Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Dark Knight Six Flags Rollercoaster May 15th, 2008

The sound bites at the end of this video look entirely staged, and the ride itself appears pretty timid.

Six Flags Great Adven­ture today unveiled the highly antic­i­pated “THE DARK KNIGHT Coaster.” Based on Warner Bros. Pic­tures’ upcom­ing movie THE DARK KNIGHT, the indoor, dark coaster offers guests a one-of-kind ride experience.

More than just a ride, THE DARK KNIGHT Coaster fea­tures the most world renowned DC Comics char­ac­ters in an adven­ture that uti­lizes sto­ry­telling, phys­i­cal move­ment, video, sound and spe­cial effects to bring guests a one-of-a-kind dark ride thrill. As part of the expe­ri­ence, park guests will see, hear and feel the action of the movie the moment they enter the ride queue line, as they are trans­formed into cit­i­zens of Gotham City — caught in the mid­dle of a city under siege and torn apart by The Joker.

Guests board a Gotham City rail car and careen through six 180-degree hair­pin turns, climb unseen hills, plunge into pitch dark­ness, dip into unfore­seen dan­ger and con­tinue to be tor­mented by The Joker as they thrust onto the bat­tle­field of good vs. evil. Will THE DARK KNIGHT save them in time?

“THE DARK KNIGHT Coaster offers guests a one-of-a-kind ride expe­ri­ence that com­bines the action and excite­ment of THE DARK KNIGHT movie with the thrill of a roller coaster,” said Mark Kane, Six Flags Great Adventure’s Park Pres­i­dent. “THE DARK KNIGHT Coaster offers a unique expe­ri­ence that will appeal to both fam­ily and teen audiences.”

The attrac­tion also intro­duces new, cus­tomized footage fea­tur­ing Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent (as por­trayed by Aaron Eck­hart), pro­duced and shot specif­i­cally for THE DARK KNIGHT Coaster. The ride also incor­po­rates audio and visual ele­ments from the film which will debut July 18, 2008, offer­ing guests a sneak peak.

The $7.5 mil­lion coaster is located in the Movi­etown sec­tion at Six Flags Great Adven­ture adja­cent to BATMAN The Ride. The height restric­tion is 42 inches to ride with an adult and 48 inches to ride alone. Guests can receive up-to-the-minute park news and pur­chase a 2008 sea­son pass online at www​.sixflags​.com.

Chance to attend Dark Knight première and after party May 14th, 2008

Maya from Char­ity Buzz has asked us to men­tion their lat­est auc­tion, which has a prize a good few of you shall be inter­ested in — the chance to attend the Dark Knight pre­mière and after party in Los Ange­les this July, with flights included. The pro­ceeds will be going to the New York Restora­tion Project. Bid­ding starts at $3500, with an esti­mated value of $7500. The auc­tion ends on May 29, 2008 12:58:00 PM EDT. Avail­able to both US and Inter­na­tional bidders.

“Fly to LA with Jet­BLUE and Attend the Pre­mière and After Party of The Dark Knight“
This Pack­age Includes: 2 tick­ets to Pre­mière & After Party. Pre­mière will be held in LA, July 2008– exact date TBD PLUS roundtrip air­fare for 2 from JetBLUE.

Bid on Dark Knight pre­mière tickets

Dona­tions from the char­i­ty­buzz online auc­tion will help the non­profit New York Restora­tion Project (NYRP) to reclaim, restore, and develop under-resourced parks, com­mu­nity gar­dens, and open space in New York City, pri­mar­ily in eco­nom­i­cally dis­ad­van­taged neighborhoods.

First Two Dark Knight TV Spots May 12th, 2008

Start­ing as of last night, Warner Bros. have began air­ing a cou­ple of tele­vi­sion spots for the Dark Knight. Thanks to all those that sent this in.

“Out of the dark­ness, comes the Knight” — not too hard to think that one up!

Here you go:

TV Spot #1:

TV Spot #2:

Amazing set of 40 high resolution images May 10th, 2008

/Film just got an exclu­sive pack­age of 40 high res­o­lu­tion images sent their way by reader KillingJoke — 30mb of them. These include lots of Aaron Eck­hart, Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal, Chris­t­ian Bale, Mor­gan Free­man, Heath Ledger and Chris Nolan close-ups. What’s most inter­est­ing are the pic­tures that show the film­ing of The Dark Knight.

