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Major Crimes Unit

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Acme Security Systems “Delos” April 1st, 2008

The Clown Travel Agency prize has been unveiled, it is a link to Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems, a page with the descrip­tion of “delos”:


The aim is to deac­ti­vate a par­tic­u­lar secu­rity sys­tem, and the pass­word is “Nee­dle”.

Enter­ing your tele­phone leads them to call you with an auto­mated mes­sage, on answer­ing you need to clearly state “Nee­dle” as the pass­word. Say­ing “Hello” fails the pass­word check. You’ll then be greeted by a fel­low (Gor­don) from Gotham Police Depart­ment stat­ing that your iden­tity has been cap­tured and that you “work for us now”. It is a very excit­ing and inter­est­ing phone call if you get it to go through.

Mean­ings to the num­bers in the Iden­tity Cap­tured image — they are charges:
156.05 Unau­tho­rized use of a com­puter.
156.10 Com­puter tres­pass.
156.27 Com­puter tam­per­ing in the first degree.
156.35 Crim­i­nal pos­ses­sion of com­puter related mate­r­ial.
(thanks gilga)

Down­load Audio Record­ing of the Phone Call

(thanks to BANEpark­our)

Tele­phone Transcript:

Woman: Hello, this is the Acme Secu­rity Sys­tems voice print iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem, please say the pass­word clearly.

Caller: NEEDLE

Gor­don: This is Jim Gor­don, major crimes, Gotham Police Depart­ment. Not the voice you were expect­ing… huh? We have your name. We have your num­ber. We have your computer’s IP address. So what I’m say­ing is, we have you. Con­sider your­self the Gotham Police Department’s newest recruit. You see, this works one of two ways, either you’re going to jail for con­spir­acy in a crim­i­nal enter­prise, or, you’ll work for me. We’ll be in touch. Oh, have a great day!

Betty’s Stakeout and Out of Time December 1st, 2007

EDIT: The feed is now up (pass­word and login details below), with a two minute audio clip from inside Betty’s Pie House. This is a must listen.

As we turn the cor­ner into the cold and bit­ter Decem­ber the night was once again a flurry of Dark Knight viral puzzles.

First up, solv­ing the per­fect get­away. Given the com­bined map of Gotham City from all the viral web­sites, and using a con­nect the dots method, a mes­sage stat­ing “Out of Time” was spelled out across the map, this led to the new Why So Seri­ous page:


“My Kind of Clown! You’re obvi­ously cen­ter ring mate­r­ial, unlike some poor goons who can’t com­plete one sim­ple task. Watch the funny papers in a few days for your final step in the process

funny.jpg toe.jpg

The name on the tag is Alder Fred­er­ick, with a date of death 30th Novem­ber, caused by Asphyxia.(www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​o​u​t​o​f​t​i​m​e​/​a​l​d​e​r​.​htm)

A GPDiad email was also dis­cov­ered, glenn.​barhyte@​gpdiad.​com, which spewed out some inter­est­ing responses to queries about doc­u­ment LC6551. As a result this login form was discovered,

GPD Login Form. For which you can use the name and password:

Name: Bre­itup­Karl
Pass­word: 21485

Log­ging in and doing a file search for LC6551 yeilds the doc­u­ment,
Doc­u­ment LC6551, it is titled “Upswing in Extor­tions and Chechen Gang Activity”.


Some of the email responses from Glenn included:

“With all due respect, like I’ve told your friends, I just can’t dis­cuss
LC6551, or IA8214299 for that mat­ter. I don’t know who’s leak­ing
these, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m just not at lib­erty to
dis­cuss sen­si­tive information.


“[Karl Bre­itup] will meet some­one at Betty’s Pie Shop tomor­row. I can give you more infor­ma­tion, but you will need to coöper­ate with me for that.“

To access the sec­ond ref­er­enced doc­u­ment you need a login with higher author­ity, this is Glenn Barhyte’s account:

Name: Barhyte­Glenn
Pass­word: tevre­den­heid (sat­is­fac­tion in dutch, given via the clues for his favourite song by the Rolling Stones and in com­bi­na­tion with the file stat­ing he lived in Utrecht for 9 years — see The Gotham Times)

IA8214299 is a clear­ance request dis­cussing the sur­veil­lance of Betty’s House of Pies — six offi­cers, no uni­forms, lis­ten­ing van, equip­ment for recording.


Fur­ther details of this stake­out can be found in a memo (memo.jpg)

Most impor­tantly, 15:00 Betty’s Pie Shop. Using Glenn’s login details a live audio feed will be played here. Get your record­ing equip­ment ready. (direct link to flash)


Why So Serious The Perfect Getaway November 30th, 2007

And the third of the sea­sonal Why So Seri­ous chal­lenges is upon us, as was to be expected given the flurry of activ­ity this Friday.

The new site revolves around a per­fect get­away, ulti­mately using the maps spread across the var­i­ous Gotham Sites. www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​t​h​e​p​e​r​f​e​c​t​g​e​t​a​way (found via Page 4 of The Ha Ha Times)

Here are the plans:


For dis­cus­sion I rec­om­mend this thread.

More Devel­op­ments elsewhere…

Other big events today include threat­en­ing phones calls made to peo­ple that sub­mit­ted details to We are the Answer, Toas­t­er­Devil has kindly recorded this and placed it up on YouTube:

With a loose tran­scrip­tion from Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

“We heard about the mes­sage you left at the DA’s office. I know you have some big ideas about being a good cit­i­zen. No one likes a squeeler. You know noth­ing.They’re out there putting their lives on the line so you can sleep OK … and you’re lay­ing in your bed. Let’s see what hap­pens the next time you need some­one in blue.

Think about who they are. Check doc­u­ment LC6551. You know where to look.”

We are the Answer also have a new email response:

Thank you for your infor­ma­tion on sus­pi­cious activ­ity regard­ing a police offi­cer. Your infor­ma­tion appears to pos­si­bly be very impor­tant in an open inves­ti­ga­tion regard­ing the officer(s) involved. It is impos­si­ble to dis­close any spe­cific infor­ma­tion on the inves­ti­ga­tion, but be assured that the infor­ma­tion you have pro­vided is being han­dled with the utmost seri­ous­ness and confidentiality.

If you have any fur­ther infor­ma­tion about crim­i­nal activ­ity that the officer(s) have or will be engag­ing in, you are encour­aged to use the tip-line form as an ongo­ing resource.

Please keep this email and the infor­ma­tion you have pro­vided us con­fi­den­tial. Your infor­ma­tion is part of an ongo­ing police inves­ti­ga­tion and is there­fore sub­ject to all laws gov­ern­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion. Pre­ma­ture dis­clo­sure of infor­ma­tion could com­pro­mise the investigation.

Again, thank you for your assis­tance. We rely on your help. Together, we are mak­ing Gotham City bet­ter, safer, stronger. Together, We Are the Answer.

So we will be able to turn some­one else in soon. We just need a time and location…wait!

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