Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Record #6: Fastest to reach $300m — only 10 days July 28th, 2008

This week­end looked like it would bring in more big num­bers for The Dark Knight, and that it cer­tainly did. After very strong mid-week sales of $18.4m and $16.5m on Wednes­day and Thurs­day respec­tively, the caped cru­sader added another $23.2m on Fri­day, mak­ing the $300m tar­get reach­able by the end of the week.

In its sec­ond week­end The Dark Knight grossed an esti­mated $75.6m in 4366 the­aters, the record for biggest sec­ond week­end ever (set by Shrek 2 — $72.2m), putting Bat­man at a whop­ping $314.2m after only 10 days — smash­ing the pre­vi­ous $300m record set by Dead Man’s Chest by 6 days.

The movie is now up to #23 on the domes­tic block­buster chart. Inter­na­tion­ally The Dark Knight added $65.6m in 7,143 the­aters across 43 loca­tions — reach­ing a for­eign total of $126.3m. In 12 days the world­wide gross has reached $440.5m, despite key Asian and Euro­pean mar­kets get­ting a delayed release in August.

Sources: Vari­ety, Box Office Mojo

Comments No Responses to “Record #6: Fastest to reach $300m — only 10 days”

some dude July 30th, 2008

dude this makes no sense

DAVID S. August 1st, 2008

I knew the Dark Knight was gonna make a hit, but I never knew that it was gonna be such a hit! It was just one of those things that you just don’t plan on.

some dude August 3rd, 2008

david, that makes no sense.

Batgirl567 August 3rd, 2008

Does any­thing make sense to you?
I am so proud of TDK!!