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The third edition of The Gotham Times is out now for your perusal, headlining with the title “Batman — Savior or Menace?”, whilst also reporting on Harvey Dent’s “Landslide win” and grass roots campaign scheme.
Thanks Tim and Pierre.
There’s also a new Harvey Dent email, sent in by Zdravko:
If someone were to tell me four months ago that Harvey Dent was going to win by the biggest margin in Gotham City history, I would have directed him to Arkham Asylum. But that’s the big story today. Thanks to the incredible efforts of people like you, we have changed the fate of Gotham City.
Harvey Dent won every precinct, every neighborhood, every demographic, and every gender and age group. His sweeping victory shows just how far the desire for real change goes in Gotham City.
This is not just Harvey Dent’s victory, it’s your victory. You passed out flyers, rallied, marched, created political videos, and got out and voted. You made your voices heard. And today, the entire world can hear you. Today, “Take Back Gotham” is not just a slogan – it is a reality.
This is the last campaign email we’re sending out. Now, we turn our energies to the hard job of fighting and winning the war on crime and corruption. We’ll need your help – to keep the pressure up on the politicians, to show the criminals our will, and to support Harvey Dent’s crackdown on corruption.
Together, we will save Gotham City.
Allan Cypes
Media Manager
The Joker has sent out this message to all the active cell phones:
OK clowns, are you ready for some laughs (y/n)?
You put a smile on my face. Hope you’re not superstitious
Superstition relates to the day — Friday 13th June. We already know that’s when “Gotham Tonight” will premier, maybe The Joker has something in store for them?
Other Viral Updates
A new email from Harvey Dent:
It’s been an incredible last few weeks. Ever since the vicious smear campaign collapsed and Harvey Dent’s remarkable courage at the hostage crisis at Rossi’s Deli, our campaign has ridden a wave of support I have never seen in all my political life.
Our Headquarters reopened and thousands of volunteers show up here every day, every night, fighting for change. Fundraising has reached incredible heights, with over 100,000 Gotham citizens contributing their hard-earned money in support of Harvey Dent’s vow to take back Gotham.
We’ve expanded our reach, opening branches in neighborhoods that haven’t seen political campaigns take them seriously for decades. And we’ve harnessed the incredible grassroots support by sending volunteers to knock on doors throughout the city. Amazingly, we will achieve our two millionth door knock sometime in between now and Election Day.
Harvey Dent has committed himself to lead the charge to take back our city, face down the criminal and corrupt and restore hope for our future.
Now, we need your help. We need to get out the vote!. And we need you to vote yourself. If you can’t make it to the polls, go to http://www.gothamelectionboard.com and find out how you can vote online. Working together, we will take back Gotham!
Allan Cypes Media Manager
Maiden Avenue Report — Shuts Down, writer sells out
Gotham City Rail:
Gotham City Rail Announces Satellite Tracking and Communications System
To better serve our customers, GCR has completed its transition to a satellite tracking and communications system (STCS). Using cutting edge ultra high frequency technology, STCS will give GCR the real-time ability to track exact positioning of all its trains. This will allow for more accurate scheduling and should increase GCR’s already impressive safety record.
Citizens for Batman — Introduction updated:
For the first time, we have hope. Batman proves we can fight back against the sociopaths, thugs, and scum that have ruled Gotham for too long.
And now, City Hall wants to arrest Batman!
Gotham Police — Annual Policeman’s Ball
Gotham USD — News area updated
Internal Affairs of Gotham Police Department — Internal Affairs Officers of the Month added
Trust Garcetti — Updates with info about election
Dana Worthington — “Yes for Batman”
And of course you can still vote in the elections.
Thanks Pierre!
The final clue in the “It’s all part of the plan” game revealed a grid containing all the letter J’s:

Each of these then corresponds to a letter that spells out “sittingducks” when unscrambled. This leads to a new Why So Serious page:

In this little flash game, each of the ducks represent binary code, blue ducks being 0 and yellow ducks being 1. 1st row: “To win shoot” 2nd row: “Only row two” 3rd row: ybbyyyybbybby
Completing the game reveals a “You Win” sign:

Clicking that takes you to the Happy Trails (aka trailer!) page:

Now we have to wait til Sunday to see the trailer.
EDIT: 4:00 PM EDT: London clues have been solved and the safe opened
5:30 PM EDT: Boston (43–26-76), Philadelphia (26–16-06), New York (33–80-89), Toronto (32–60-68) — all completed and safes opened.
6:30 PM EDT: Chicago (98–20-49), Dallas (86–56-01), Kansas City (74–35-76) — all completed
8:30 PM EDT: Seattle (65–42-60), Los Angeles (41–44-98), San Francisco (76–36-42), Sao Paulo (60–47-41) — all completed.
EDIT: I have set up a flash based chat page to help everyone keep up to date:
Why So Serious Live Chat (warning: this chat can degrade into nonsensical rubbish because that is the nature of people).
The first of the Why So Serious scavenger hunt countdowns has ended — London is up and ready, raring to go. The portrait image has updated — it now contains a set of clues:

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Bryan has been in contact to inform us of a large number of updates to assorted viral sites.
Ibelieveinharveydent has updated with a message from Harvey Dent for his supporters that stuck with him throughout the slur campaign. Download Audio Message. Zdravko has also told us about an email he received from the Harvey Dent campaign:
What a difference a week makes.
Last week, our campaign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was burying us, and urged us to withdraw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear campaign, with its vicious lies against Harvey Dent, spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.
But now - thanks to people like you - things look very different. Thousands of people gathered in the Dent for DA headquarters for its reopening. And I saw something different in the crowd. Something has changed. The “White Knight Incident,” as it has become known, is allowing people to see Harvey Dent differently. Not just as a man with the guts and the toughness to change Gotham. But as a symbol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost forgot existed.
But that Gotham City does exist. It’s a Gotham where ordinary people can walk out their door at night without fearing for their lives. It’s a Gotham where the good can triumph over the evil. It’s a Gotham where justice isn’t just for the rich and powerful, but for everyone.
With your help, we’ll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Election Day, everything changes. Harvey Dent will take back Gotham City — thanks to the hard work of people like you.
See you on election day!
Allan Cypes
Media Manager, Harvey Dent for Gotham DA
MaidenAvenueReport comments on the captured and extradited cops, a television interview from the hostage saved by Harvey Dent, a missing GCN reporter and the huge swing in support for Dent. Political campaigner Dana Worthington has added news to her site. Glenn Barhyte has new email and the forums at Citizens for Batman have also been updated. Continue reading to see the updated articles from I Believe in Harvey Dent…
Read the rest of this entry »
Operation Slipknot has completed:
Operation Slipknot is complete. Even though three suspects remain at large, your work represents a huge step forward in cleaning up our beloved city.
The fugitives are being arrested, handcuffed, and extradited back to Gotham for prosecution.
Doesn’t it feel better to be on the right side of the law for once?
Thanks to you, Gotham can hold its head high once again. But do me one favor… stay out of trouble.
Clicking each of the suspects shows how they were caught. Shortly after the completion (despite three missed suspects), participants received a phone call from Jim Gordon (DOWNLOAD).
humanresources@whysoserious then sent out a text to the mobiles in the packages received — pointing us towards a new Why So Serious Page: “It’s All Part of the Plan”.

There’s a four day countdown and a lever in the top right — clicking the lever reveals a brand new Dark Knight Poster: “Welcome to a world without rules” (Download Super Hi Resolution Image)

Sample of the high resolution poster:

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