Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

More of Heath Ledger as The Joker July 17th, 2007

TRAGIC UPDATE: The Joker, Heath Ledger found dead 

Seems like Heath Ledger has been doing quite a bit of film­ing as of late, as well as some skate­board­ing it seems. First up, MyFox­Chicago has three can­did videos of The Dark Knight, show­ing The Joker and the tum­bler (Batmobile).

In an alto­gether dif­fer­ent loca­tion LatinoReview’s scooper Kava­lier 149 has snapped this great shot — at last we can see the tra­di­tional Joker attire (see full arti­cle for spoiler pictures).

And here is a YouTube video from the shoot show­ing the tum­bler in action:

Comments 34 Responses to “More of Heath Ledger as The Joker”

Jose Xavier November 5th, 2007

Heath Ledger will play a great char­ac­ter, very much dif­fer­ent than Jack Nichol­son who prob­a­bly played the best joker yet if Ever but that was 20 years ago. Ledger will play a new more sadisc­tic role which is what movie watch­ers want to see. Hope­fully he can play this char­ac­ter as well as Jack Nichol­son so for the next 20 years we can brag about how good Heath Ledger played Chriso­pher Nolans Joker. I want to see Bat­man get his butt kicked by the joker for once. He might.….Nice spoiler huh?

Jolynn Baf­ford November 5th, 2007

“Bat­man Returns”,was by far the best caped cru­sader movie yet.I can’t wait for “The Dark Knight”.

Ziggy B. January 25th, 2008

Jack Nichol­son was/is super ticked about Heath Ledger play­ing the Joker. Appar­ently he though he should have the roll. 1) He’s far too old 2) They don’t have the same actor play­ing Bat­man so why would they have the same guy play­ing Joker from a dif­fer­ent Bat­man movie?
I have a feel­ing this was one of Heath Ledgers best rolls because he just had to morph him­self into the psy­cho sadis­tic char­ac­ter and you can tell just by watch­ing the trailer he did a good job. I know the movie will kick.
(R.I.P. Ledger)

Ang February 3rd, 2008

Heath seemed to be a won­der­ful guy and by look­ing at the trailor of the new bat­man film played a bril­liant joker. I don’t believe any of the mar­ket­ing should be changed because if heath saw it and had no prob­lem with it then i don’t believe his fam­ily will have a prob­lem, but i do believe that his fam­ily should be con­sulted just out of respect​.It was bril­liant to watch you in your movies and my sym­pa­thy goes out to his daugh­ter matilda and his family.

destruct26 February 5th, 2008

What­ever the case sur­round­ing Heaths death, it was an impact with his fam­ily, friends, work­ers and fans. He will be dearly missed. We all to a degree, as fans, have waited to see a good bat flick for some time, and we did with Bat­man Begins. A great start­ing point as far as plot and theme, visu­als and music com­bined with great actors with the right align­ment to the comics sto­ry­line, for the most part. Heath is gonna kick ass as the defin­i­tive Joker, which we have craved for some­time. And although there will be a third movie (men­tioned by Bale him­self), i trust the Nolans to cast a new Joker (hes schiz­o­phrenic, and changes his tune con­stantly, a new guy could pos­si­bly do some­thing even bet­ter than Heath)or mend the sto­ry­line or to do some­thing else. I have heard the 3rd movie title, rumored to be called “Shadow of the Bat” I gotta say, it aint bad. Ive heard worse but what the hell do i know.…

Alexan­dra July 19th, 2008

I love Heath Ledger in that movie! i went to go see it on the Mid­night show­ing… he was awe­some… every­thing out of his mouth was a line unfor­getable! He is and will be a Leg­end for that movie!!!!!


Ally July 20th, 2008

Heath Ledger was an AMAZING actor! I’m going to see The Dark Knight tonit and i cant wait! I tried to go at mid­night but it was sold out which was unsur­pris­ing! I kno from all the ppl i talked to and from the trail­ers that this is his BEST per­for­mance yet! I kno he’ll win an Oscar!
R.I.P Heath<3

nick July 21st, 2008

I think he will be remem­bered as the great­est super­hero vil­lain ever to play in a movie.

