Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Official Warner Bros. Updates April 5th, 2008

Warner Bros. have released their lat­est press pack­age for Sum­mer 2008, within it comes infor­ma­tion about The Dark Knight. Most of which we already knew, but inter­est­ingly their plot syn­op­sis has updated:

“The Dark Knight” reunites direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan with star Chris­t­ian Bale, who returns to con­tinue Batman’s war on crime. With the help of Lieu­tenant Jim Gor­don (Gary Old­man) and Dis­trict Attor­ney Har­vey Dent (Aaron Eck­hart), Bat­man sets out to destroy orga­nized crime in Gotham for good. The tri­umvi­rate proves to be effec­tive, but they soon find them­selves prey to a ris­ing crim­i­nal mas­ter­mind known as the Joker (Heath Ledger), who thrusts Gotham into anar­chy and forces the Dark Knight ever closer to cross­ing the fine line between hero and vigilante.

They have also offi­cially released two new images, (some of you may have seen these before when they were leaked with 17 oth­ers):

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alex April 6th, 2008

the bot­tom one is excellent!