Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Betty’s Stakeout and Out of Time December 1st, 2007

EDIT: The feed is now up (pass­word and login details below), with a two minute audio clip from inside Betty’s Pie House. This is a must listen.

As we turn the cor­ner into the cold and bit­ter Decem­ber the night was once again a flurry of Dark Knight viral puzzles.

First up, solv­ing the per­fect get­away. Given the com­bined map of Gotham City from all the viral web­sites, and using a con­nect the dots method, a mes­sage stat­ing “Out of Time” was spelled out across the map, this led to the new Why So Seri­ous page:


“My Kind of Clown! You’re obvi­ously cen­ter ring mate­r­ial, unlike some poor goons who can’t com­plete one sim­ple task. Watch the funny papers in a few days for your final step in the process

funny.jpg toe.jpg

The name on the tag is Alder Fred­er­ick, with a date of death 30th Novem­ber, caused by Asphyxia.(www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​o​u​t​o​f​t​i​m​e​/​a​l​d​e​r​.​htm)

A GPDiad email was also dis­cov­ered, glenn.​barhyte@​gpdiad.​com, which spewed out some inter­est­ing responses to queries about doc­u­ment LC6551. As a result this login form was discovered,

GPD Login Form. For which you can use the name and password:

Name: Bre­itup­Karl
Pass­word: 21485

Log­ging in and doing a file search for LC6551 yeilds the doc­u­ment,
Doc­u­ment LC6551, it is titled “Upswing in Extor­tions and Chechen Gang Activity”.


Some of the email responses from Glenn included:

“With all due respect, like I’ve told your friends, I just can’t dis­cuss
LC6551, or IA8214299 for that mat­ter. I don’t know who’s leak­ing
these, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m just not at lib­erty to
dis­cuss sen­si­tive information.


“[Karl Bre­itup] will meet some­one at Betty’s Pie Shop tomor­row. I can give you more infor­ma­tion, but you will need to coöper­ate with me for that.“

To access the sec­ond ref­er­enced doc­u­ment you need a login with higher author­ity, this is Glenn Barhyte’s account:

Name: Barhyte­Glenn
Pass­word: tevre­den­heid (sat­is­fac­tion in dutch, given via the clues for his favourite song by the Rolling Stones and in com­bi­na­tion with the file stat­ing he lived in Utrecht for 9 years — see The Gotham Times)

IA8214299 is a clear­ance request dis­cussing the sur­veil­lance of Betty’s House of Pies — six offi­cers, no uni­forms, lis­ten­ing van, equip­ment for recording.


Fur­ther details of this stake­out can be found in a memo (memo.jpg)

Most impor­tantly, 15:00 Betty’s Pie Shop. Using Glenn’s login details a live audio feed will be played here. Get your record­ing equip­ment ready. (direct link to flash)


Comments 8 Responses to “Betty’s Stakeout and Out of Time”

Her­ley Queen December 1st, 2007

Wow! With viral mar­ket­ing like this, can;t wait to see Dark Knight in action!

K-Dude December 1st, 2007

I’m not sure if you guys know this, but if you make reports on actual GCPD Police char­ac­ters (i.e., Gor­don, Flass, etc) on the We Are the Answer web­site, you’ll get e-mails back with per­son­al­ized responses regard­ing the characters.

Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chron­i­cles » Gotham Times Out Now (and other viral sites) December 2nd, 2007

[…] Betty’s House of Pies Stake­out — Live Audio Feed with Shootout and solu­tion to Why So Serious … […]

jerome December 3rd, 2007

oh please, the suit! Is that a G.I. JOE movie???

The Unfold­ing Fran­cis Notaro story (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) April 10th, 2008

[…] those that didn’t know, the Gotham Police web­site has a secret login page at this loca­tion. Back in Decem­ber we used this to retrieve some secret doc­u­ments. We login using user­name: Barhyte­Glenn, password: […]

Rus­sell Hagen April 17th, 2010

Sat­is­fac­tion is my favourite Rolling Stones song of all time…Play it to me again!

Bret Bit­sko April 18th, 2010

Hi, I really enjoy the look of your site. What design are you using?

MMMORPG Pri­vate Servers May 29th, 2010

I love movies :D , good blog! bookmarked.