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I Believe in Harvey Dent website now live March 8th, 2008

Ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com, a long time offi­cial Dark Knight web­site — orig­i­nally host­ing a mere cam­paign poster has now gone online — pre­sent­ing us with a fully func­tional “vote Dent” viral web­site, com­plete with Dent mobile.

I believe in Harvey Dent

Fans shall now be enlisted to help out with Har­vey Dent’s polit­i­cal cam­paign to elect him as Gotham City’s Dis­trict Attor­ney. See what you need to do, then sub­mit your details to the web­site, with images and video (dead­line March 26th).

Rec­om­mended things to do: 

Get your friends together and spell out Har­vey Dent in human let­ters
Get a video of your school’s cheer­lead­ing team yelling out chants for Har­vey Dent
Try to cover every square inch of someone’s cubi­cle area with Har­vey Dent posters
Write and per­form a “Take Back Gotham” song
Make up a “Dent Dance” rou­tine
See if you can get up a Har­vey Dent sign in every sin­gle win­dow of your dorm build­ing
Turn your own car into a “Dent­mo­bile”
Arrange a Dent parade down Main Street
Make a human pyra­mid with other Har­vey Dent supporters

Down­load a ZIP of all the high res­o­lu­tion Har­vey Dent pro­mo­tional mate­r­ial (7 PDFs, 3.5mb)

The Dent-mobile shall also be touring:

The future of Gotham City is in our hands now, peo­ple! Let’s get out there and make some noise!

I Believe in Harvey Dent Updated, New Viral Campaign! February 29th, 2008

The offi­cial Har­vey Dent web­site, “ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com” has been updated to include a new mes­sage and some text entry boxes for your email and phone number,

“We have the power to change Gotham City, soon you’ll find out how”

On doing so you get a quick con­fir­ma­tion email reading:

Cit­i­zens of Gotham! The future of our city rests in your hands! Alone, we are help­less against the thugs and killers men­ac­ing our city. Together, we have the power to take back Gotham. In just a few days, you’ll find out how. Please click … to ver­ify your e-mail address. Keep an eye on http://​www​.ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com and get ready to join a move­ment that will trans­form our city!

It looks like the sec­ond major viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign shall be focus­ing around Har­vey Dent, rather than the Joker, which falls in line with the rumors we have heard con­cern­ing the third Dark Knight trailer.

Dark Knight Viral Campaign revolving around Harvey Dent

Via Hol­ly­wood Chicago and with thanks to Austin

We are the Answer thanks us, hints at new campaign December 7th, 2007

We are the Answer, part of The Dark Knight’s viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign, www​.wearethean​swer​.org, has updated and sent out emails to thank every­one that rat­ted out on the cor­rupt police offi­cers of Gotham City:

Adam at Hol­ly­wood Chicago received this email:

Dear cit­i­zen,

Today is a momen­tous day for Gotham and for all of us who have par­tic­i­pated in We Are The Answer.

Tips from con­cerned cit­i­zens like you are help­ing to bring cor­rupt offi­cers to jus­tice. You can be proud that you have aided your fel­low cit­i­zens in tak­ing the first step toward a safer city.

Due to the over­whelm­ing cit­i­zen response, we at We Are The Answer are pour­ing through an avalanche of police cor­rup­tion tips.

We should be through with the cur­rent back­log of tips by the very begin­ning of the New Year.

Thank you again. The good cit­i­zens of Gotham have to stick together to fight crime and cor­rup­tion. All of us have a brighter future to look for­ward to.

Whilst the web­site has added this new mes­sage — the bit at the very bot­tom is inter­est­ing — it implies that a new viral cam­paign may start up some­time in the New Year (when they have got through the back­log that is):

 UPDATE: First Police Offi­cers Indicted Thanks To We Are The Answer

We Are The Answer has been over­whelmed by the reac­tion of Gotham cit­i­zens since we asked for your help. Thou­sands of con­cerned men and women who are out­raged at how Gotham City has been betrayed by the very peo­ple who are sup­posed to defend us have flooded this web­site with tips.

All of your sub­mis­sions are being inves­ti­gated, and We Are The Answer today announces the indict­ment of two GPD offi­cers for cor­rup­tion. It is with sad­ness, not pride, that We Are The Answer seems to have shown in a mat­ter of weeks how deep the cor­rup­tion in Gotham goes.

These offi­cers are Jason McCree and Larry Coniglia. McCree is sus­pected of accept­ing bribes. Larry Coniglia is under sus­pi­cion of inter­fer­ing in an inves­ti­ga­tion, rack­e­teer­ing, and assault. Coniglia is also being inves­ti­gated for the death of a Chechen gang mem­ber who died in a police hold­ing cell.

It is impor­tant to note that these offi­cers are inno­cent until proven guilty. We Are The Answer will con­tinue to fight to clean up GPD, and ensure that police offi­cers are work­ing for the cit­i­zens of Gotham and not its criminals.

Work­ing with GPD’s Inter­nal Affairs and Assis­tant Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent, We Are The Answer has taken the first step to tak­ing back our streets from crime and cor­rup­tion. Thanks to all Gotham cit­i­zens who have helped us in this essen­tial endeavor.