This set appears to be for press usage, most likely for the plethora of press arti­cles we will be see­ing in the com­ing months. Some of the shots we have seen before, but maybe not at this res­o­lu­tion. No real spoil­ers in these shots either:


Images Removed at Request From Warner Bros

Sorry folks.

Official Dark Knight site is updated May 6th, 2008

The offi­cial Dark Knight web­site has updated to include a sexy new flash intro­duc­tion and all three trail­ers. The intro sees Bat­man stand­ing against a win­dow pane, à la the poster, which then bursts (like the long hor­i­zon­tal poster), before falling to the ground amongst rain­ing Joker cards.

Thanks Zdravko (Batfan93)

Aaron Eckhart talks about Two Face May 4th, 2008

The LA Times recently sat down with Mr Eck­hart (aka Har­vey Dent) to dis­cuss his role as a vil­lain in The Dark Knight. Beware, spoil­ers lurk below.

Harvey Dent and the Bat Signal

“I can tell you that, basi­cally, when you look at Two-Face, you should get sick to your stom­ach. Being the guy under all that, well, that was a lot of fun for me. It’s like you would feel if you met some­one whose face had pretty much been ripped off or burned off with acid. I can’t talk about it beyond that because I don’t want to give away too much of the plans by Chris.”


“The dif­fer­ence between Bat­man and Two-Face is how far they are will­ing to go and how they make their point,” Eck­hart said. “Oth­er­wise, we’re talk­ing about vig­i­lante crime-fighting. That’s what Bat­man is all about. He has a strong sense of jus­tice. And Har­vey Dent has an extremely strong sense of jus­tice. His fiancée is killed. He’s hor­ri­bly injured. But he is still true to him­self. He’s a crime fighter, he’s not killing good peo­ple. He’s not a bad guy, not purely.”


“You look at a good guy too long and it’s not that excit­ing, it’s the Boy Scout always doing the right thing. I’m inter­ested in good guys gone wrong. They’re not the bad guy, they’re the good guy doing bad things.”


“Really, all of it is more than an adven­ture tale, it’s some­what of a mir­ror of our times. It deals with some fun­da­men­tal ques­tions of what’s going on in soci­ety. To me, this film is about how Bat­man feels about jus­tice, how he takes care of the city, how he feels about the Joker when he meets him and sees what he is capa­ble of doing. How he feels when Har­vey Two-Face takes mat­ters into his own hands. It’s not sim­ple, and it gets ugly. I think peo­ple will be surprised.”

5 New Dark Knight Posters, possibly fake April 28th, 2008

Omelette have the exclu­sive on five brand new Dark Knight posters, one of these is in the same vein as the offi­cially released poster which came through Why So Seri­ous, the oth­ers are in a com­pletely new style — and I believe, almost cer­tainly faked — their min­i­mal­ist lay­out which con­tains pre­vi­ously seen imagery that also strays away from the tra­di­tional Dark Knight font-set and lay­out are the clues. They are still sul­try and impres­sive however.

New Joker Dark Knight Poster

New Dark Knight Poster - Batman

Harvey Dent Dark Knight Poster

This final adap­ta­tion is almost cer­tainly a fake — reusing a Joker image seen in a pre­vi­ous poster with some poorly ren­dered burn­ing Joker card, via Film School Rejects. Though once again, I am post­ing it because it is a nice concept.

Why So Serious Update — 3 Days April 26th, 2008

The count­down on “It’s all part of the plan” has gone down to three days, but now all the pres­i­dent por­traits are click-able. Click­ing each one reveals a larger image with a flash count­down, geo­graph­i­cal co-ordinates and these instructions:

Gather with 300 of your clos­est friends at this exact spot on April 28th.

You’ll need to be in con­tact with a partner-in-crime who has online access to relay your instruc­tions once you’re there. These instruc­tions will give you the TRAIL to fol­low, but be sure to look both ways when cross­ing the street; we wouldn’t want you to make an unsched­uled visit to the ER now, would we?

Put on a smile and plan to spend about an hour or so bond­ing with your fel­low clowns.

Check back here often for updates or changes.

Note the TRAIL-ER.

Boston | New York | Los Ange­les | Kansas City | Philadel­phia | Toronto | Chicago | San Fran­cisco | Dal­las | Lon­don | Seat­tle | Sao Paolo

Con­tinue read­ing our cov­er­age of the Why So Seri­ous scav­enger hunt with vaults and codes

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