very excited to see Heath :) I can’t wait for this movie because it’s Way more real­is­tic and belie­ve­able, unlike those old WB fuckin’ jokes of Bat­man movies. I had to admit the first one was alright, but once I expe­ri­enced Nolan’s movies…Batman movie.…I fell in love :)

el chis­toso July 27th, 2007

cesar romero is rolling over in his grave.

Terry July 28th, 2007

To Tyson,

Clearly you are a blog­ger straight from IMDB. Jack’s Joker blew ass. I am a fan of old Nichol­son, but not as The Joker. Now you want me to pick up a comic for ref­er­ence. All right I’ll do that. Oh Wait! Here in the comic it shows that The Joker doesn’t have a per­ma­nent smile. Also in the comic, The Joker has to atleast be 6′+. Not Nicholson’s stag­ger­ing 5’9. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not by any means pulling for old Broke­back Ledger, but he’ll pull it off with some­thing a lit­tle more fresh and sin­is­ter. They’ve adapted this Joker based more solely on per­son­al­ity. Check Nolan’s inter­views if you don’t believe me. Oh and one more thing, why would you post some­thing if you didn’t care what any­one else had to say regard­ing????? Are you the type that likes to hear him­self speak?

Hugo Strange July 29th, 2007

Per­son­ally I was never a fan of Jack Nicholson’s Joker(Too fat, too silly, too Jack, not scary at all)
To be hon­est I can’t stand the sight of any of the ear­lier Bat­man films. I could never get in to the Bur­ton films. and we won’t even talk about Joel “Bat-nipples” Schu­macher. I’m just gonna assume we are all in some level of agree­ment with those atroc­i­ties
I’m pretty jazzed to see what a tal­ented actor like Heath can do with the role.
Might suck, might be the best Joker I’ve ever laid eyes on.
We’ll all just have to wait and see.
Now if only they can just stop giv­ing Bat­man guns…

bryan July 30th, 2007

I agree I loved the Bur­tons Bat­man film’s as much as I did Bat­man begins and i think both micheal keaton and chris­t­ian bale both played a won­der­ful bat­man. I thought jack nichol­son played a won­der­ful homi­ci­dal maniac joker. while i dont like the idea of heath ledger play­ing the joker. i like every­one else was hop­ing at the end that was going to be the joker card when he flipped it over. so dont ask for what you dont want. and from what christo­pher nolan did with the first film i think this one will be great too.

bryan July 30th, 2007

and if jack nichol­son joker wasn’t the joker from the comics he gased gotham city. throw­ing a pen in some­ones throat. destroy­ing peo­ples faces.

Wicked July 30th, 2007

Tyson, you dont know shit when it comes to jok­ers, i do admit jack was a good joker but wat not evil enough. He was more funny then a seri­ous killer. He was a good joker for the 80s but this is a new era we need to see the joker for who he really is. An evil son of a bitch who doesnt care about any­thing or any­one but him­self. This is sup­pose to be the joker that is evil enough to kill robin with a cro­bar, but i guess you knew that right. This will be the best joker ever. you will see.

jok­erzwild July 31st, 2007

well i loved jacks joker except for the whole prince songs but still a great movie his voice yea its good the laugh pre­fect so far the close up of him with rachel dawes has let me down im not say­ing hes going to suck as the joker but the close up looks like shit some spots arent even painted on heath but i have a feel­ing it could be a hoax and that anthony michael hall is going to be the joker cuz no one knows his part and has said that hes going to be in most of the movie unless hes a body­guard of the joker which then would make sense but and would explain y some of the pics look like shit

T Diz­zle August 2nd, 2007


I under­stand your angst. Jack was awe­some, on the other hand Nolan gave us all a lot of hope after the Bat­man and Robin debauchle.


And Wolver­ine is sup­posed to be 5′ 4″ com­pared to Jackman’s 6′ 2″. What’s your point?

Jack read his lines and killed quite a bit there­fore was still a homi­ci­dal maniac. Bat­man is a daunt­ing 6’4″ while Bale is definit­ley not. Alfred has a mus­tache… etc etc etc etc (and Super­man isn’t sup­posed to be a 140 lb girl) but these are the movies and Jack was the best like­ness of a comic ver­sion Bat­man villain(with the excep­tion of the Scare­crow, they couldn’t have made him more comic). Joker is a pathol­gi­cal killer who is older than Bat­man in all of the comics(young? WTF?), he is a homi­ci­dal yes, but one who is quick with the bad punch lines so Jack did fine(and he wasn’t fat yet).

