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Why So Serious

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Why So Serious — Red Balloons June 26th, 2008

The Joker sent out another round of pic­ture mes­sages to the lucky hold­ers of the prize phones,

To find the next sideshow, share these with your fel­low goons. There’s no sub­sti­tu­tion for fun.

The pic­tures looked like this and were labelled 1A, 3B, etc. to form a larger grid:

Section of Grid

In this grid there are 21 dis­tinct shapes, each of which can be assigned a let­ter. From this pat­tern of 21 let­ters, a sub­sti­tu­tion cypher (as hinted in the text mes­sage) can be applied to reveal the message:

Color me impressed. Just use the sec­ond let­ter of the fourth word to the right of each cir­cled five-letter word to find out where to go from here

This applies to the new Ha Ha Ha Times, reveal­ing “Red Bal­loons” and hence:


This presents us with another flash game with the appar­ent aim of inflat­ing and burst­ing bal­loons to get points. At a cer­tain point of infla­tion the clown eyes turn blue — when they are all blue a ticket pops out which links to “Inept Lack­eys”.

Hired goons are so unre­li­able these days. That’s why I only employ the ones that grad­u­ated from the top of their class at Clown Col­lege (and being opera-lovers didn’t hurt, either). But Maroni’s got his hands full with inept lack­eys like lit­tle Ste­vie and Romeo, Romeo, where­fore art thou, Romeo? I’ll tell you where they are: sit­tin’ pretty with a smile on their face. They tried to resched­ule their pick up ser­vice at Pasquale’s, but things didn’t go accord­ing to plan.


Pasquale’s has a tele­phone num­ber for which the pass­code is “Verdi” (83734).

Thanks for the heads up Pierre!

Why So Serious — Laugh Til It Hurts June 19th, 2008

Looks like the Joker is up to his mis­chief again. Bruce, a proud owner of a Joker phone, has just got a text from humanresources@​whysoserious.​com, reading:

Wel­come to Short-Attention-Span-Theater: Lash Guilt Thru Unit (-un)”

Which works out as “Laugh Til It Hurts” and takes us to the new flash game:


New Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems page found:


And a flash of The Joker towards the end of the video…

Thanks Bruce!

Why So Serious — My Hero, Two Face Footage June 16th, 2008

The Gotham City Pizze­ria updated when all piz­zas were deliv­ered to include a sub­tle “Ha Ha Ha” link via the HA in Gotham. This takes you to www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​m​y​h​e​ro/ — here a video plays. “I thought you were dead”. We have our first TwoFace video!

Joker picture messages sent out, Gotham City Pizzeria June 13th, 2008

The Joker is tex­ting his cohorts, Bruce has sent us in the con­tent of his message:

I just got a text mes­sage on the Joker Phone that has a pic­ture that says “Memo­r­ial”. With the text, Group 2: Share this piece where *any* clown can find it.

Oth­ers have reported sim­i­lar mes­sages with images:

Group 1 images

Matador Mask55Mexican TrainMap

Some have sug­gested that Mex­i­can Train is a type of Domi­noes game.

Group 2 images

Group 3 images

All the first images relate to a type of Domino game.
All the sec­ond images are spelt with the same let­ters, as does the word “Com­mer­cial“
The frac­tions add up to 6/16

This all sug­gests: “Domi­nos Com­mer­i­cal on 16th June” — not sure what impor­tance that holds.

EDIT: GCN has updated — full Gotham Tonight show will be avail­able there on Mon­day, which is the 16th! Looks like that is the date to watch for.

Gotham City Pizze­ria, “pow­ered by Domi­nos pizza”


Viral kicks up, Joker text messages June 11th, 2008

The Joker has sent out this mes­sage to all the active cell phones:

OK clowns, are you ready for some laughs (y/n)?
You put a smile on my face. Hope you’re not superstitious

Super­sti­tion relates to the day — Fri­day 13th June. We already know that’s when “Gotham Tonight” will pre­mier, maybe The Joker has some­thing in store for them?

Other Viral Updates

A new email from Har­vey Dent:

It’s been an incred­i­ble last few weeks. Ever since the vicious smear cam­paign col­lapsed and Har­vey Dent’s remark­able courage at the hostage cri­sis at Rossi’s Deli, our cam­paign has rid­den a wave of sup­port I have never seen in all my polit­i­cal life.

Our Head­quar­ters reopened and thou­sands of vol­un­teers show up here every day, every night, fight­ing for change. Fundrais­ing has reached incred­i­ble heights, with over 100,000 Gotham cit­i­zens con­tribut­ing their hard-earned money in sup­port of Har­vey Dent’s vow to take back Gotham.

