Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

I Believe in Harvey Dent website now live March 8th, 2008

Ibelievein​har​vey​dent​.com, a long time offi­cial Dark Knight web­site — orig­i­nally host­ing a mere cam­paign poster has now gone online — pre­sent­ing us with a fully func­tional “vote Dent” viral web­site, com­plete with Dent mobile.

I believe in Harvey Dent

Fans shall now be enlisted to help out with Har­vey Dent’s polit­i­cal cam­paign to elect him as Gotham City’s Dis­trict Attor­ney. See what you need to do, then sub­mit your details to the web­site, with images and video (dead­line March 26th).

Rec­om­mended things to do: 

Get your friends together and spell out Har­vey Dent in human let­ters
Get a video of your school’s cheer­lead­ing team yelling out chants for Har­vey Dent
Try to cover every square inch of someone’s cubi­cle area with Har­vey Dent posters
Write and per­form a “Take Back Gotham” song
Make up a “Dent Dance” rou­tine
See if you can get up a Har­vey Dent sign in every sin­gle win­dow of your dorm build­ing
Turn your own car into a “Dent­mo­bile”
Arrange a Dent parade down Main Street
Make a human pyra­mid with other Har­vey Dent supporters

Down­load a ZIP of all the high res­o­lu­tion Har­vey Dent pro­mo­tional mate­r­ial (7 PDFs, 3.5mb)

The Dent-mobile shall also be touring:

The future of Gotham City is in our hands now, peo­ple! Let’s get out there and make some noise!

Comments 2 Responses to “I Believe in Harvey Dent website now live”

Free WOW Gold June 20th, 2010

You’re a Really Pro­fes­sional Blog­ger, Either have got qual­ity knowl­edge of what your dis­cussing or you did some excel­lent research. Thank you for this excel­lent post.

Get­tle November 7th, 2010

Hey! this is really good post! I really enjoyed read­ing it. I will book­mark this site to return later. Look­ing for­ward to it. Thanks!