Olivia July 21st, 2008

In response to Nick — that is an absolutely dis­gust­ing thing to say. I was never a huge fan of Heath myself, but to say that you are GLAD that some­one, any­one, has died, makes you a hor­ri­ble person.

Heath was a great actor and depicted the Joker PERFECTLY. We’re all going to miss him, and dead or alive — he deserves an oscar for his role in this movie.


destruct26 July 22nd, 2008

Um, yeah– I usu­ally dont wish death upon peo­ple I dont per­son­ally know, although I have come close to wish­ing it upon Joel Shu­macher, although I for­got the rea­son why. (Im lying, you all know DAMN WELL WHY ;D ) But, mov­ing on, The Dark Knight was eas­ily the best movie I have seen this year, and the best comic movie Ive ever seen to date. Iron­man was incred­i­bly cool, but it didnt hold a damn can­dle to this. And not just Ledger, (who INCINERATED Jack Nicholsens pre­vi­ous incar­na­tion of the Joker) but the whole cast of The Dark Knight did an incred­i­ble job. The Bat-fan within is greatly appeased with his sec­onds, but, unfor­tu­nately, he has room for thirds. So, another 1,000 days or so to go, eh?

ellen July 25th, 2008

yeh, i con­cur, you shouldn’t be glad someone’s dead, that’s hor­ri­ble. and you said he was amaz­ing as the Joker, so it doesn’t make sense that you’d be glad any­way.
i saw The Dark Knight yes­ter­day, and it was fan­tas­tic. defi­nately movie of the year. per­son­ally, i was kind of a fan of Heath’s, and i hope he wins an oscar for his epic per­for­mance as the Joker. i don’t think the impact of his death can change the fact that he deserves any praise he receives for this.
i’m already eager to hear news about the next bat­man film.. though i’m not sure if it can get much bet­ter than this.

anthony July 25th, 2008

if heath ledger was a method actor, i won­der how far he went to pre­pare for broke­back moun­tain… :S
but great per­for­mance in the dark knight. it is my favourite movie just because of him. i loved it. any scene with heath was a scene to remem­ber.
excel­lent job.

Tues­day July 28th, 2008

Heath was amaz­ing as the joker. The per­for­mance was incredible.Thriling,crazy and just chill­ing just how the joker should be seen. Heath made the movie and i think that he did a fan­tas­tic job. His joker makeup was great aswell. When i was watch­ing the film i just kept wish­ing for there to be another scene with him in it so i could watch the unbeleiv­able actor in character.This is now my favourite film ever and the main fac­tor in this deci­sion is all to do with the spine tin­gling per­for­mance by Heath Ledger.I now love the joker and view the once dark char­ac­ter as a interesting,wise,quirky and almost in a odd sence von­ruble man.

destruct26 August 2nd, 2008

I had made a point to my friends that it will be a per­fect inter­pre­ta­tion of the Joker when Nolan said there would be NO ori­gin story. From the one of the comic books, Its Joker Time, he goes off inter­pret­ing how he became the Joker, going thru all the other ver­sions pre­vi­ously known, and grad­u­ally mak­ing them more cra­zier and obvi­ously unbe­liev­able. Hes so delu­sional and insane, that he doesnt even know how he became that way, he just likes make up his own ver­sion. Its what I said. Then i saw the movie, and the scene where he explains how he got his scars and (cring­ing, numb with my hand over my mouth in hor­ror) I believed him. Then he tells Rachel, and I thought– son of bitch, he lied. Hes a deranged, psy­chotic, socio/pathological liar. Per­fect. Just another high point in how this inter­pre­ta­tion was inden­ti­cal to the ideals of the comic book ide­ol­ogy of his char­ac­ter. If Nolan crew and of course Ledger dont recieve some type of award for thier work, I will be shocked and dis­s­a­pointed. And if the next movie is named BATMAN FOREVER, I will defe­cate blood into my pants and pray for a swift death.

tom August 3rd, 2008

was so much bet­ter then jack
and to that sick twat nick
your just messed up
that was a dis­cust­ing thing to say
your sick mate, sort your self out

heath was the best joker ever
this was an awe­some film

eas­ily the best of the year

it will be hard to beat this with the sequel

Dragon87110 August 3rd, 2008

Heath Ledger played an Epic Joker. He will be a leg­end and I truly think that no one will ever be able to play Joker again because no one will ever be able to do it that well. With­out a doubt he kicked Jack’s ASS as Joker. He truly deserves a posthu­mous Oscar.

