Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Dark Knight score nominated for Grammy December 7th, 2008

The nom­i­na­tions list for the 51st Grammy Awards have been announced and Hans Zimmer/James New­ton Howard’s Dark Knight sound­track is included in them:

Best Score Sound­track Album For Motion Pic­ture, Tele­vi­sion Or Other Visual Media
(Award to Composer(s) for an orig­i­nal score cre­ated specif­i­cally for, or as a com­pan­ion to, a cur­rent legit­i­mate motion pic­ture, tele­vi­sion show or series or other visual media.)

* The Dark Knight
James New­ton Howard & Hans Zim­mer, com­posers
[Warner Sunset/Warner Bros.]

* Indi­ana Jones And The King­dom Of The Crys­tal Skull
John Williams, com­poser
[Con­cord Records]

* Iron Man
Ramin Djawadi, com­poser

* There Will Be Blood
Jonny Green­wood, com­poser
[None­such Records]

* Wall-E
Thomas New­man, com­poser
[Walt Dis­ney Records/Pixar]

Comments No Responses to “Dark Knight score nominated for Grammy”

Tim Reynolds December 7th, 2008

Nice post. Thank you for the info. Keep it up.

Jasta December 12th, 2008

The dark knight OST fully deserve to win. The way the music matches with the movie is incredible.