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In all the debate about the sequel to The Dark Knight, a lot of people suggested the possible return of Harvey Dent and the Two Face character. In an interview with Coming Soon, Aaron Eckhart has confirmed once and for all that Harvey Dent is dead. It is also interesting to hear that the original plan was to bring The Joker back for the third movie, whether that will still happen is highly debatable.
CS/SHH!: Is Harvey Dent alive?
Aaron Eckhart: No. He is dead as a door nail.
CS/SHH!: So he’s not coming back?
Eckhart: He ain’t coming back baby!
CS/SHH!: I was hoping he would.
Eckhart: No. I asked Chris [Nolan] that question and he goes, “You’re dead” before I could even get the question out of my mouth. “Hey Chris, am I?” “You’re dead!” Alright, cool.
CS/SHH!: That’s not a problem in comic book movies. You could still come back.
Eckhart: I think in contract negotiations it’s a problem.
CS/SHH!: So you were never signed on for another film?
Eckhart: No, I’m not coming back. I think unfortunately, Heath [Ledger] was supposed to go on and that didn’t work out. I’m nobody. I’m a cog. I have no say over this sort of stuff. I’m sure that there’s so many other characters that they could whip together. I heard Angelina Jolie was going to be Catwoman or something like that. I thought that was a great idea. I’d like to be in that one.
Would you want to see a Joker played by someone other than Heath Ledger?
/Film have posted what look like the first details about the special releases and limited edition versions of The Dark Knight that will be available when it comes out to own later this year. HOWEVER — they were sent in by a reader and could be complete fabrications.
None of this promotion plays on the popularity of The Joker which leaves me a little suspect.
2-Disc BatPod Collector’s Edition

2-Disc Bat-Mask Edition (this one has to be fake)

DVD and Blu ray covers

During the viral marketing campaign we were given this image of The Joker being chauffeured:

Chris has pointed out that this was not in the movie — maybe there are some more Joker scenes waiting for us on the DVD release, or a director’s cut? We can only hope. Where do you thing this would have fit into the movie?
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Omelette have the exclusive on five brand new Dark Knight posters, one of these is in the same vein as the officially released poster which came through Why So Serious, the others are in a completely new style — and I believe, almost certainly faked — their minimalist layout which contains previously seen imagery that also strays away from the traditional Dark Knight font-set and layout are the clues. They are still sultry and impressive however.

This final adaptation is almost certainly a fake — reusing a Joker image seen in a previous poster with some poorly rendered burning Joker card, via Film School Rejects. Though once again, I am posting it because it is a nice concept.

Cinema Blend are reporting that, in preview screenings of The Dark Knight, most has gone down well — but one scene involving Heath Ledger as The Joker has left people aghast. There are now rumors it shall be removed for the final cut. To save on the spoilers (it’s nothing too major), I’ve posted the details after the break.
In other news, the Dark Knight’s first review has surfaced online, chock filled with spoilers and all in Portugese, which was found online. Batman On Film have posted a very loose translation of this — do not read it if you want to enjoy the movie to its fullest. They claim elements match information that is currently held secret, they are giving it their backing and believe it to be genuine, I shall remain sceptical however.
Thanks Keith for both stories!
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The third Dark Knight trailer is set to land in the next few weeks — how, when and where is not quite certain yet. It is widely rumored to revolve around Batman and Harvey Dent, with much less of a focus on The Joker.
Dark Horizons have recently heard that a slot before the feature film “10,000 BC” is the most likely candidate for the first trailer showing — and that premières on March 7th. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.
As an aside, the article also linked to the MTV blog which has a video with one of the new Batman toys, Bruce Wayne’s Lamborghini Murcielago.
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