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CFB event July 8th, Why So Serious checklist! July 1st, 2008

Why So Seri­ous have updated their front page for the first time in what seems an age — it now cov­ers the entire Viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign com­plete with Joker check­list on tasks, a list of Gotham city web pages and assorted items that can all be clicked for part of the viral adven­ture. For exam­ple, bowl­ing shoes, a per­son­al­ity quiz, the trailer clip­pings, let­ters from a ran­som note, etc.

Three future tasks have yet to be ticked off:

12. Be good to my guests
13. Gather all my fans
14. Leave a big mark


Some of the viral links on WSS con­tain reports on the viral event, with date, a list of occur­rences, the end result, pic­tures and the after­math — pro­vid­ing a suc­cinct review of how we’ve got this far:

Cit­i­zens for Batman

Where a page orig­i­nally stood we now find a count­down, head­ing omi­nously towards July 8th. CFB have also been send­ing out their pro­pa­ganda to lucky Gotham citizens,

Includ­ing the letter:

Cit­i­zens for Batman!

It’s time to go pub­lic. To really defend Bat­man, we have to show the world how big our move­ment is. So check out the good­ies inside and show your pride in CFB!

And get ready for a MAJOR show of force July 8th. (check out cit​i​zens​for​bat​man​.org for the latest.

Defend Gotham. Defend Batman!

Brian Dou­glass
Founder, Cit­i­zens for Bat­man

Thanks Dioz, Csam and Pierre!

Why So Serious — Red Balloons June 26th, 2008

The Joker sent out another round of pic­ture mes­sages to the lucky hold­ers of the prize phones,

To find the next sideshow, share these with your fel­low goons. There’s no sub­sti­tu­tion for fun.

The pic­tures looked like this and were labelled 1A, 3B, etc. to form a larger grid:

Section of Grid

In this grid there are 21 dis­tinct shapes, each of which can be assigned a let­ter. From this pat­tern of 21 let­ters, a sub­sti­tu­tion cypher (as hinted in the text mes­sage) can be applied to reveal the message:

Color me impressed. Just use the sec­ond let­ter of the fourth word to the right of each cir­cled five-letter word to find out where to go from here

This applies to the new Ha Ha Ha Times, reveal­ing “Red Bal­loons” and hence:


This presents us with another flash game with the appar­ent aim of inflat­ing and burst­ing bal­loons to get points. At a cer­tain point of infla­tion the clown eyes turn blue — when they are all blue a ticket pops out which links to “Inept Lack­eys”.

Hired goons are so unre­li­able these days. That’s why I only employ the ones that grad­u­ated from the top of their class at Clown Col­lege (and being opera-lovers didn’t hurt, either). But Maroni’s got his hands full with inept lack­eys like lit­tle Ste­vie and Romeo, Romeo, where­fore art thou, Romeo? I’ll tell you where they are: sit­tin’ pretty with a smile on their face. They tried to resched­ule their pick up ser­vice at Pasquale’s, but things didn’t go accord­ing to plan.


Pasquale’s has a tele­phone num­ber for which the pass­code is “Verdi” (83734).

Thanks for the heads up Pierre!

Pasquale’s Bistro June 24th, 2008

Bryan has sent in a new viral web­site, the bistro of the fella that was inter­viewed in Gotham Tonight #2:

Pasquale’s Bistro

New Jim Gordon email June 20th, 2008

Jim has sent out an email to all MCU per­son­nel — could this relate to the dock activ­ity we saw yesterday?

To all MCU personnel,

With the probe into money laun­der­ing oper­a­tions of the Gotham mobs well under­way, I wanted to thank you for all your hard work and ask you all to keep your eyes open.

We all know that the mob can be quite inge­nious when it comes to money laun­der­ing schemes. MCU must be just as inge­nious in try­ing to root these schemes out.

Please, in your every­day life – as well as your work on the job – keep a look­out for any­thing out of the ordi­nary that may sig­nal a money laun­der­ing scheme. Over­heard con­ver­sa­tions, sus­pi­cions of stores you fre­quent, etc. Every­thing is fod­der for this crit­i­cal investigation.

If you have any leads, tips, or infor­ma­tion that can help the Major Crimes Unit crack this murky net­work of banks, busi­nesses, and the peo­ple who run them, do not hes­i­tate to con­tact me.


Why So Serious — Laugh Til It Hurts June 19th, 2008

Looks like the Joker is up to his mis­chief again. Bruce, a proud owner of a Joker phone, has just got a text from humanresources@​whysoserious.​com, reading:

Wel­come to Short-Attention-Span-Theater: Lash Guilt Thru Unit (-un)”

Which works out as “Laugh Til It Hurts” and takes us to the new flash game:


New Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems page found:


And a flash of The Joker towards the end of the video…

Thanks Bruce!