I fig­ure Nolan has a plan and its a good one although I have a feel­ing we are going to get the same kind of, “Behind the scenes vil­lain” with Dent as we did with Rhas in the first film. Either way, I hope this rocks(and not in a Broke Back kind of way) and if not I hope O’Barr sues.

Terry August 3rd, 2007

T Diz­zle,

Bat­man was 6’2, Case and Point being I was remark­ing upon his com­par­i­son to the comics (Read Care­fully to his state­ment and you would have NOTICED that). Not try­ing to start a war for find­ing the per­fect shape and size char­ac­ters for every sin­gle comic movie to date. Fact of the mat­ter is, while yes I am a Bur­ton Bat­man fan, I do not believe The Joker was by any means played to his more darker side. Yes, I do believe he fol­lowed the 50’s and 60’s ver­sion while touch­ing up a bit on the new era. But I don’t want a silly ass Joker, Romero done enough of that.

Now aside from my own defense, your argu­men­ta­tion was very cor­rect against that of my own and I see exactly what you are say­ing. But I am very much enti­tled to my own opin­ion and as are you. Good Day.

carl August 9th, 2007

yo i read the com­ment under mine and sort of under­stand his point of view but heres mine.….….….……i think heath is gon play a hot ass joker, dont get me wrong its almost impos­si­ble to top jacks joker . jacks joker was toooo much of a jok­ster its time for a joker that is more dark and evil and justs laughs at the fact of hurt­ing peo­ple and caus­ing may­hem jack was just laugh­ing at every thing which was dumb heaths joker i think is gon be dark as hell and crazy in the fact that he just thinks may­hem and hurt is funny, not every damn thing like the orig­i­nal and yeah they are bas­ing this off comics but thats what jacks joker was about the comics so let heath do his thing and change it up alil and get an evil dark mo$%^% fu!@#$

Dunc August 11th, 2007

Hmm, I am not a huge fan but I did like Jack’s Joker from the first Keaton film. He was a bit of a nut case with a comic side which. I would rather that Ledgers Joker retained some of the humour over being an out and out killer. I havent read the books or comics so Im not savy on what is and is not true to the cre­ators vison.

I tend to pre­fer to leave judge­ment until I see the fin­ished product.

Mick August 18th, 2007

While I found Jack’s Joker enter­tain­ing in the short term, I thought he was more Jack Nichol­son than he was the Joker. He cer­tainly didn’t look the part. In fact, before see­ing the film, I was freaked out by the cast­ing of Keaton in the Bat­man role and have always thought that Michael Keaton had more of the phys­i­cal­ity of the Joker and per­haps would have made a bet­ter one than Nichol­son.
I do agree that there is a huge rogue’s gallery from which to draw, and since they do seem to be going for a height­ened sense of real­ism I won­der why they don’t go for Batman’s more “real­is­tic” vil­lains such as Pen­guin (in his more recent mob boss persona)and Dr. Hugo Strange. I also agree that in some sense, there’s a “here we go again” air about this upcom­ing film, but what the heck, I’m sure it will be provoca­tive, and if they can get Two-Face right this time, then it will be worth it.

Sarcasm101 August 20th, 2007

Since every­one seems to ref­er­ence the Bat­man comics, Which install­ment will we use? In the Dark knight series,I can’t remem­ber the writer,But I know Todd McFar­lene illus­trated them. Joe Chill killed Bruce Wayne’s par­ents, Not The Joker.Anothere notable and yet moot Point,The Batman’s cape was Like 40 feet long. The Point is, its called Artis­tic licensing.Which Sometimes,sadly,is taken too far.(as Men­tioned By T-Dizzle) If you want to talk about ruin­ing a comic book leg­end, lets talk about the X-men.Bottom Line is, lets wait till the movie comes out and then give our side­line and utterly use­less Opinions.

Sarcasm101 August 20th, 2007

Oh yea I for­got, The Bat­man car­ried a .45 semi auto in that series as well. Just Some Fyi. lol

bat­man August 26th, 2007

this looks ok sorta but yer right he does sorta look like the CROW huh?? haha i was not sure if cast­ing heath ledger was right…but mabye he will sur­prise us

Bob Gar­cia September 7th, 2007

Any­body ever think that the final cuts for the joker might be com­puter ani­mated? And what we’re see­ing in pic­tures like these are just a basic lay­out for the ani­ma­tion team . But before release they will add to what is already there. Maybe the plain make-up look is just for ref­er­ence is what im saying.

