Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious — Bamboozle July 7th, 2008

A new Joker text has spawned the hunt for the next WSS viral web­site, Bruce was sent this ver­sion of the message:

OK clown, I see one last test of skill in your future. Post this where every­one can see it: BABEL

Oth­ers received these words — LAM, BOB, BLAM, ZEAL, BABEL, ZOOM, ME, MAZE, LAB, AMBLE

Which leads us to the “Bam­boo­zle” page: www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​b​a​m​b​o​o​zle

Here we see a for­tune telling machine, (much like that creepy one in the Tom Hanks movie “Big”).

Click­ing each of the but­tons reveals tick­ets with some for­tune and an extra taped on mes­sage from The Joker.

Top left
You will get your heart’s desire. Too bad you’re an addict.
You will come to the atten­tion of peo­ple in high places. Like crazed hill­top snipers.
You will live in inter­est­ing times. Inter­est­ing to his­to­ri­ans. Like the Black Plague.
You will meet some­one tall, dark and hand­some who you will share your life with. They’ll route your bank funds into an untrace­able Car­ribbean account.
You will come into great wealth. After an indus­trial acci­dent. You’ll be blind. Deaf. Com­pletely par­a­lyzed. But rich.
Now would be a good time to leave your job. Twenty years flip­ping burg­ers is long enough.

Bot­tom left

Chil­dren will influ­ence a major deci­sion. Who knows. You might have mar­ried her any­way.
You will have a break­through in your career. Your boss will take credit.
You will have an oppor­tu­nity for a good invest­ment. House of Pies stock is shoot­ing up.
Don’t assume you know what is going on at work. But yes, there are pho­tos. And yes, they will stand up in court.
You will make money, if not for you, then for an orga­ni­za­tion. Like the IRS.
You will unex­pect­edly need help today, and the response of friends will sur­prise you. They’ll take video. Send it to your boss. Your wife. It’ll go viral.

Top right

Money is head­ing your way. But you’re a mov­ing tar­get. Too bad.
Expect a pro­mo­tion. Expect it to be humil­i­at­ing.
You will soon receive a gift If your lawyer calls and says don’t answer the door, there’s a rea­son.
You can expect an inher­i­tance. One of those genetic things that pre­dict a short and mis­er­able life. It will also explain why your ears look like that.
Some­one who cur­rently doubt is telling the truth Say­ing you are the prophet of a new reli­gion won’t help. The voices were wrong. They weren’t free sam­ples.
Beware of false infor­ma­tion regard­ing a loved one. But that thing about the affair? That’s true. Sorry.

Bot­tom right

Beware of unex­pected wind­falls. Veg­ans are espe­cially flat­uent.
A new per­son will enter your life. Your cell­mate. The voices will tell him you’re a demon.
An acquan­taince will approach you with a busi­ness offer. Any­one stu­pid enough to use a fortune-telling machine will think it’s a great offer. You prob­a­bly date a pagan.
A small kind­ness will lead to unex­pected ben­e­fits. After sev­eral thou­sand dol­lars, things will mostly be okay. Just give up and throw out your mat­tress.
Can­cel the trip you planned this week Take the trip-dysentery. Stay home-salmonella. Either way you lose weight.
Your star is climb­ing. You’ll be a celebrity. The Dar­win awards are a kind of fame.

14 of these clues have cutouts:

The name of the for­tune teller is “Epyt­tnelis” which is “Silent­Type” back­wards — the name of a SHH forum mem­ber that com­piled an over­all Gotham City map given the snip­pets seen across the viral sites. Using this map and a co-ordinate sys­tem cor­re­spond­ing to the num­bers in the cor­ners of the tick­ets, the tick­ets cover two squares with the cut outs in each of the 14 giv­ing num­bers of a street. Apply­ing these in the order that the tick­ets can be retrieved we get a sequence of num­bers — hit­ting the but­tons in this order (22 1 5 3 4 17 14) reveals the win­ning ticket and a link to the tent’s exit and onto the Over­ture.

3 = 8G = 22nd
5 = 3P = 1st
9 = 6M = 5th
14 = 3L = 3rd
17 = 2F = 4th
21 = 5H = 17th
23 = 6E = 14th

Comments 28 Responses to “Why So Serious — Bamboozle”

RJ July 7th, 2008

I noticed that their are let­ters and num­bers in the top left hand cor­ner of the tickets…

would­be­bat­girl July 7th, 2008

The Great Epyttnelis.

Epyt­tnelis spelled back­wards is Silenttype.


jaime p July 7th, 2008

bam­boo­zle means to decieve or get the bet­ter of think it means anything?

Richard Cano July 7th, 2008

3L 5H 8G 6M 6E 2F 3P 5H 6E 6M 8G 2F 3L 3P are the let­ters and num­bers on the cor­ner of each of the cards with holes cut out. There’s prob­a­bly some sort of graph that we need to look off of to fig­ure out what these mean.

Norad918 July 7th, 2008

What’s with the first card? The top left one. It has the LETTER “B4” the num­ber. All of the other cards have num­ber and then letter.

Don July 7th, 2008

This may be a sim­ple mis­take but some of those cards are duplicates.

Check out the Gotham Cable News crawl at the top of the web­site — some of the head­lines seem to have a con­nec­tion with these clues that have the cut-outs. IE: Joker clue: “You will come into great wealth”…on the news crawl it men­tions a horse win­ning the Welling­ton Derby race by 120–1 odds.

And that’s not the only one.

Maybe I’m grasp­ing at straws, but I think some­thing is there.

Why So Seri­ous — Over­ture (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) July 8th, 2008

[…] 2007 « Why So Seri­ous — Bam­boo­zle Why So Seri­ous — Over­ture July 8th, 2008, posted by FofR | Digg […]

Chery Mon­nett October 23rd, 2009

Hey blog très agréable!

Ethel Free­man November 18th, 2009

A very inter­est­ing blog post. What would you say was the most com­mon problem?

Anony­mous February 7th, 2010

Are you pub­lish­ing your own arti­cles? Or get­ting them from any other sources?

Hiles February 11th, 2010

barkod dedi?imizde bun­dan birka? y?l ?nce akl?m?za sadece ?izgiler ve bo?lukar gelirdi. Zaten t?rk?eye de ?izgi kod olarak uyarland?. Ama ?uanda teknolo­jinin geli?mesine para­lel olarak, bir?ok barkod g?rseli varyasy­onu ?retildi.

Whit­ley Pavy March 15th, 2010

Neat blog, some inter­est­ing details. I believe 8 of days ago, I have found a sim­i­lar post. Does any­one know how to track future posts?

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Hi vey nice inter­est­ing blog im from lon­don i found this on aol i found this blog very inter­est­ing good luck with it i will return to this blog soon

Chelsea Han­dler April 30th, 2010

Greet­ings, great blog.

Larry Salek May 3rd, 2010

How bold!!

zakia marie May 26th, 2010

Wow…your post mezmer­ize me! Thanks for feed­ing the reader with these val­ue­ble info.

Frankie Dol­lard May 27th, 2010

I’m so tired of this, I wish they would just leave

Hal­vat Lennot June 3rd, 2010

onpas nät­tejä ilmeitä ;o

Moi­ses Horack June 4th, 2010

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Margherita Harles June 24th, 2010

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Sal Swee­den June 25th, 2010

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sealy mat­tress review July 2nd, 2010

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Juicy Cou­ture August 20th, 2010

and I will have to think about it a bit more; I will be back soon.

Ted Sahler September 17th, 2010

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Twee­t­At­tacks Review February 2nd, 2011
