Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Dark Knight Blu-ray set to break records on Dec 9th November 7th, 2008

VideoBusi­ness are report­ing that The Dark Knight is pro­jected to ship over 1 mil­lion Blu-ray units to retail for its Decem­ber 9th launch. Ear­lier this year Iron Man set the record for the fastest sell­ing blu-ray disk, with over half a mil­lion copies sold in its first week.

Warner knows that with Dark Knight’s wild pop­u­lar­ity and Blu-ray-friendly spe­cial effects, the title should be a win­ner at retail. How­ever, the stu­dio will still be greas­ing the wheel with many soft­ware bundling pro­mo­tions in order to encour­age cus­tomers to buy Blu-ray play­ers in time for the Dec. 9 Dark Knight bow.

Comments No Responses to “Dark Knight Blu-ray set to break records on Dec 9th”

OYD November 11th, 2008

THE DARK KNIGHT IS GOING TO BREAK RECORDS?!?! Wow! This is news to me! Who knew that TDK broke records? Truly and incred­i­ble update. What genious wrote this?

OYD November 11th, 2008

Guess what else I found out?! Joker is in The Dark Knight!!! Wow, you learn some­thing new every day!

Tim November 11th, 2008

WOW! Look at who can’t spell genius!

You dum­b­ass. This is about DVD records and those aren’t usu­ally made or bro­ken as much as box office records.

OYD November 11th, 2008

sor­reee, mr. tim, sir. it won’t hap­pen again, sir. 8(

OYD November 11th, 2008

Hey guys, guess what else? TDK is a movie about Bat­man. I think it made a lot of money, but I’m not sure yet! 8( )

OYD November 11th, 2008


The Dark Knight made a TON of money in the the­aters! In fact, it broke records! And *looks around excit­edly* there’s a rumor that the DVD might break records too! I’m so excited, I could cry.

Tim November 11th, 2008

What an idiot. Are you still going on with this non­sense? It’s really stu­pid and juve­nile. And to think, I’m the only per­son who’ll prob­a­bly ever read this drivel.…sad…

OYD November 12th, 2008

shhh! don’t be sad! :(

OYD November 12th, 2008

Bat­man would want you to be happy. He’d say, “Keep a stiff upper lip, junior.” And these would be wise words.

Andy November 25th, 2008

Um, how is it I walked into Kim’s Video in NYC and bought a legit­i­mate copy on Sat Nov 22? It’s the real thing as they are a very famous legit DVD store — emo­bossed pack­ag­ing, shrink wrapped, code for the dig­i­tal copy? Weird. Don’t believe me? Walk into Kim’s on St Marks Place in Man­hat­ten and there is an entire table of the blu ray and stan­dard DVD packages.

Warner Bros. launches ‘For Your Con­sid­er­a­tion’ Site (Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chronicles) December 15th, 2008

[…] did you know, appar­ently The Dark Knight has bro­ken some records! Maybe even the one for blu-ray sales!) Posted inNews Promotional […]