Leonidas September 13th, 2007

Begins says it all, every­thing before that..crap1,crap2,crap3,craaapp4!! Lets not kid our­selves, Burton’s vision and a mas­ter­piece for it’s time bla bla bla. Keaton is a beat­le­juice, Jack was way silly and over the top and Princes’ gay music, I never want to see that Joker movie and I quote Joker movie again. I am a huge bat­man fan and never has a comic book film like Begins pleased the fans, crit­ics, the aver­age movie goers (and me) alike. I wish we could legal­ize cloning and make dupli­cates of Christo­pher Nolan so they could save more f#c*k ups like X-men, Super­man and Spiderman(3). That said TDK will undoubt­edly be an inspir­ing and awe­some film. I was shocked at Nolan’s choice of Ledger but he knows what he is doing, he scored a 100+% the first time. I believe after this film, Nicholson’s Joker will be for­got­ten. Peo­ple will be afraid to pick up a deck of cards, more kids will fear clowns, cir­cus’ will go out of busi­ness, you get the point. Chris­t­ian Bale is Batman’s fan’s dream, although he looks a lit­tle thin­ner in the pic’s which is stresses me, he has to stay buff. Nolan is a mas­ter at cast­ing and plot­ting. So the bot­tom line is the first Bat­man movie ever was in 2005.

Dark Knight Fan October 2nd, 2007

Quit bitch­ing about how the Joker looks, the image really isn’t in focus, any­way. I actu­ally like the fact, they’re mak­ing another Bat­man movie with Joker. Tim Bur­ton took too many lib­er­ties with the orig­i­nal Bat­man movie. Jack Napier, later the Joker, did not kill Bruce Wayne’s par­ents; it was actu­ally Joe Chill. Don’t get me wrong, I love the orig­i­nal Bat­man movie, espe­cially with Jack Nichol­son play­ing the Joker. I would just like to see a bet­ter, up to date, truer to the comic book Bat­man movie, with the Joker. I think this new movie can deliever.

J-DuB October 2nd, 2007

Stop Obsess­ing about how the Joker looks, peo­ple, the image really isn’t in focus, any­way. I actu­ally like the fact, they’re mak­ing another Bat­man movie with Joker. Tim Bur­ton took too many lib­er­ties with the orig­i­nal Bat­man movie. Jack Napier, later the Joker, did not kill Bruce Wayne’s par­ents; it was actu­ally Joe Chill. Don’t get me wrong, I love the orig­i­nal Bat­man movie, espe­cially with Jack Nichol­son play­ing the Joker. I would just like to see a bet­ter, up to date, truer to the comic book Bat­man movie, with the Joker. I think this new movie can deliever.

Jason October 2nd, 2007

The image really isn’t in focus, so stop obsess­ing about how the Joker looks, peo­ple. I actu­ally like the fact, they’re mak­ing another Bat­man movie with Joker. Tim Bur­ton took too many lib­er­ties with the orig­i­nal Bat­man movie. Jack Napier, later the Joker, did not kill Bruce Wayne’s par­ents; it was actu­ally Joe Chill. Don’t get me wrong, I love the orig­i­nal Bat­man movie, espe­cially with Jack Nichol­son play­ing the Joker. I would just like to see a bet­ter, up to date, truer to the comic book Bat­man movie, with the Joker. I think this new movie can deliever.

aces_wild October 2nd, 2007

For of all, u gotta give Nolan the credit for tak­ing this fran­chise series to a whole new level. The way the sto­ry­line was por­trayed in Bat­man Begins was quite remark­able mean­ing that this cur­rent series is being evolved into a more log­i­cal story (based on the comics). Now as the Joker-mania dis­cus­sion, yeah Jack Nichol­son was a good Joker, but don’t be the one to judge to quickly of Heath Ledger’s ver­sion of the Joker. Okay, so he’s not the per­fect can­di­date for the role, but u won’t know that ’till the offi­cial trailer and/or the film comes out. Besides they are still work­ing on the make up for the Joker. Speak­ing of which i have a few pics of the sec­ond sequel of BB. Check it out and give your opin­ion of these scenes.




Brad October 5th, 2007

Tyson doesn’t care about what any­one else has to say after he’s said his piece, so I don’t think any­one should care about what he has to say. Tyson, go swal­low a baseball.

Imo, The joker from the first Bat­man movie was ter­ri­ble. He was depicted as some “artist” loser, and that makes it unfair to Jack as the actor because it didn’t make him look good for the spot. He’s too manly to aspire to be a psy­cho­pathic artist clown, but that whole role is stu­pid any­way. I’m hop­ing (and so far it’s look­ing like) joker will be the psy­chopath (not artist) clown I’ve always seen him to be. If Heath doesn’t look the part, I’ll be sorely disappointed.

