Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious Personality Profile November 23rd, 2007

A new link on Why So Seri­ous has been unveiled, link­ing to a per­son­al­ity pro­filer. This comes in the form of 14 ques­tions, at the end of which your score is judged on clas­sic arcade style machine. Notice that at the bot­tom there is a pad­locked cup­board, could this con­tain some­thing of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to us?

There will be more tests in a few days.

Why So Serious Cabinet

The Ques­tions

(Thanks to arman200 for typ­ing them out)

what is your favorite color
1.police tape yel­low
2.pumpkin guts orange
3.jugular red
4.corpse blue

what large orga­ni­za­tion have you been affil­i­ated with?
4.not a peo­ple person

most inter­est­ing men­tal ill­ness?
4.pseudobulbar effect

what do you do when you wake up in the morn­ing?
1.look in the mir­ror, admire beau­ti­ful smile
2.check crimes in var­i­ous cities
3.scan gotham times head­lines mommy

most impor­tant hench­man attribute
1.ready to give life for boss
2.ready to give life to boss
3.always putting on best smile
4.not ask­ing questions

what is your favorite thing to do on a date
1.attend die fle­d­er­maus
2.get makeovers
3.bound and gag fam­ily mem­ber

favorite music?
2.whatever they play at asy­lum dur­ing meds
4.I’m a visual person

what do you look for in love
1.split per­son­al­ity
3.good dri­ving skills, knowl­edge of secu­rity sys­tems
4.multi mil­lion dol­lar life insur­ance policy

first image you see when you close your eyes?
1.sun com­ing over prison walls
3.twisted faces of anguish
4.puppies in a basket

delight­ful episode in human his­tory?
1.hindenburg crash
2.titanic sink
3.french royal guil­lo­tine
4.mad lib invented

use­ful skills?
1.operate heavy machin­ery
2.audit tax forms school bus
4.pest extermination

lethal force accept­able?
1.improve genetic shock of human­ity
2.little pick­meup
3.get atten­tion
4.instill panic

best hair­style?
1.dyed green and blood
2.fright wig
3.faux hawk

life’s ulti­mate pur­pose?
1.find funny videos for friends
2.become worst you can be
3.expose hypocrisy in self deluded the world burn

Comments No Responses to “Why So Serious Personality Profile”

Brian November 25th, 2007

I tried it a few times… is there a cor­rect sequence of answers that you need to win. Just won­der­ing if anyone’s fig­ured it out yet.


john November 27th, 2007

Have you read through the HaHaHa times? I read it and I noticed there was a joker per­sonal ad that asked if you were a clown with a prison record. It was fol­lowed with an email address (humanresources@​whysoserious.​com). While I don’t think it is any­thing new, I didn’t notice this before.

Squid­Vi­cious January 10th, 2008

I got it, it does noth­ing though. If you click two really fast so two check­marks come up on all. It doesn’t even mat­ter you can almost get 3 clicks on all. and it doesn’t really mat­ter which two. bam, a scream.

dof­fcroli August 3rd, 2008

Tahnks for posting