Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Dark Knight Trailer Now Officially Online in HD December 17th, 2007

A Taste for the The­atri­cal, a clue that was revealed via the lat­est Joker teaser posters, as seen around cin­e­mas, has unveiled what we have all been wait­ing for. Some of you may have seen this on a cin­ema screen — big, bold and bril­liant, or on a YouTube boot­legged cam shot — small, grainy and mys­te­ri­ous. Today we can all down­load for our­selves a high res­o­lu­tion trailer of The Dark Knight.

Down­load The Trailer:

A taste for the theatrical…

Best qual­ity (98.2mb)
High qual­ity (78.1mb)
Med qual­ity (24.6mb)

Watch it on YouTube:

Dark Knight Prologue Leaks Online December 16th, 2007

The 7 minute footage seen in IMAX cin­e­mas prior to screen­ings of I Am Leg­end has recently been leaked online. If you’re lucky and this hasn’t yet been removed from YouTube you can catch it here.

In other news, we still don’t have our offi­cial ver­sion of the trailer yet.

The Dark Knight Trailer Leaked, Official Launch Sunday 16th December 14th, 2007

For a few days now The Dark Knight pro­logue has been show­ing before screen­ings of I Am Leg­end at IMAX cin­e­mas across the states. We’ve read the reviews, heard the rumors and many of us that want to see it, but can­not, will soon get our chance.

The boot­legged ver­sion of the trailer has been pop­ping in and out of YouTube all day today as users upload it as fast as the WB remove it. There are rum­blings afoot that this short film is incred­i­ble, indeed, even bet­ter than the entire I Am Leg­end feature.

In the last hour or so a new Dark Knight viral web­site has been unveiled, “A taste for the the­atri­cal”, www​.ataste​for​thethe​atri​cal​.com. It reads,

Sun­day — It’s what you have been wait­ing for! Sure, you can see it on dis­play, but begin­ning this Sun­day, you can take it home for your very own

So, you now have a choice, either be patient and wait until Sun­day to see a high qual­ity down­load­able ver­sion or hop onto the buzz train right now and view the boot­legged copy on YouTube…

Thanks to Adam at Hol­ly­wood Chicago for the video, there’s a few more links there if you need them.

New International Dark Knight Teaser Poster December 14th, 2007

Just take a look at this stun­ning new Dark Knight poster, fea­tur­ing bat­man stand­ing in front of an open win­dow (Wayne Tower?), with an awe inspir­ing but dark view of Gotham City. Beau­ti­ful. Click the image for a high res­o­lu­tion version.

Via Omelette

Why So Serious Catch Up and Screenings December 5th, 2007

So, yes­ter­day evening the Why So Seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign that we have been par­tic­i­pat­ing in as of late came to its con­clu­sion by unveil­ing The Dark Knight teaser poster.

This post is a catch-up entry to fill in the gaps between the “step right up” chal­lenge and the release of the poster. My last post revealed a num­ber of scary cud­dly toys with loca­tions pinned to their bel­lies, at each of these loca­tions was a bak­ery with a cake, inside of which was an evi­dence bag con­tain­ing a phone, a joker card and a note. When each cake was grabbed, the bear was removed and we all came one step closer to hit­ting the bell.

Here are some more pic­tures of the cakes via our friends at Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Step Right Up Cake


Why So Serious Cake Evidence


Joker Card and Phone in the cake

When all of these cakes were dis­cov­ered, hit­ting the bell won the prize… and click­ing through lead you to an evi­dence page with two joker cards:

Each of the cards is a link, the left card takes you to the poster page, which we have all seen by now. The right takes you to a sign up page for what looks to be some pre­view screen­ings in IMAX cin­e­mas across the coun­try — the pro­logue perhaps?

And here’s a pic­ture of the ticket via Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

Why So Serious Preview Screening Event Ticket

Step Right Up Countdown Challenge December 4th, 2007

Update: Bat­sean has been to the bak­ery to get his cake…

Dark Knight Cake

Dark Knight Insides of Cake

The Evidence in the Cake

The note says:

Wow, you really took the cake! Now, put the icing on it: call (phone num­ber) imme­di­ately from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Do NOT give this phone num­ber to any­one else.