Christo­pher “Robin” October 11th, 2007

Ok, first off, Jack Nichol­son did a very good job in his adap­tion of the Joker. But even Jacko said that his inter­pre­ta­tion of the char­ac­ter was more of Cesar Romero’s Joker from the 60’s TV series. Yes, the TV series was more of a com­i­cal Joker, but frankly I love where Chris Nolan is tak­ing Heath Ledger and his char­ac­ter. I hope and I have good rea­son to believe that this is going to be the Joker char­ac­ter­is­tics that
a) killed Jason Todd
b) par­a­lyzed Bar­bara Gor­don
c) tried to drive the Com­mish insane
and d) almost killed Catwoman.

Heath Ledger is going to do an excel­lent job dispite of what I think of him as a per­son. And just and FYI for all of you, we are going to see Aaron Eck­hart as Two-Face in this movie!!!
It was con­firmed yes­ter­day (10/10/07)

The only news I have is that he will be sit­ting at a bar, flip­ping the coin, the bar­tender walks up to him and says
“Dent?, I thought you were dead.”

Then Eck­hart replies, “Half”

I cant wait to see it!!

Nicky October 16th, 2007

All of you stop knock­ing Heath! Appar­ently he’s very gvood as the Joker, and Michael Cain (who plays Alfred) even said that Heath is so ter­ri­fy­ing, that he (Michael Cain) for­got his lines when Heath came burstin out of an ele­va­tor, act­ing as the Joker. And who cares if Heath was in Broke­back Moun­tain, IT WAS A DIFFERENT MOVIE PEOPLE! And he was play­ing a dif­fer­ent char­ac­ter, stop judg­ing peo­ple before you get to see their peformances.

Oh by the way, in case no one heas read, Heath actu­ally saved Mag­gie Gayen­haal (Rachel) from being badly burned when she and him were doin a scene, and a pyrotech­nics dis­play behind them fell onto the set, end­ing sparks towards Mag­gie set­ting her skirt alite, Heath then pushed her to the floor and suf­fo­cated the flames with his body!

The doubt­ing thomas October 23rd, 2007

When I think of the Joker he is no doubt a pyscho path, Jack Nick­le­son only scracth the sur­face of the char­ac­ter. I hope that this joker deliv­ers some­thing spe­cial to this movie. The joker is the ulit­mate vil­lian and there is no vil­lian like him. I am a lit­tle skecp­ti­cal of Heath play­ing this chac­ter but I can’t say he won’t do a good job until I see for myself. But will he cap­ture this char­ac­ter it remains a mys­tery. The grim and cold look of the joker is what makes the char­ac­ter. His eyes and and that cold smile defines the joker and his twisted acts. I just hope that this won’t be a flop. To destroy this char­ac­ter would be a demise for Bat­man because bat­man and the joker are like broth­ers, and to destroy the Joker in this film will angry lots of fans and dam­age the series

Andrea November 3rd, 2007

Jack Nichol­son was undoubtetly a spec­tac­u­lar Joker and no one could ever replace him, but Heath Ledger is also an extremely tal­ented and respected actor; do not doubt him. I am expet­ing this movie to have its cer­tain dis­s­a­point­ments, and as a lot of peo­ple, I expect The Joker to not be one of them. To every­one who is bash­ing this movie: don’t talk sh*t about it until you have seen GOOD and CLEAR clips of the movie and have some­thing to talk about. And above all, LEARN HOW TO SPELL!

bat­fan November 3rd, 2007

ok guys, jack’s joker was ok but he did not fit the part. (nor did Keaton) the joker is not fat, bald­ing, old, and round. he is the homo­ci­dal clown that finds humor in pain and suf­fer­ing. he is also about the same age as bat­man. and you should not jugde a movie based on what part one of the actors played in a pre­viece film. especaily when they did a good job in the part and you prob­a­bly have not seen the movie in ques­tion (Broke­back Moun­tain, by the way a great movie). why are you peo­ple judg­ing the Dark Knight before you even see it?

Nicky November 5th, 2007


Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chron­i­cles » Jack Nichol­son on Heath’s Joker November 8th, 2007

[…] like there’s a heated Joker debate going on in this post. Well, to put some fuel on the fire MTV had a sit down chat with for­mer Joker, Jack Nichol­son: MTV: […]

peck­er­head­e­drat­bas­tard November 14th, 2007

I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of sum­mer films, but movies like this are abso­lutly awe­some. And yes, Heath ledger is going to be fan­tas­tic as the joker. no, he’s not the obvi­ous choice, but nei­ther was chris­t­ian bale when it was announced he was going to play bat­man. The cast is per­fect, the script, pre­sum­ably, is going to be per­fect. Jack’s per­for­mance in 1989 was over the top, but not in a bad way. Hope­fully, heath will bring the whole borderline-psychotic-serial-killer-crazy that the joker has been por­trayed as in cer­tain issues of the comic book through­out the years.

