Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Dentmobile is doing the rounds! March 13th, 2008

For those signed up to the Har­vey Dent email alerts, you’ve prob­a­bly seen this already, but for those that are new to this viral lark:

Cross-Country Tour of Cam­paign Bus Con­tin­ues As Thou­sands of Dent Sup­port­ers March, Rally For The One Man Who Can Save Gotham!

Check the updated sched­ule at http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com/​o​n​t​h​e​r​o​a​d​.​a​spx to see if a Dent­mo­bile is com­ing to your neigh­bor­hood. [Full list after the break]

Dent’s chal­lenge to Gotham to show their desire for change has been met with a city-wide explo­sion of activism, with thou­sands of sup­port­ers orga­niz­ing ral­lies, meet-ups, peti­tion dri­ves, and post­ing signs and plac­ards in every neigh­bor­hood. Check out some of the best pho­tos and videos at http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com/​y​o​u​i​n​a​c​t​i​o​n​.​a​spx.
Dent is expected to make his deci­sion whether to run for Gotham Dis­trict Attor­ney within weeks and your sup­port does make a difference!

**Spe­cial Alert**

For those of you who can get down to Rock­e­feller Cen­ter tomor­row morn­ing between 6 and 9 am, there’s a very good chance your friends might be able to see you on a cer­tain morn­ing tele­vi­sion show.

Spread the word. Make an impres­sion! Let’s get cre­ative in demon­strat­ing our support!

Take Back Gotham!

Hol­ly­wood Chicago and Vlkers54 have a nice lit­tle report of the events at 8am:

I was at the 8 a.m. stop. I got there at 7:30 a.m. and I sure am glad I did. At 8:03 a.m., the cops came and kicked us out! Only me and another guy showed up, but we did end up get­ting a lot of free stuff [includ­ing] bumper stick­ers, posters, but­tons and a T-shirt.

You should have seen the peo­ple as they were com­ing out of the train station:

“Who is Har­vey Dent?”, “What is this all about?”, “Is this for that movie?” (We responded: “What movie? ‘No Coun­try For Old Men?’ That’s a movie!”)

We kept “in char­ac­ter” and pro­moted Har­vey Dent for [dis­trict attor­ney] as if he were a real per­son. Con­fus­ing peo­ple was a lot of fun. Some peo­ple did catch on to what was going on. Even middle-aged men who knew who [Har­vey Dent] was were excited, [asked] for but­tons and filled out the peti­tion forms.

It was a lot of fun, but let’s hope the cops don’t ruin the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. ses­sions. I can’t make the 11 a.m., but I will be at the 4 p.m. trail.

Com­plete List of Loca­tions (by state)

(thanks Adam!)

Tuc­son, AZ
March 14th:
11-2pm: Spring Train­ing: Tuc­son Elec­tric Park
3-4pm: Tuc­son Mall: 4500 N. Ora­cle Road
4-5pm: El Con Mall: 3601 E. Broad­way Blvd.

Scotts­dale, AZ
March 15th:
11-2pm: Down­town Scotts­dale: Indian School Road and Scotts­dale Rd.
3-4pm: Scotts­dale Mall: 7014 East Camel­back Rd.
4-5pm: Fid­dlestix: 8800 E. Indian Bend Rd.

Los Ange­les, CA
March 13th:
11-3pm: Venice Beach: Windward/Ocean Front Walk
3-5pm: Third Street Promenade

March 22th:

San Fran­cisco, CA
March 22th:
10-12pm: Union Square
1-3pm: Fisherman’s Wharf
4-6pm: Golden Gate Park & Haight & Ash­bury Shopping

Boul­der, CO
March 20th:
11-1pm: The Hill — near cam­pus
1:30-3pm: Pearl St. Park
3:30-6pm: Pearl St. Shop­ping Mall

Col­orado Springs, CO
March 22th:
11-1pm: Citadel Mall: 750 Citadel Drive East
2-4pm: The Prom­e­nade: 1885 Bri­ar­gate Park­way
4-6pm: Pio­neer Plaza: 1237 North Cir­cle Drive

Den­ver, CO
March 21th:
11-1pm: Den­ver SkatePark — Between Platte Street & Lit­tle Raven
1:30–3:30pm: Auraria Cam­pus
4-6pm: 16th Street Mall