NOTE: Due to the over­whelm­ing cit­i­zen response, we at We Are The Answer are pour­ing through an avalanche of police cor­rup­tion tips. We should be through with the cur­rent back­log of tips by the very begin­ning of the New Year

Betty’s Stakeout and Out of Time December 1st, 2007

EDIT: The feed is now up (pass­word and login details below), with a two minute audio clip from inside Betty’s Pie House. This is a must listen.

As we turn the cor­ner into the cold and bit­ter Decem­ber the night was once again a flurry of Dark Knight viral puzzles.

First up, solv­ing the per­fect get­away. Given the com­bined map of Gotham City from all the viral web­sites, and using a con­nect the dots method, a mes­sage stat­ing “Out of Time” was spelled out across the map, this led to the new Why So Seri­ous page:


“My Kind of Clown! You’re obvi­ously cen­ter ring mate­r­ial, unlike some poor goons who can’t com­plete one sim­ple task. Watch the funny papers in a few days for your final step in the process

funny.jpg toe.jpg

The name on the tag is Alder Fred­er­ick, with a date of death 30th Novem­ber, caused by Asphyxia.(www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​o​u​t​o​f​t​i​m​e​/​a​l​d​e​r​.​htm)

A GPDiad email was also dis­cov­ered, glenn.​barhyte@​gpdiad.​com, which spewed out some inter­est­ing responses to queries about doc­u­ment LC6551. As a result this login form was discovered,

GPD Login Form. For which you can use the name and password:

Name: Bre­itup­Karl
Pass­word: 21485

Log­ging in and doing a file search for LC6551 yeilds the doc­u­ment,
Doc­u­ment LC6551, it is titled “Upswing in Extor­tions and Chechen Gang Activity”.


Some of the email responses from Glenn included:

“With all due respect, like I’ve told your friends, I just can’t dis­cuss
LC6551, or IA8214299 for that mat­ter. I don’t know who’s leak­ing
these, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m just not at lib­erty to
dis­cuss sen­si­tive information.


“[Karl Bre­itup] will meet some­one at Betty’s Pie Shop tomor­row. I can give you more infor­ma­tion, but you will need to coöper­ate with me for that.“

To access the sec­ond ref­er­enced doc­u­ment you need a login with higher author­ity, this is Glenn Barhyte’s account:

Name: Barhyte­Glenn
Pass­word: tevre­den­heid (sat­is­fac­tion in dutch, given via the clues for his favourite song by the Rolling Stones and in com­bi­na­tion with the file stat­ing he lived in Utrecht for 9 years — see The Gotham Times)

IA8214299 is a clear­ance request dis­cussing the sur­veil­lance of Betty’s House of Pies — six offi­cers, no uni­forms, lis­ten­ing van, equip­ment for recording.


Fur­ther details of this stake­out can be found in a memo (memo.jpg)

Most impor­tantly, 15:00 Betty’s Pie Shop. Using Glenn’s login details a live audio feed will be played here. Get your record­ing equip­ment ready. (direct link to flash)


St. Swithuns and Betty’s House of Pies November 30th, 2007

These viral sites keep get­ting churned out by the dozen now, three more today.

First up is Betty’s House of Pies, www​.bet​tyshouse​of​pies​.com


Betty’s Clas­sic Apple — Sliced apples with plenty of cin­na­mon Try it with ice cream; you won’t be sorry! Dutch-Apple — Betty’s clas­sic apple fill­ing baked with raisins, fresh cream, and topped with streusel crunch.”

The site con­tains an email address for reser­va­tions — reservations@​bettyshouseofpies.​com and a tele­phone num­ber — 1866–237-6152. The house itself is based off Mal­oney Street in down­town Gotham, if you’re ever there and fancy pop­ping in for a bite. The email reser­va­tion gives this response,

“We don’t take reser­va­tions from e-mail any­more because nobody ever checked and peo­ple just got mad.”

Next comes Saint Swith­uns Catholic Church, www​.saintswith​un​schurch​.org,

“St. Swith­uns is the old­est Catholic Church in Gotham. Built by Ital­ian and Greek immi­grants, it has fine exam­ples of Old World stone­ma­sonary, plas­ter­work, and car­pen­try. But this tra­di­tional set­ting is the foun­da­tion of a vibrant, ser­vice and com­mu­nity ori­ented ministry. ”

This page has a records search located here. Enter­ing the name Sal­va­tor Maroni works and brings up a mar­riage cer­tifi­cate which he was wit­ness to. The bride in the cer­tifi­cate, Anna Marie Loverso, also brings up a cer­tifi­cate of Baptism:

marriagecert.jpg baptism.jpg

You can also find them at the cor­ner of South Drive and Hat­ters Avenue, in Har­row, Gotham, or call them via 1866–237-6339:



Thirdly, there is an inter­nal affairs divi­sion of the Gotham Police Depart­ment, located at www​.gpdiad​.com:

“If the cit­i­zens of Gotham are to have the trust and con­fi­dence in the police, the Gotham Police Depart­ment must to fos­ter a good rela­tion­ship with its cit­i­zenry. This means some­one must take the respon­si­bil­ity of polic­ing the police.