Nicky November 23rd, 2007

oh, and another thing, I am SICK of peo­ple mak­ing rude com­ments on Heath’s per­for­mance in Broke­back Moun­tain. The Dark Knight is a dif­fer­ent movie alto­gether and just because he played a gay per­son doesn’t mean he IS one, and doesn’t mean he’s going to be gay in TDN. How many other actors have played gay char­ac­ters? TONNES! Heath is just another so just shut up and stop giv­ing him a hard time.

Scara­mouche November 28th, 2007

Yeah, back in the late 80s, Jack was a good Joker…Hell, almost a great Joker. But, look­ing at all his films, he was really The Joker play­ing Jack Nichol­son. A bit bet­ter than the old campy Joker, but not the mad­man from the old days and revived in recent memory.

Riddler2000 December 4th, 2007

WHO!!!! CARES!!!!! Man peo­ple just wait for the freak’n movie for the love of god almighty in heaven!!!

P.S. I find it hilar­i­ous when peo­ple say movies like X men and Spi­der man sucked when like 99.9% of all peo­ple loved them includ­ing the guys that cre­ated them…strange eh?

Ryan December 18th, 2007

I just REALLY hope in one of the Bat­man Dark Knight sequels they use Cat­woman again. I would love to see like a Bat­man vs. Cat­woman and Poi­son Ivy, kind of bat­tle of the sexes. :-)

char­line December 21st, 2007


To the per­son who swears that jacks joker was not how joker looked in the comics, that they made joker look like jack in newer comics…
Heres a pic­ture of the joker from 1940!!!!!

Grave December 30th, 2007

Who cares if Ledger did Broke­back Moun­tain ? Will Smith’s first role was play­ing a gay man and I dont see peo­ple bitch­ing about any movie he does as of late, and he seems to be doing quite well at the box office. Ledger is a good actor, Knight’s Tale & The Patriot I think he did fine in and I think he’ll do just fine pulling off being the joker. Seen the trailer and he brings a nice dark twist to it ; can’t wait for the movie. Until you see it dont knock it.

matt January 23rd, 2008

The recent news of Ledger is really sad. Its going to be dif­fi­cult to watch the movie with what has happened.

gyp­sythe­great January 24th, 2008

H.L.‘s Joker is absolutely, hands down the absolute best depic­tion and the essence of what we know as “the Joker.” His trans­for­ma­tions is like none other. Jack was an incred­i­ble Joker, but we have never seen a Joker so twisted, so sick and so human as Heath’s. I really don’t under­stand how any­one can doubt this or argue this. When I first heard that Heath was play­ing Joker, i hon­estly could not even pic­ture it. When the footage came out…I was absolutely amazed and dumb­founded. I was speech­less. I was like…Damn!! I can’t wait to see this film. He has been my desk­top image for the last two months and now I refuse to take him off. I am a huge James O’Barr fan and The Crow is one of my favorite films and comic books of all time. I really have a hard time see­ing the com­par­i­son and under­stand­ing why peo­ple are mak­ing these comparison’s, but these films are com­pletely dif­fer­ent. The char­ac­ters are twisted in sim­i­lar ways, both films are dark, but the level of tal­ent and the devel­op­ment of char­ac­ters are so dif­fer­ent that i can­not com­pre­hend the com­par­i­son. Bran­don Lee was a fine actor but was much of an ama­teur com­pared to Heath Ledger. Heath Ledger took this char­ac­ter to a level that peo­ple will not rec­og­nize until years later. I was look­ing for­ward to this film being rec­og­nized and for H.L. being rec­og­nized for his incred­i­ble per­for­mance and now I fear that he will be rec­og­nized because he is dead and that is truly sad to me. Movies and music tend to sell more if the star or lead singer is dead and I didn’t want that to be the rea­son for this film’s suc­cess or his inter­pre­ta­tion of this char­ac­ter. I wanted him to get rec­og­nized for the absolute genius that he was when he devel­oped this char­ac­ter.
When this film comes out, I hope that peo­ple rec­og­nize him for the true tal­ent that he was and not only give him recog­ni­tion because of his untimely death.

gyp­sythe­great January 24th, 2008

One more thing: you can agree with me or not, but i am truly grate­ful for the fact that we were left with this piece of art and that the film was com­pleted. I feel like he left us with some­thing that will be remem­bered for all fans and respected…something we can be proud of. He was quoted as say­ing that this was the best role he has ever played and the best role he would EVER play and I would have to agree. I’m glad that he at least felt as pas­sion­ate about this as some of us do.