Alyson August 20th, 2008

I miss Heath and the fact that he should have been the Joker in the sequel NO ONE CAN DO IT LIKE HE DOES. He shouldn’t have died I don’t really trust doc­tors any­way but now I really don’t. Granted because I know some one will say or think about “what if I needed life sav­ing surgery or some­thing?” well then yeah I would go through with it even though surgery freaks me out. I am talk­ing about pills and stuff that doc­tors con­tin­u­ously per­scribe to peo­ple and even in the E! True Hol­ly­wood story that was on today the cop said no doc­tor should have per­scribed these meds together. It is apper­ently an increas­ing prob­lem and lots of peo­ple die of over­dose or com­bon­a­tion of these types of pills which says to me that there is some­thing wrong with are med­i­c­i­nal field today and some­times all doc­tors care about is money and not the patient. Pill push­ers in other words even though this par­tic­u­lar instance might have been an hon­est mis­take you still have to watch out for docs who only think of their salary and not you. R.I.P Heath Ledger see you in heaven.(don’t mean to offend)

Princess September 15th, 2008

I looooved Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight!! He was mes­mer­iz­ing in ever­rrry scene.! I was soo shocked when he died. I was so depressed. I belive noone in 50 years can top his per­for­mance! He was too good. I wish he could see his fans reviews. He did an out of this world job. I was speech­less when I walked out of the the­atre! Love him and miss him. R.I.P Heathy.

princess September 15th, 2008

And that per­son who said they were happy he was dead. THat is so demoiac. Your say­ing your happy an incred­i­ble actor who had a 3 yr old daugh­ter who will never get to see his baby girl grow up and he never got a chance to see his per­for­mance in this movie and peo­ple greiv­ing over him and espe­cially his fam­ily and friends; and your happy about that!? So wrong. Plus when Jack nichol­son said he was happy he was dead, he was just jeal­ous. I dnt like J.N. He should feel wrong. Heath lost his life at the prime of it! So think before you say hor­ri­ble things, the both of ya.

Savan­nah Adams September 22nd, 2008

Heath Ledgar, is by far, the best Joker I have ever seen. I mean…no-one can top him. No-one. HE NEEDS AN OSCARRRR! :D

Any­way, I think this will be one of my favorite movies (still) of all time and WILL always be reme­bered as one of Heaths best movies in peo­ples hearts. They will never for­get Heath, his films, or his role as the Joker. THE JOKER/HEATH WILL LIVE ON FOREVER! 3>

luisa October 28th, 2008

voce e mal joker

Aries November 25th, 2008

Heath ledger did a breath tak­ing per­for­mance and will be missed, he is still my favorite actor and always will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aries November 25th, 2008

He deserves an oscar for best actor not sup. actor. any­way it gioes he’s going to blow out everyone.

Alexx December 29th, 2008

i am i big fan of heaths work and con­not wati to find out what becomes of his 2009 film ” the imag­i­nar­ium of dr. par­nas­sus“
if they fin­ished the rest witha dif­fer­ent charec­tor and still left him in the movie that would be great, any­who thats besides the point, heath ledger is an incred­able, well respected, tal­en­tad actor and blew jack nichol­son out of the water. His death was not sui­cide, he was not a drug­gie, he had insom­nia from film­ing the dark knight plus he was sick for a long time and mixed painkillers, sleep­ing and anti-anxiety pills, and we all know the out­come of that. =/