Let’s hope your fel­low goons come through as well as you. Once all the lay­ers are in place, you’ll all get your just desserts. I’m a man of my word

Step Right Up

The count­down on the lat­est why so seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing puz­zle has come to an end, and revealed the final challenge.


Hang­ing from the stall in front of you are, as of now, 6 cud­dly toys, although not at all cute. Each of them has a loca­tion pinned on, a loca­tion that, by instruc­tion, you must travel to and not call.

The Cuddly Toys and Locations

Why So Serious Bears

The instruc­tions also ask you to go under the name “Robin Banks” (aka Rob­bing Banks) at each of these places, with “One per loca­tion, first come, first served”. It seems that each of these is a bak­ery store, with the prize being some­sort of bak­ery delight with an attached phone num­ber. Some of the bears are already start­ing to dis­ap­pear, and with each new dis­cov­ery the mal­let on the left hits a lit­tle harder.

Hit­ting the base of the machine used to invoke a pathet­i­cally small rise of the weight, not even enough to light the first level.

Why So Serious — Step Right Up December 4th, 2007

EDIT: Chal­lenge unveiled.

Via Hol­ly­wood Chicago:

humanresources@​whysoserious.​com has sent out a new WhySoSe​ri​ous​.com
mes­sage and code for “The Dark Knight” viral marketing:

Heads up, clown! Tomor­row means that there’s one last shifty step left in the inter­view process: Arwoeuf­gryo

By mov­ing each let­ter one to the right on a QWERTY key­board, the word “steprightup” is spelled.

This led to a new WhySoSe​ri​ous​.com page at the URL www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​s​t​e​p​r​i​g​h​tup with a count­down to 12 p.m. EST on Dec. 4 along with a stuffed mon­key with an exposed stom­ach.

Why So Serious Mausoleum November 27th, 2007

EDIT: Look­ing for the “It’s all part of the plan” safe codes? Check our cov­er­age here: “It’s all part of the plan — Why So Seri­ous

EDIT 2: Now a new site has been revealed, http://​www​.gothamusd​.net/ — The Gotham Uni­fied School District


It’s a vault! Why So Seri­ous has a sec­ond secret stage dis­cov­ered in the per­son­al­ity pro­file… http://​www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​m​a​u​s​o​l​e​um/ Thanks to Hol­ly­wood Chicago for the heads up!

The secret itself was found by look­ing at the let­ters in the var­i­ous lev­els you could achieve on the pro­filer, it was found that tak­ing one let­ter from each could spell mau­soleum and hence gen­er­ate the next fas­ci­nat­ing URL.

This is the email that was sent out:

If you’ve fin­ished my quiz, then it’s time for the next step in the inter­view process, some­thing to test your apti­tude. Spaces count:

* Eighth
* Sixth
* Eighth
* Ninth
* Ninth
* Sec­ond
* Fourth
* Sec­ond
* Third

The text on the note reads:

” You surely know how to put a smile on a guys face ! Now your task is simple.

Your job is to find a way into the evi­dence vault.

Our fine friends in blue have col­lected some­thing that surely dosn’t belong to them.”

UPDATE:From the blood­ied let­ters you can get the ana­gram, “TIME FOR TAFFY” — refer­ring to The Gotham Times, Johnny “Taffy­face” Linata died at 7:38am. There is a clock with­out any view­able hands to the left of the safe.

UPDATE: There seems to be a new secu­rity related Gotham web­site, http://​acmese​cu​ri​tysys​tems​.com/

“ACME Busi­ness Secu­rity pro­vides reli­able secu­rity sys­tems for busi­nesses through­out Gotham City. We pro­vide a range of ser­vices, from pas­sive alarm to con­stant video surveillance.

We spe­cial­ize in ware­house and com­mer­cial real estate secu­rity with flex­i­ble plans—allowing you secu­rity when you need it, for as long as you need it.”

There is also yet another Gotham City based web­site, this time its Gotham Cabs at http://​www​.gotham​cab​.com/

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