Killer clown January 25th, 2008

Totally rad­i­cal look­ing Joker. I really dig the dark ele­ments of these new Bat­man movies..more adult than kid­die. The older Keaton era movies became a laugh­able joke. Kick a$$ Heath!

McFly March 10th, 2008

ok this joker does NOT look like the crow. sure his lip makeup goes accross his face but the crow’s was a small line that BARELY went past his lips and he had it on his eyes so lets just stop with that. can every­one just cut this bs, jack was great sure but he reminded me of the rid­dler a lit­tle to much put jim car­rey as joker and jack as rid­dler and weve got the per­fect match but we cant so we wont. heath is going to kill this part and if not for his untimely death he would be the face of the new bat­man movies, now some will rip me apart for say­ing that but for those who have their heads on straight they know what time it is! i can not wait to see this when its all put together it looks like its going to be the movie of the year! im sure weve all seen the clip of the bank rob­bing, that scene alone made me cream my pants, so talk all the shit you want but you know damn well youll be camp­ing out to get you tick­ets to this MASTERPIECE!

NICOLE June 2nd, 2008

joker is kick a$$ in this movie!!!!!!!!!! i love that new smeared paint, messsy green hair, and crazy laugh! he’s cool like that with his messy green hair!!!!!!!! LONG LIVE THE JOKER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar­i­anne June 25th, 2008

All of you who were so quick to crit­i­cize Heath and Nolan while this movie was still being filmed, it sure as hell looks like you are going to eat your words. The trail­ers for the film are awe­some and Heath’s per­for­mance rocks. I would love to see any of you tak­ing shots out there top it.

aussie mike June 28th, 2008

HA HA HA! I guess a lot of you clowns are eat­ing your words these days, now that it is com­mon knowl­edge that ledger’s Joker is the best thing since sliced bread, no wait… its even bet­ter than that. Ledger (RIP) was no doubt an out­stand­ing actor, I strongly believe that had he had the chance he would have become one of the great­est, alas his final com­pleted work, as The Joker, will be a fit­ting trib­ute a fan­tas­tic tal­ent, a mag­nif­i­cent per­son and a great Aus­tralian. Heath, we will remem­ber you…

jor­don July 20th, 2008

This is the defin­tion of the Joker. Heath Ledger’s por­trayal of the psy­chotic mass mur­derer is one of the most oscar-worthy per­for­mances this year.He clearly made his last per­for­mance one to remem­ber for years to come.The new Joker is for lack of a bet­ter word a ter­ror­ist with no remorse or feel­ing for human life.Michael Caine described it best “Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn”.

S373N July 20th, 2008

Oh man, look­ing back at all those suck­ers who posted in the begin­ning about how shit home­boy Ledger was gonna be, haha unlucky. Seen the rat­ings on IMDB today?? All due to Heath’s (untimely) death but AMAZING last per­for­mance, went out laugh­ing, you were an inspi­ra­tional Aussie actor and you have now obvi­ously touched a lot of us, may you Rest in Peace.

From your fel­low Aussie, S373N

Emma July 30th, 2008

I recently went to see the dark knight film and thought it was abso­lut­ley bril­li­nat, heath ledger was amaz­ing and prob­a­bly the best joker i have ever seen. The com­ment about Jack nichol­son being like jack nichol­son instead of the joker is very true.

Amber August 4th, 2008

haha­haha I read the begin­ning and you guys must feel pretty stu­pid. Heath Ledger was amaz­ing, I don’t know one per­son who HASN’T liked his per­for­mance as the joker or the movie. he makes nichol­son look pretty lame…

Dar­rin September 1st, 2008

Who wants Bat­man to beat Titanic sales, we should have one set, for all Bat­man Dark Knight fans to attend before it leaves theatre

ter­rie Batson September 4th, 2008

I think Heath Ledger is the best and only actor in the whole world that could only play the joker. he was more dark meaner and scarier than Jack ever was I Love Heath Ledger he is sexy as hell and fine. I would marry him if he was still alive if I could I Love all of Heath’s movies. jack was alright but Heath was top #1 I’m glad that noone played joker but Heath any body else that did it would have sucked. I saw the movie 3 times best movie ever don’t judge befofe you see it. Put A Smile On That Face Peo­ple Why So

ter­rie Batson September 5th, 2008

Hi it’s me again Ter​rie​.by the way I for­got to say that I have a real tat­too of Heath Ledger as the joker on my inner thigh of my leg. and later I’m get­ting by his face the writ­ing why so seri­ous? and the joker card he held up in the movie. Yep! I’m a true fan of Heath and him play­ing joker. wish I could show my tat­too of his face as joker, It’s kick ass. well gotta go! I’m gonna own a cou­ple copies of the movie, when it comes out! I Love You Heath! Wish you were still alive!