any­way no doubt heath should get an oscar,
rip heath<333

Laura R.I.P HEATH LEDGER (L) January 1st, 2009

Omg Nick how can you say such things about pple espe­cially the amaz­ing Heath ledger R.I.P. Heath had lost his life before he had even started and im sure had much more to share with us.Heath Ledger was and will remain a bet­ter per­son than you can ever imag­ine being. Why would you say that you don’t even know him? Heath will go down in hol­ly­wood his­tory for such great tal­ent, and shame we did’nt get to see more. How­ever he will never be for­got and we can still share his spirit in his roles that where his passion.I’ve been a huge fan of Heaths from 10 things i hate about you untill now and im ter­ri­bly devis­tated of such a great loss.Even now nearly 1 year gone and
i’m still in shock. My heart goes out to all his fam­ily and friends espe­cially lit­tle Matilda who will never get to see her amaz­ing father ever again. I hope most peo­ple unlike Nick will appre­ci­ate what Heath has given to us, and keep our fin­gers crossed for Heath to win an oscar which im sure he will from his fan­tas­tic per­for­mance as the joker.( His voice was amazing)And to there being another bat­man film: nobody will be able to per­form the joker as well as heath did I’m sorry but lets face it,he is the best of the best :D

R.I.P Heath and god Bless all Heaths fam­ily.
Lots of love Laura xxx

Sarah February 22nd, 2009

Well I must admit I thought it was bril­liant how Sean Penn did Kei­ths nom­i­na­tion intro­duc­tion. Penn has always been sup­port­ive to those in the film com­mu­nity, and this evening I felt like I could rely on Penn so I wouldnt burst out in tears before the award was even presented.

I rather feel like I need to rewatch the Dark Knight as I have only watched it once. It would be an under­state­ment to call the per­cep­tion of Ledger’s Joker a mas­ter­piece, I found it quite phenominal.

Bless Heath and his legacy.

Izabelle_PR. February 23rd, 2009

Heath death is some­thing really sad, it’s some­thing that some peo­ple can under­stand. I’m so glad he Won the OSCAR !!! But at the same time a lit­tle sad because he did’nt get to see a dream come true for any actor. But just like he sad once He’s alive in his daugh­ter and from heaven he’s watch­ing over her. And for his daugh­ter she’s going to be so proud of her father when she grows up. There will be no Bet­ter Joker that the one Heath Ledger played.

Hope to see u in heaven Heath !!! And the most sin­cere bless­ings to your child, God bless her and make a great woman like u were a great man.

abby March 11th, 2009

Whoa! heath made the movie award-winning. He was unbe­liv­ably evil that if you mixed him and bat­man, ud get a guy who could be a really good guy or a phsyco vil­lan cuz bata­man wasnt really a hero at all!!!Bravo!

abby March 11th, 2009

Whoa! heath made the movie award-winning. He was unbe­liv­ably evil that if you mixed him and bat­man, ud get a guy who could be a really good guy or a phsyco vil­lan cuz bata­man wasnt really a hero at all!!!Bravo! He is the best as the joker. way bet­ter than any other cast mem­ber in all the bat­man history.

Miss Ledger March 31st, 2009

Yeah! heath was amaz­ing in TDK but.…he look hot like the joker no? xD

niña adri­ann April 23rd, 2009

amo a heath ledger al joker y ato­dos aque­l­los per­son­jes que ha hecho , me enam­ore del joker hasta asi es guapo si pudiera regr­ersar el tiempo y poder evi­tar su muerte lo haria mien­tras cada dia lo seguire soñando siem­pre seras mi actor favorito heaht…

adriann–girl— heee April 23rd, 2009

en serio estoy tan pero tan desep­cionada con la vida no con la mia pero si con lo que puede hacer con aque­l­las per­sonas que se van siendo tan amadas y tal­en­tosa heaht ledger es alguien que no solo por ser tan atrac­tivo je siendo the joker y otras pelic­u­las 10 thinks i hate about you puedan irse asi nada mas teniendo una pre­ciosa hija lo unico que puedo hacer por el es desear con todas mis fuerzas regre­sar el tiempo, ser sus pasos, y su per­sona tam­bien, me enam­ore del joker y de el pero no es por eso que lo admiro sino por aque­llo que ha logrado y ha demostrado ser a todas aque­l­las que esten igualk que yo aqui me tienen.

Jokerfan777 August 27th, 2009

To a True Leg­end of a great actor R.I.P

U will be reme­bered forever

build­ing solar panels December 1st, 2009