Police offi­cers face sit­u­a­tions call­ing for imme­di­ate assess­ment and swift action, and must be free to exer­cise their best judg­ment and to ini­ti­ate action in a rea­son­able, law­ful, and impar­tial man­ner with­out fear of reprisal. At the same time, they must observe the rights of all peo­ple. Cit­i­zens must feel free to ques­tion police con­duct which they feel is improper.”

Some­thing else to take note of, on the Gotham USD web­site has updated and now men­tions by name the man pic­tured in the Evi­dence Fault from the last Why So Seri­ous challenge,

Con­grat­u­la­tions go out to the fol­low­ing 30-year GUSD veterans:


Jake Kar­nass­ian: Mgr. Build­ings an Grounds (on hia­tus)

Gotham Victims Advocate Foundation November 28th, 2007

Yet another Bat­man viral site has been dis­cov­ered, this time it is the GVAFoun­da­tion, or Gotham Vic­tims Advo­cate Foun­da­tion, which can be found at this address: www​.gvafoun​da​tion​.org

In other news, Empire fin­ished reveal­ing the Joker (offi­cially this time). They also removed the click-able links to the very high res­o­lu­tion seg­ments, much to my dis­may. If any­one has man­aged to grab a high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion of that Joker grin I would be most happy to see it, as I am sure oth­ers will be too!

Gotham Times Out Now (and other viral sites) November 23rd, 2007

EDIT: The lat­est viral mar­ket­ing developments:

Betty’s House of Pies Stake­out — Live Audio Feed with Shootout and solu­tion to Why So Seri­ous Per­fect Getaway

Why So Seri­ous Per­fect Get­away and Threat­en­ing Audio Message

St Swith­uns Church with mar­riage and bap­tism cer­tifi­cates and Betty’s House of Pies

Orig­i­nal Article:

Head on over to www​.the​gotham​times​.com to read the news­pa­per arti­cles that we posted about yes­ter­day. You can also email the edi­tor of the paper with a “let­ter”, letterstotheeditor@​thegothamtimes.​com.

Gotham Times Secrets

Click­ing around on page 1 of the arti­cle reveals this lit­tle click­able secret left by The Joker:

Gotham Times Secret Joker

This leads you to the HA HA Time, www​.the​ha​ha​ha​times​.com, a mock­ery of the paper:

We are the Answer

The “We are the answer” (www​.wearethean​swer​.org) now shows a “Not autho­rised” page, the defacto Inter­net Explorer ver­sion… which I’m not sure I should see on Fire­fox. This hints that the page itself is man­u­fac­tured, per­haps just saved as the index.

The web­site is now up! It seems to be some sort of neigh­bor­hood watch scheme where civil­ians can report crimes in their area. You can also find these choice quotes from Gotham politi­cian Har­vey Dent:

“Pos­i­tive Feed­back makes for a Pos­i­tive City” — Har­vey Dent
“Help us make Gotham a bet­ter, safer and stronger city by help­ing us to stomp out cor­rup­tion” — Har­vey Dent

And from the Let­ters of Sup­port:

In a city where “busi­ness as usual” has meant con­tin­u­ing cor­rup­tion and scan­dal, Har­vey Dent is any­thing but usual. The assis­tant Dis­trict Attor­ney is shin­ing a light on a lot of dark cor­ners and expos­ing cor­rupt cops and city offi­cials. He’s mak­ing some ene­mies, but here at Action 3 News, we think he might be the best friend this city has had in many, many years.

–Wil­son Cor­ri­gan, Spot­light on City Hall, Action 3 News.

I was born in this city in 1925 and I’ve seen her go through the dark days of World War II and the bright days of the civil rights move­ment and the crazy days of the six­ties. But noth­ing seemed as bad as the last cou­ple of years. Bless Har­vey Dent. What we need is more peo­ple like him, instead of hav­ing to depend on a crazy man in a cos­tume to do what the police aren’t doing.

–T. John­son, let­ter to The Gotham Times


Dear Mr. Dent,

After all the things that have been hap­pen­ing, and espe­cially the Fear Toxin attack, I applied for a trans­fer with my com­pany. I felt that, despite the roots I have here—I grew up here and my par­ents live here—Gotham was not a place where my wife and I could raise our soon to be born son. I hated to move away. If peo­ple like me move away, soon all that would be left would be the poor and the des­per­ate. I with­drew that request for trans­fer today. You make me feel hope for this city. Your work gives me the courage to stay and fight for the city I love.

–Perry Licht­man

Other Viral Sites

Some new viral mar­ket­ing sites have also popped up, the first is one for Gotham’s National Bank found at www​.gotham​na​tion​al​bank​.com.

And Remem­ber­ing Gina, which can be found at www​.remem​ber​ing​gina​.org

Thirdly, there is a Gotham Police web­site located at www​.gotham​po​lice​.com.

And another one… this time its Gotham City Rail, www​.gotham​c​i​tyrail​.com, com­plete with a map of Gotham City, clearly show­ing the dam­age done dur­ing Bat­man Begins in the region of The Narrows.

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