Lor­raine September 8th, 2008

I’ve seen this movie 15 times. I will keep going until they take it out of the the­aters. Heath made the Joker sexy. He’s hot. He’s deli­cious to look at. His face, his hair, his clothes, his body, his lips and voice are dri­ving me crazy. If Heath were alive today, this movie would have pro­pelled him into super star­dom beyond what he was before. I love Heath and miss him so fuck­ing much!

ter­rie Batson September 8th, 2008

I Agree with you on how sexy Heath Ledger is Lor­raine, cause i’m mar­ried but if Heath came to my door id’e fuck him for hours or until I can’t fuck him no more. cause i’m a huge fan of him as the joker I would fuck him with or with­out his makeup.I also have a lot of his movies and i’m gonna own 2 copies of dark knight on dvd. I’m in love with him as him­self and the joker.I would have an affair on my hus­band but only with Heath. Rock On Joker Heath Ledger!

Lor­raine September 9th, 2008

oh yes, I’d fuck him with his makeup. That’s part of the appeal. I’d lick and suck on his red lips and smear his makeup all over. The Joker is mad hot sexy. I can’t get enough of him. He’s the sex­i­est thing I’ve seen since Alex from A Clock­work Orange. I’m mar­ried too but hubby under­stands me.

bat­man dark knight September 9th, 2008

[…] […]

ter­rie batson September 9th, 2008

What’s up it’s me Ter­rie. I can’t wait to get my why so seri­ous and the card of the joker he held up in the movie. I’m get­ting it on 9/22/08 I’m ready for his sexy fine self. It’s gonna be from the orig­i­nal poster Why So Seri­ous? my tat­too of him is a pic­ture of him from the dark knight pics! it’s fuckin bad ass! I really wish he was still alive! The Joker’s my only fav. vil­lian, but only Heath Ledger, not Jack, or that other dumb joker who ever he was sup­posed to be what ever his fuckin name is I can’t remem­ber off hand. thank god he wasn’t joker. who ever votes for that other joker is fuckin insane and dumb. I Love You Heath Ledger I Wanna Lick You Up And Down And Make LOve TO You I Miss You Too Bad. Ms. Joker Bat­son That’s really my nick­name I’ve FOr Awhile and to keep for­ever. every­body at my job calls me that and my family!

Lor­raine September 9th, 2008

Ter­rie, you and I need to get together and talk about the Joker. It seems we have alot in com­mon about him. We both find him sexy, although from the youtube site there are hun­dreds of peo­ple who want to fuck the Joker. As do I.

ter­rie batson September 10th, 2008

Hi it’s me Ter­rie I would Love to get together with you soon if you want. My hubby would’nt mind if we meet some­day in per­son. you seem really cool ass hell. Id’e love to show you my tattoo’s of him only if you want to see thim. I promise I’m not a psy­cho girl.If you want I’ll give my cell phone num­ber. That’s up yo you if you can if not I’ll under­stand. Ms. Joker Batson.

Lor­raine September 11th, 2008

Hey, Ter­rie, here’s my email. tigresgirl@​hotmail.​com
Oh, and I’ve now seen the movie 17 times. Have you checked out any of the Joker You tube clips?

ter­rie batson September 11th, 2008

Hi what’s up It’s me MS Joker Here’s my email address IsaacBatson@​yahoo.​com. And yes I have checked it out Look­ing for­ward to talk­ing to you. soon. Please email me back. when you can. have an awe­some day.

ter­rie batson September 11th, 2008

It’s me Ms. Joker. Hi Lor­raine. Iv’e been meen­ing to email you today Iv’e just been busy this after­noon work­ing at wendy’s. Beem there 2 years, I know it’s fast­food but can’t get another job right now. But that’s cool cause my hubby helps me with money and all. He under­stands me too. Great guy! I hope you can email me or if you want to we can still meet in per­son, if you want! have a good night we’ll talk about the joker together. to answer your ques­tion I love on you tube the pic where he’s sit­ting in the jail, you can see his hole body. I love the clip where he crashes the party and comes in and says the good evening ladies and gen­tle­men, and the why so seri­ous where it plays that song as it goes through dif­fer­ent pic of him from the movie.

ter­rie batson September 11th, 2008

I for­got to give you my cell phone num. you can call if you want to any­time. 234‑6277 we can talk about joker or what­ever you want by the way I’m 31 years old it sucks bee­ing 31. I miss my teenage years.

izzy September 12th, 2008

ok that was awe­some i looooved it!! i wish there was more.
i think its so inter­est­ing what the do on set i think.

