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“I’m a man of my word. I guarantee everyone here is going to die tonight.”
So says Hollywood Chicago’s description of The Dark Knight teaser (via projectionist Francis Farmer) … which is different to SuperHeroHype’s previous report. The cause? Hollywood Chicago claims that there will be two separate videos, one for The Simpsons, another for Comic-Con.
Here is their full trailer description:
It was just the new Batman logo for 50 seconds with light rays slowly destroying it. There was dialogue between Batman and Alfred.
The last line is: “Some people just want to watch the world burn.” When the logo gets destroyed, its last piece flies toward the camera, turns and has a Joker card on it.
Bruce Wayne says something about “they crossed a line this time”. Alfred says: “They put all their hopes in a man they didn’t understand.”
Joker says something like: “I’m a man of my word. I guarantee everyone here is going to die tonight.”
This is classified as a rumor. Not long left now.
SuperHeroHype got the scoop again (via ‘BDE’) with this one, a report of what we shall be seeing in the upcoming official video release — how accurate this is we’ll have to wait and see:
I have seen The Dark Knight Teaser. I don’t want to reveal everything…
It starts out with the WB logo gracing the screen, followed by the DC logo and the Legendary pictures logo. The screen goes black.
It opens back up as a commercial paid for by the friends of Harvey Dent. We are shown shots of him talking, making public speeches, and walking in a suit, while a deep voice comes on and talks about Harvey Dent. A generic politician commercial.
What seems to be halfway through the commercial, it is interrupted by static, and blacks out. Out of nowhere a crystal clear image comes onto the screen of a blacked out man with large windows behind him. The camera slowly zooms in on him. He’s talking (about what I won’t say) and as he finishes he begins laughing. Lightning strikes, lighting up his face, as the laughter grows more manic. Cut to black.
The Batman Begins (now The Dark Knight’s bat) emblem is shown with the words The Dark Knight. Then it says Summer 2008 and has the website at the bottom.
What is said… is a surprise that I must keep for now. It gave me chills.
Note this on your calendars, this will be the first big video — a must watch. Joblo, SuperHeroHype and now a number of other online news outlets have confirmed through their associated sources that with Warner Brother’s The Simpsons movie, in selected screenings, they will preview the first teaser trailer of The Dark Knight on July 27th, coinciding with the Warner Bros. day at Comic Con 2007 — a mere coincidence?
Let’s wait and see!
This is the big Batman news story of the day, Cillian Murphy has been spotted on the set of The Dark Knight, as the Scarecrow. There’s some footage online over at YouTube, which pretty much gives away the scene and hence has some spoilers. Nothing too suprising in the video so I advise just waiting for the movie, if you can. SuperHeroHype has the full story from budding Paparazzi ‘typeorocks’. Here’s one of the shots:
And here’s the infamous Bat Signal, the best candid shot we’ve seen yet, as snapped by Jeremy Farmer:

I always seem to be mentioning these guys, Latino Review have posted this shot, which seems to be legitimate, it’s hard to tell because the article has been taken down. It is being touted as the Joker’s new clown car, likely to be a vehicle that he and/or his henchmen use to travel in. I personally think it’s perfect and look forward to seeing more of the same.
Here it is, complete with two-toned purple paint job et al:

What’s more, we could be getting a glance at a new BAT vehicle next week, according to a Warner Bros. press statement.
EDIT: Seems like this could be a fake using Photoshop, having done some research, although it is a cool and interesting concept that I am sure many people would like to see expanded upon.
While we are on the case of rumors, let’s look at a potential (i.e. likely to be fake) teaser poster, via Film Ick:

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