Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

More Viral Updates April 25th, 2008

Bryan has been in con­tact to inform us of a large num­ber of updates to assorted viral sites.

Ibelievein­har­vey­dent has updated with a mes­sage from Har­vey Dent for his sup­port­ers that stuck with him through­out the slur cam­paign. Down­load Audio Mes­sage. Zdravko has also told us about an email he received from the Har­vey Dent campaign:

What a dif­fer­ence a week makes.

Last week, our cam­paign looked like it was on its last legs. The media was bury­ing us, and urged us to with­draw for the sake of Gotham City. The smear cam­paign, with its vicious lies against Har­vey Dent, spread fear, uncer­tainty, and doubt about the one man who can save Gotham.

But now - thanks to peo­ple like you - things look very dif­fer­ent. Thou­sands of peo­ple gath­ered in the Dent for DA head­quar­ters for its reopen­ing. And I saw some­thing dif­fer­ent in the crowd. Some­thing has changed. The “White Knight Inci­dent,” as it has become known, is allow­ing peo­ple to see Har­vey Dent dif­fer­ently. Not just as a man with the guts and the tough­ness to change Gotham. But as a sym­bol of the best of Gotham City - a Gotham we almost for­got existed.

But that Gotham City does exist. It’s a Gotham where ordi­nary peo­ple can walk out their door at night with­out fear­ing for their lives. It’s a Gotham where the good can tri­umph over the evil. It’s a Gotham where jus­tice isn’t just for the rich and pow­er­ful, but for everyone.

With your help, we’ll bring back that vision of Gotham. On Elec­tion Day, every­thing changes. Har­vey Dent will take back Gotham City — thanks to the hard work of peo­ple like you.

See you on elec­tion day!

Allan Cypes

Media Man­ager, Har­vey Dent for Gotham DA

Maid­e­nAv­enueRe­port com­ments on the cap­tured and extra­dited cops, a tele­vi­sion inter­view from the hostage saved by Har­vey Dent, a miss­ing GCN reporter and the huge swing in sup­port for Dent. Polit­i­cal cam­paigner Dana Wor­thing­ton has added news to her site. Glenn Barhyte has new email and the forums at Cit­i­zens for Bat­man have also been updated. Con­tinue read­ing to see the updated arti­cles from I Believe in Har­vey Dent…


The out­ra­geous smear cam­paign against Har­vey Dent col­lapsed com­pletely today when all charges against Dent were dropped. Lis­ten to the audio of Har­vey Dent speak­ing just after he was cleared.


It was a day full of cheers, hap­pi­ness, and excite­ment as the Dent for DA head­quar­ters re-opened. Thou­sands of Gothamites filled the offices and spilled out into the streets. Har­vey Dent gave a rous­ing speech and promised to “never for­get the peo­ple who stand with us against the ene­mies of Gotham City.”


Fran­cis Notaro was one of the orig­i­nal “smear cops” and was the hostage-taker in what has become known as “The White Knight Inci­dent.” Here, he writes an open let­ter to Gotham.

To every­one in Gotham,

I’m writ­ing this from my jail cell. It’s ter­ri­ble in here, and a lot of my fam­ily and friends are too scared or ashamed to visit me. I don’t blame them.

But Har­vey Dent did visit me. Me, the guy who spread hor­ri­ble lies about him. And pointed a gun at him.

Maybe it wasn’t my gun that did it, but I can’t help but feel respon­si­ble for the death of an inno­cent woman.

Her name was Mary Bre­itup, and she was sit­ting in the wrong place at the wrong deli that ter­ri­ble day.

I wake up in the mid­dle of the night, wish­ing some­body had been able to warn Mary, to get her out of that place before all hell broke loose. But nobody did. I know it’s wish­ful think­ing. Who would have warned her? Who knew what was about to happen?

Now, I have to live every day with this ter­ri­ble guilt. And the Bre­itup chil­dren have to grow up with­out their father or mother. I break a lit­tle every day think­ing about it.

I’m not ask­ing for for­give­ness. But I regret every sin­gle thing that I have done in the last year.

And when I think I can’t go on any more — when I think I don’t want to go on any more — I think of the man who showed more courage than I could ever imag­ine hav­ing. Har­vey Dent. Nobody can bring back Mary. But if Gotham elects Har­vey Dent, maybe things will change. Maybe the mob won’t own the city any­more. Maybe fewer cops will turn dirty. And maybe fewer inno­cents like Mary will die.

Frank Notaro