Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Dark Knight invades MySpace, Nokia page June 18th, 2008

Users of the small and unknown MySpace web­site may have noticed that it’s front page has been taken over by The Dark Knight as part of its com­menc­ing tra­di­tional mar­ket­ing cam­paign as we hur­tle towards its release date. A sec­ond ded­i­cated Dark Knight MySpace page has also been set up, where there are wall­pa­pers, etc.

Not being in the US, the delight­ful geo-coded redi­rects pre­vent me from see­ing any of this, some screen­shots and the wall­pa­pers would be great if some­one could send them in.

There’s also a Nokia web­site which is flash based with a host of treats for your phone. Ironic that the site is pretty much use­less when viewed from the major­ity of phones.

Thanks Tim!

EDIT: King Uta has sent in the pic­ture, thanks!:

Comments 20 Responses to “Dark Knight invades MySpace, Nokia page”

Dark Knight June 18th, 2008

Small and unknown???!!! Maybe where you’re at but the rest of the world lit­er­ally lives on Myspace! There hun­dreds of mil­lions of peo­ple on Myspace (almost 240 mil­lion). Small and unknown my ass.

Tim June 18th, 2008

Don’t worry about the Myspace page. There’s really noth­ing there that we haven’t seen. It just has the trailers.

isi123 June 18th, 2008

Yeah, I’m n the UK and i cant reach the page either.

Tim June 18th, 2008

If you’re in the UK, just go to http://​www​.uk​.myspace​.com

Tim June 18th, 2008


is the UK myspace. I don’t see why u couldnt access it

b-dawg June 18th, 2008

Dark Knight, i think that com­ment was sar­casm. i think that that arti­cle was jok­ing. you are right, every­one does know myspace, hence the com­ment and the hilar­ity behind it.


Sarcasm[A] is stat­ing the oppo­site of an intended mean­ing espe­cially in order to sneer­ingly, slyly, jest or mock a per­son, sit­u­a­tion or thing

sar·chasm (‘sär-“ka-z&m) : The giant gulf (chasm) between what is said and the per­son who doesn’t get it.

If you still dont get it, watch Borat.

FofR June 19th, 2008


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Buster Gol­ston June 4th, 2010

Great read. By the way, I was able to watch Avatar online for free. Click here to watch Avatar and also check out the other movies they have, it’s sweet!