Lor­raine September 12th, 2008

What you talk­ing about izzy?

ter­rie batson September 12th, 2008

Hi what’s up Lor­raine it’s me Ms Joker Ter­rie! I’m sorry I havw not had time to email you. I promise I will I really do want to get together with you and talk about the joker. we do have alot in com­mon about joker. And by the way I also have no idea what this Izzy dude is talk­ing about. I know have my own email address besides my hubby’s it’s ms.​joker1​9​7​7​@​hotmail.​com I hope you can email me soon.I hope you’re going fine. and hope you ain’t mad or any­thing like that. sorry for putting my cell phone num. on here. I just thought you might have wanted it. i did try to email you today but some­how it wouldn’t go through, cause my com­puter was fuckin up. Hope to here from you soon. Ms. Joker Ter­rie. I’ve been meen­ing to see the movie a lot more Iv’e just been busy.but that’s cool cause when I by my dark knight dvd’s I’m watch­ing it A mil­lion times almost everynight.

ter­rie batson September 12th, 2008

Hi Lor­raine it’s Ter­rie Ms joker. I sent you an email I hope you get it. look­ing for­ward to talk­ing with you. you seem cool I hope we can com­mu­ni­cate well together. I really am cool when you get to know me. we both wanna fuck Heath Ledger Joker, and think he’s fine ass hell. I don’t ever care to see a 3rd dark knight if 1 comes out cause no vil­lian can take Heath ledger’s place. I don’t care what kind of vil­lian it is not 2 face, nor riddler,or any other bad guy crim­i­nal. fuck all the other batman’s I’m never see­ing any new or old bat­man movies not now or the future. have a good night Ms.Joker Terrie!

Lor­raine September 13th, 2008

Ter­rie , I sent you an email. Just check­ing if it went thru ok. Check your junk folder, it could have gone there. I want to send you some very cool pics of Joker. Until later.

ter­rie batson September 13th, 2008

Lor­raine, I sent you 2 emails today or night. 9/13/08. I hope you got my emails. I got yours. I checked my junk mail as you said. and, I love my joker pics you sent me. have a good night. and by the way your email address is safe only with me. or any­thing you give me. Ter­rie ms. joker.have fun.

Tristan~Bleak October 1st, 2008

Tyson, your a fuck­ing idiot. True, Jack Nicholson’s ver­sion of the joker was good. Prac­ti­cally excel­lent, but you can­not over­look the fact that Heath Ledger also did an astound­ing job in The Dark Knight. He prac­ti­cally had just about every per­son in the audi­ence wish­ing that there was more to the movie.

ter­rie batson October 6th, 2008

Ms.Joker.says i’m gonna cut every ones face and every­dody should be like the joker. I wanna be! Joker#1

ter­rie batson October 14th, 2008

every mother fucker and bitch in the world should have scars on there face like Heath Ledger Joker. i wish my face was scared like his,but of course only through surgery,i’m so pissed off and wish the whole world would be like joker,cause iv’e been used and stood up. joker’s my man. im in love with joker.but only heath, of course. if I was a crim­i­nal every one in the world would get there face cut like’e fuck­ing make sure of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY SO SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brit­tney moris January 17th, 2009

hi im brit­tney and i love the joker and im 19 i met him and took a few pic­tures with him in makeup and with out when they started the sec­ond one i was in it and he took me a huge scene. but then he past away and i was so sad i went to the wake and and heath ur the best actor ever some of my wishes are to you love you and always, brit­tney moris

brit­tney moris January 17th, 2009

no i did not do any of those things im really 13 and i think im in love with heath ledger sorry every­one i love him and some wishes are to you R.I.P

Holdin’ Out for a Hero | Online Movies Café February 9th, 2009

[…] that all we’ll get of Heath Ledger as the Joker in the next Bat­man film, The Dark Knight, is fuzzy pic­tures and even fuzzier plot infor­ma­tion. Could a pos­si­ble teaser trailer offer us any more? Links via […]

KRISTINA March 12th, 2009


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