Gainsville, FL
March 22th:
11-1pm: The Oaks Mall: 6419 New­berry Road
2-4pm: Uni­ver­sity Ave (Down­town)
4-5pm: Walmart:3570 SW Archer Rd

Tal­la­has­see, FL
March 21th:
11-1pm: Tal­la­has­see Mall: 2415 N Mon­roe St.
2-4pm: AMC 20: 2415 N Mon­roe St
4-5pm: Tal­la­has­see Skate Park: 3000 Jack­son Bluff Road

Atlanta, GA
March 20th:
11-1pm: Geor­gia State Uni­ver­sity — Court­yard
1-3pm: Atlantic Sta­tion — In front of movie the­ater
4-5pm: Lit­tle Five Point — Cen­te­nial Park (near CNN — Geor­gia Aqarium)

Chicago, IL
March 13th:
8-10am: Lasalle & Van Buren Com­muter Sta­tion
11am-1pm: Jack­son St. & State St.
4-6pm: Canal & Madi­son Com­muter Station

South Bend, IN
March 22th:
11-1am: Wal­mart: 3701 Portage Rd.
2-3pm: South Bend Down­town: Jef­fer­son and Main
4-6pm: Show­place 16: 450 W. Chippewa Ave.

Lawrence, KS
March 22th:
11-1pm: Allen Field­house 1651 Nai­smith Drive
1:30–3:30pm: Ambler Stu­dent Recre­ation Fit­ness Cen­ter 1740 Watkins Cen­ter
4-6pm: Jay­hawker Tow­ers Apart­ments 1603 W. 15th St.

Lex­ing­ton, KY
March 15th:
11-1pm: Sin­gle­tary Cen­ter for the Arts — U.K. Cam­pus
1:30–3:30pm: Clay Avenue Shops — Clay Ave at MainSt.
4-6pm: Fayette Shop­ping Area — 3401 Nicholasville Rd.

Bal­ti­more, MD
March 15th:
11-1pm: Har­bor Place — Cam­den Yards Area Enter­tain­ment Cen­ter
3-6pm: Fort McHenry National Park/Monument

Boston, MA
March 15th:
11-1pm: Baystreet/Deerfield — Boston Uni­ver­sity
1:30–3:30pm: Cop­ley Place — Hunt­ing­ton Ave. side
4-6pm: New­bury St.

March 16th:
11-3pm: Thomas Park
3-5pm: Park St./Downtown Crossing

Ann Arbor, MI
March 21th:
11-1pm: Bri­ar­wood Mall: 100 Bri­ar­wood Cir, Ann Arbor, MI
2-3pm: Kraus Nat­ural Sci­ence Audi­to­rium: 803 North Uni­ver­sity
3:30–5:30pm: State St. & Uni­ver­sity Ave

East Lans­ing, MI
March 20th:
11-2pm: Merid­ian Mall: 1982 W Grand River Ave #811, Oke­mos, MI
3-4pm: Wal­mart: 3225 Towne Cen­tre Blvd.
4-5pm: Home Elec­tronic: 538 Cedar St. (down­town area)

Min­neapo­lis, MN
March 21th:
12-2pm: Mall of Amer­ica Inter­state 494 & High­way 77
3-5pm: Tar­get Cen­ter 600 First Ave.
6-8pm: Xcel Energy Cen­ter St Paul, MN.

Colum­bia, MO
March 21th:
11-1pm: Shakespeare’s Pizza 225 S. 9th St.
2-4pm: Hitt Street Mar­ket: 111 Hitt Street
5-7pm: Memo­r­ial Union South: 518 Hitt Street

St. Louis, MO
March 20th:
10-12pm: Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­sity Med­ical Cen­ter Euclid & For­est Park Park­way
1-3pm: Web­ster Uni­ver­sity Cor­ner of Big Bend & Edgar
4-6pm: St. Louis Uni­ver­sity Busch Stu­dent Cen­ter: Grand & West Pine

