Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Acme Security Systems “Delos” April 1st, 2008

The Clown Travel Agency prize has been unveiled, it is a link to Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems, a page with the descrip­tion of “delos”:


The aim is to deac­ti­vate a par­tic­u­lar secu­rity sys­tem, and the pass­word is “Nee­dle”.

Enter­ing your tele­phone leads them to call you with an auto­mated mes­sage, on answer­ing you need to clearly state “Nee­dle” as the pass­word. Say­ing “Hello” fails the pass­word check. You’ll then be greeted by a fel­low (Gor­don) from Gotham Police Depart­ment stat­ing that your iden­tity has been cap­tured and that you “work for us now”. It is a very excit­ing and inter­est­ing phone call if you get it to go through.

Mean­ings to the num­bers in the Iden­tity Cap­tured image — they are charges:
156.05 Unau­tho­rized use of a com­puter.
156.10 Com­puter tres­pass.
156.27 Com­puter tam­per­ing in the first degree.
156.35 Crim­i­nal pos­ses­sion of com­puter related mate­r­ial.
(thanks gilga)

Down­load Audio Record­ing of the Phone Call

(thanks to BANEpark­our)

Tele­phone Transcript:

Woman: Hello, this is the Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems voice print iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem, please say the pass­word clearly.

Caller: NEEDLE

Gor­don: This is Jim Gor­don, major crimes, Gotham Police Depart­ment. Not the voice you were expect­ing… huh? We have your name. We have your num­ber. We have your computer’s IP address. So what I’m say­ing is, we have you. Con­sider your­self the Gotham Police Department’s newest recruit. You see, this works one of two ways, either you’re going to jail for con­spir­acy in a crim­i­nal enter­prise, or, you’ll work for me. We’ll be in touch. Oh, have a great day!

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Clown Travel Agency — The Hunt is On (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) April 1st, 2008

[…] 2007 « Har­vey Dent Cam­paign Pack­ages Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems “Delos” » Clown Travel Agency — The Hunt is On April 1st, 2008, posted by FofR […]

Peter April 1st, 2008

I just got a call from a man claim­ing to be Lt. James Gor­don of the Gotham Police Dept.

I remem­ber the fol­low­ing message:

‘Not the voice you were expect­ing huh?’

‘Con­sider your­self the newest mem­ber of the Gotham City Police Department.’

‘We have your name. We have your num­ber. We have your ip address. Essen­tially, What I’m say­ing is: We have YOU !!!!!!!’

‘until fur­ther notice, you work for us’

‘have a great day’

Seth N, April 13th, 2008

As soon as I get the call the other side just hangs up. Has this been hap­pen­ing to any­one else?

Justin April 14th, 2008

Yeah the same thing keeps hap­pen­ing to me when i pick up the phone it just hangs up.

Kawai­is­prin­kles May 26th, 2008

I got the call but my screen didn’t turn to the last pic­ture say­ing that my iden­tity was cap­tured. Do I need to do some­thing else or have I done some­thing wrong?

Hiro­humi June 10th, 2008

wow, i just got that phone call, pretty cool. Hope some­thing cool actu­ally happens.