Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious

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And the pumpkin doth wither October 25th, 2007

It seems our can­dle melt­ing Dark Knight teaser over at Why So Seri­ous is begin­ning to get a lit­tle old and weary with time. Yes, the pump­kin is begin­ning to fray at the edges as rot sets in and the can­dle begins to reach its end.

Why So Serious Pumpkin

Well spot­ted all those that sent this in.

EDIT: Right side only it seems, many peo­ple have sug­gested ref­er­ences to Two Face.

Why So Serious Bat Shaped Jack-o-Lantern October 18th, 2007

Why So Seri­ous has updated, remov­ing the for­ward link to the atro­cious clown site, replac­ing it with a sim­ple yet haunt­ing flash file depict­ing a flick­er­ing jack-o-lantern with a bat shaped ghoul­ish grin. Creepy.

And the rumors — A viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign to reach its pin­na­cle come Halloween?

(Thanks for the heads up Jay)

Why So Serious Pumpkin The Dark Knight

EDIT: Some astute view­ers have noticed that the can­dle is slowly burn­ing down, if you go to the site now you will see that the can­dle is much shorter.

Why So Serious? July 27th, 2007

Why So Serious?

Joker Bill


You have, as of writ­ing, approx­i­mately 4 hours to get to the co-ordinates on the site — they are intrigu­ingly in San Diego and the page itself is titled “Antic­i­pa­tion”. The clock is tick­ing. Good hunt­ing my friends.

Joker Wants You

Joker Wants You Too

Promotional Images June 15th, 2007

From the offi­cial web­site, this is the first of The Dark Knight pro­mo­tion shots:

Sec­ond comes Har­vey Dent’s pro­mo­tional poster, once again via the Warner Bros. site:

And thirdly, the first unveil­ing of Heath Ledger as The Joker which slowly emerged via a viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign “I believe in Har­vey Dent TOO”:

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