We’ve expanded our reach, open­ing branches in neigh­bor­hoods that haven’t seen polit­i­cal cam­paigns take them seri­ously for decades. And we’ve har­nessed the incred­i­ble grass­roots sup­port by send­ing vol­un­teers to knock on doors through­out the city. Amaz­ingly, we will achieve our two mil­lionth door knock some­time in between now and Elec­tion Day.

Har­vey Dent has com­mit­ted him­self to lead the charge to take back our city, face down the crim­i­nal and cor­rupt and restore hope for our future.

Now, we need your help. We need to get out the vote!. And we need you to vote your­self. If you can’t make it to the polls, go to http://​www​.gotham​elec​tion​board​.com and find out how you can vote online. Work­ing together, we will take back Gotham!

Allan Cypes Media Manager

Maiden Avenue Report
— Shuts Down, writer sells out

Gotham City Rail:

Gotham City Rail Announces Satel­lite Track­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions System

To bet­ter serve our cus­tomers, GCR has com­pleted its tran­si­tion to a satel­lite track­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tem (STCS). Using cut­ting edge ultra high fre­quency tech­nol­ogy, STCS will give GCR the real-time abil­ity to track exact posi­tion­ing of all its trains. This will allow for more accu­rate sched­ul­ing and should increase GCR’s already impres­sive safety record.

Cit­i­zens for Bat­man — Intro­duc­tion updated:

For the first time, we have hope. Bat­man proves we can fight back against the sociopaths, thugs, and scum that have ruled Gotham for too long.
And now, City Hall wants to arrest Batman!

Gotham Police — Annual Policeman’s Ball
Gotham USD — News area updated
Inter­nal Affairs of Gotham Police Depart­ment — Inter­nal Affairs Offi­cers of the Month added
Trust Garcetti — Updates with info about elec­tion
Dana Wor­thing­ton — “Yes for Batman”

And of course you can still vote in the elec­tions.

Thanks Pierre!

Sitting Ducks and Happy Trails April 28th, 2008

The final clue in the “It’s all part of the plan” game revealed a grid con­tain­ing all the let­ter J’s:


Each of these then cor­re­sponds to a let­ter that spells out “sit­ting­ducks” when unscram­bled. This leads to a new Why So Seri­ous page:


In this lit­tle flash game, each of the ducks rep­re­sent binary code, blue ducks being 0 and yel­low ducks being 1. 1st row: “To win shoot” 2nd row: “Only row two” 3rd row: ybbyyyybbybby

Com­plet­ing the game reveals a “You Win” sign:

Click­ing that takes you to the Happy Trails (aka trailer!) page:


Now we have to wait til Sun­day to see the trailer.

It’s all part of the plan — Why So Serious scavenger hunt! April 28th, 2008

EDIT: 4:00 PM EDT: Lon­don clues have been solved and the safe opened
5:30 PM EDT: Boston (43–26-76), Philadel­phia (26–16-06), New York (33–80-89), Toronto (32–60-68) — all com­pleted and safes opened.
6:30 PM EDT: Chicago (98–20-49), Dal­las (86–56-01), Kansas City (74–35-76) — all com­pleted
8:30 PM EDT: Seat­tle (65–42-60), Los Ange­les (41–44-98), San Fran­cisco (76–36-42), Sao Paulo (60–47-41) — all completed.

EDIT: I have set up a flash based chat page to help every­one keep up to date:
Why So Seri­ous Live Chat (warn­ing: this chat can degrade into non­sen­si­cal rub­bish because that is the nature of people).

Con­tinue read­ing to see our full cov­er­age with updates as they come

The first of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt count­downs has ended — Lon­don is up and ready, rar­ing to go. The por­trait image has updated — it now con­tains a set of clues:

Read the rest of this entry »

It’s all part of the plan — New Dark Knight Poster! April 24th, 2008

Oper­a­tion Slip­knot has completed:


Oper­a­tion Slip­knot is com­plete. Even though three sus­pects remain at large, your work rep­re­sents a huge step for­ward in clean­ing up our beloved city.

The fugi­tives are being arrested, hand­cuffed, and extra­dited back to Gotham for prosecution.

Doesn’t it feel bet­ter to be on the right side of the law for once?

Thanks to you, Gotham can hold its head high once again. But do me one favor… stay out of trouble.


Click­ing each of the sus­pects shows how they were caught. Shortly after the com­ple­tion (despite three missed sus­pects), par­tic­i­pants received a phone call from Jim Gor­don (DOWNLOAD).

humanresources@whysoserious then sent out a text to the mobiles in the pack­ages received — point­ing us towards a new Why So Seri­ous Page: “It’s All Part of the Plan”.

There’s a four day count­down and a lever in the top right — click­ing the lever reveals a brand new Dark Knight Poster: “Wel­come to a world with­out rules” (Down­load Super Hi Res­o­lu­tion Image)

Sam­ple of the high res­o­lu­tion poster:
High Resolution Dark Knight Poster Sample

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