Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Morgan Freeman Hospitalized after Car Accident August 4th, 2008

Mor­gan Free­man is in a seri­ous con­di­tion after a car acci­dent late on Sun­day night, trav­el­ing East­bound on Mis­sis­sippi High­way 32 in Tal­la­hatchie County. His Nis­san Max­ima edged off the road, and by over-correcting, Free­man flipped the vehicle.

Emer­gency crews pulled Free­man and his pas­sen­ger from the wreck using the “jaws of life”, before air­lift­ing to the MED in Memphis.

WMCTv​.com report that whilst crews were cut­ting Mr Free­man out, he was lucid and jok­ing with the res­cue workers.

Comments 7 Responses to “Morgan Freeman Hospitalized after Car Accident”

DAVID S. August 4th, 2008

It may look like the Dark Knight may have a curse on it. Heath’s death, Chris­t­ian bale sup­pos­edly assaulted his mom and sis­ter, and now Mor­gan Free­man is now seri­ous con­di­tion after a car accident.

isi123 August 4th, 2008

It’s no bloody curse man. The damn media keep twist­ing sto­ries so they sell and make money. Thats the media’s job. And Mor­gan Free­man is in “good con­di­tion” now aparently, but he broke his shoul­der and arm. I hope him a speedy recovery!!!

Tawd August 4th, 2008


kun­deremp August 4th, 2008

I didn’t believe on curse..
I wish him well..

BatGirl567 August 5th, 2008

I does appear like a curse, but the media is famous for ****ing up the real story.
Speedy recov­ery, Morgan!!

Disco Lights · November 3rd, 2010

you can say that mor­gan free­man is one of the most ver­sa­tile actors that we have today “

Soap Dis­penser December 2nd, 2010

there are very few tal­ented actors that is as ver­sa­tile as mor­gan freeman ”,