Citizens for Batman — Nycticeius Underground June 16th, 2008

The code has been cracked and the forums found — the Nyc­ti­ceius Under­ground!

The words were:


Login with user­name: nyc­ti­ceious, pass­word: mer­ritt

Why We Fight:

I’ve been patrolling my neigh­bor­hood for sev­eral weeks now. I’ve seen crime hap­pen in front of me. It’s obvi­ous City Hall doesn’t care, so why should we? I think that’s an impor­tant ques­tion to answer before we set out to DO SOMETHING about crime in Gotham. The answer might be dif­fer­ent for each of us. For me, I want to fight because I lost my sis­ter to vio­lent crime. She was attacked and bru­tally assaulted when she was leav­ing a group of friends at a restau­rant early one Sun­day night. Some­one was wait­ing for her by her car. She screamed and yelled “fire,” but no one came to help. Unlike many vic­tims, she went to the police, but they didn’t do any­thing. They gave her the runaround for months until she found her own peace. I fight for my sis­ter. I fight so bad things don’t hap­pen again to any­one. I fight because the police won’t. I fight to take back the city I used to be proud to call home.

Free Pizza at Gotham City Pizzeria! June 16th, 2008

UPDATE: Puz­zle solved, forum found

Gotham City Pizze­ria has updated for its 16th June spe­cial pro­mo­tion. There is now a map of the US with loca­tions marked out in green and red — green means that there are free piz­zas to be grabbed, red means they’ve all been taken. The “order your free pizza” link takes you to a domi­nos page with a store loca­tor. 245 piz­zas avail­able in total!

Chat here as the game unfolds

The Site

Gotham City Pizzeria - Free Pizza

The Pizza boxes

The Pack­ages

Pic­tures thanks to CerealKiller:

The Letter involving Citizens for Batman

The author­i­ties are after us, so we had to be a lit­tle secre­tive about our hide-out. Here is a lit­tle some­thing to point you in the right direction:


You need to share this infor­ma­tion with other con­cerned Gotham cit­i­zens like your­self. I’m sure you can fig­ure out how.

When you put the pieces together, join us — and help us fight back against the ene­mies of Gotham City.

Never give up,


Pic­ture thanks to Pennyworth

This pack­age comes with a dif­fer­ent let­ter and a username.

Words so far

/euderma — This is a species of bat


User­names so far

nyc­ti­ceius — species of bat

Pass­words so far


This URL leads to a blank page: http://​www​.cit​i​zens​for​bat​man​.org/​m​i​d​n​i​g​ht/. Maybe it will have con­tent at midnight?

With guess work I have built up the sec­ond part of the URL by going through var­i­ous species of bat, I hit lucky with Nyc­talus. Then, alter­nat­ing species and nor­mal words I have got this far:


GCN Updated — Batman Sightings, Gotham Tonight show June 16th, 2008

Gotham Cable News has updated, there is now a link to the Gotham City Pizze­ria (remem­ber today’s pro­mo­tion!), a sub­mit your sight­ings of Bat­man arti­cle and sub­mis­sion page and most impor­tantly, the high res­o­lu­tion, high qual­ity 8 minute “Gotham Tonight” video which orig­i­nally aired on friday.

Gotham Tonight Screen­shots:

Have You Spot­ted Bat­man in Your Neigh­bor­hood (Sub­mit Pic­tures):

We want your Bat­man pics. We just can’t cover the entire city with GCN pho­tog­ra­phers, so we’re ask­ing for cit­i­zens to sub­mit their pho­tos. Click here for sub­mis­sion page.

When­ever news breaks, GCN is there. We’ve cov­ered all the news you care about — from traf­fic tie-ups to police chases to scan­dal at City Hall.

One news tar­get is prov­ing elu­sive — Bat­man. Every­one is talk­ing about him — the cops, the crim­i­nals, even the kids on the play­ground seem to know all about this myth­i­cal hero.

But the infa­mous cru­sader seems to be quite camera-shy. In fact, GCN news oper­a­tives have not yet snapped one usable shot of this con­tro­ver­sial Gotham figure.

That’s why we need to ask you, the cit­i­zens of Gotham for help. Keep a look­out for the famil­iar dark sil­hou­ette of Bat­man. Remem­ber to carry a cam­era — dig­i­tal, film, cell-phone, or video — on your per­son at all time.

As Gotham City has learned, you can never know when Bat­man will decide to emerge from wher­ever he lurks between interventions.

We’ll post the best ones here on GCN. So get your flash­lights out and start cir­cling the block, because Bat­man is out there — you just have to find him.

Thanks Bruce and Keith!

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