New York, NY
March 13th:
6-9am: Rock­e­feller Cen­ter & 49th St.
12-2pm: Down­town Brook­lyn near Albee Square Mall
3-4pm: 733 11th Ave. & 513 W. 54th St.
March 14th:
11am-1pm: Soho area (Lud­low — Essex — Allen)
2:30-6pm: W 4th St. / 7th Ave. / Christo­pher St. –Wash­ing­ton Sq. Park
March 22th:
11am-2pm: T.B.D
3-5pm: Union Square — Annual Pil­low fight
6-8pm: 7th Ave bet. 31st & 35th (Madi­son Square Gar­den / Aretha Franklin / Macy’s / Penn Station)

Colum­bus, OH
March 13th:
11-1pm: Lennox Town Cen­ter — 777 Kin­n­ear Rd.
1:30–3:30pm: Wexner Cen­ter for the Arts — 1871 North High St.
4-6pm: Car­riage Place Movie/Shopping area — 2570 Bethel Rd.

Cincin­nati, OH
March 14th:
11-2pm: Cincin­nati Mills Shop­ping Area — 601 Cincin­nati Mills Dr.
2:30-4pm: Ken­wood Town Cen­tre — 7875 Mont­gomery Rd
4:30-6pm: Main Street Enter­tain­ment Dis­trict — E 12th St. at Main

Port­land, OR
March 21th:
10-12pm: Tom McCall Water­front Park
1-3pm: Pio­neer Cour­t­house Square
4-6pm: Ore­gon Museum of Sci­ence and Industry

Philadel­phia, PA
March 15th:
9-11am: Cen­ter City near City Hall
12-2pm: Broad Street near Tem­ple Uni­ver­sity
6-8pm: South Street

Prov­i­dence, RI
March 14th:
11-1pm: The­ater St.
2-4pm: Prov­i­dence Place Mall: One Prov­i­dence Place
4-5pm: Patriot Cin­e­mas: 60 New­port Avenue, East Prov­i­dence, RI

Austin, TX
March 15th:
11-2pm: 6th St. from Con­gress to Red River
2-5pm: Water­loo Records: 600A North Lamar

Col­lege Sta­tion, TX
March 14th:
11-2pm: Post Oak Mall: 1500 Har­vey Rd.
2-3pm: West­Gate Shop­ping Cen­ter: 4245 Well­born Rd., Bryan, TX
3-5pm: Cin­e­mark Hol­ly­wood USA: 1401 Earl Rud­der Free­way South

Hous­ton, TX
March 13th:
11-1pm: The Gal­le­ria: 5085 Wes­t­heimer Rd.
2-3pm: Wal­mart Super­center: 9555 S. Post Oak Rd
3-5pm: Edward Green­way Palace: 3839 Wes­layan Street

Arling­ton, WV
March 13th:
11am-2pm: Cor­ner of Glebe & Fair­fax — Ball­ston
3-6pm: High­land & Wil­son — Clarendon

Seat­tle, WA
March 20th:
10-12pm: Pike Place Mar­ket
12:30–1:30pm: Seat­tle Cen­ter (Space Nee­dle)
2-4pm: WIAA state bas­ket­ball Tour­na­ment (Key Arena)

Madi­son, WI
March 14th:
11-1pm: Down­town Madi­son Shop­ping Cen­ter: State Street Capi­tol Square
2-4pm: City Hall: 215 M.L.K. Jr. Blvd.
5-7pm: WIAA State B-Ball Tour­ney: Kohl Center

Wash­ing­ton D.C.
March 14th:
11–12:30pm: Cor­ner of M and Wis­con­sin — George­town
1–2:30pm: Cor­ner of 18th and Colum­bia — Adams Mor­gan
3-5pm: 18th & P — Dupont

Comments 3 Responses to “The Dentmobile is doing the rounds!”

Chip March 15th, 2008

The Dent­mo­bilie stood us up at the last stop in Colum­bus, Ohio. We waited an hour past the arrival time and it never showed. About 10 peo­ple were wait­ing for it.


Looks like you got some good stuff though!

jason March 15th, 2008

waited in philadel­phia for the morn­ing dent­mo­bile visit and it never came. there were 30 of us and all are ticked off.

Car­roll Morice October 30th, 2010

Hey, I was view­ing this web­page with my phone and this seems kinda strange. Think­ing you’d would like to be aware of. That it is a awe­some write-up how­ever, did not mess that up.