Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger found dead, The Joker is gone January 22nd, 2008

This is shock­ing and ter­ri­ble news, who knows what shall hap­pen to The Dark Knight now that he has died. All prin­ci­pal pho­tog­ra­phy has been com­pleted but this is a heart wrench­ing blow to all of us that had fallen in love with his por­trayal as The Joker. I per­son­ally can’t find the words to explain my feel­ings at this point, what a hor­ri­ble loss — an actor that seemed to be reach­ing his peak and had such great things ahead of him.

From the BBC,

Hol­ly­wood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a down­town Man­hat­tan res­i­dence, a New York Police Depart­ment spokesman has said.

“He was found uncon­scious at the apart­ment and pro­nounced dead,” a police spokes­woman said.

Police are inves­ti­gat­ing whether the Aus­tralian actor, who earned an Oscar nom­i­na­tion for 2005 film Broke­back Moun­tain, died of a drug overdose.

The 28-year-old was found dead in the SoHo flat at around 1530 (2030 GMT).

Police said they did not sus­pect foul play and that his body had been dis­cov­ered sur­rounded by pills.

From the Asso­ci­ated Press:

Heath Ledger was found dead Tues­day at a down­town Man­hat­tan res­i­dence, and police said drugs may have been a fac­tor. He was 28. NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Ledger had an appoint­ment for a mas­sage at the Man­hat­tan apart­ment believed to be his home. The house­keeper who went to let him know the masseuse had arrived found him dead at 3:26 p.m.

A large crowd of paparazzi and gawk­ers began gath­er­ing Tues­day evening out­side the build­ing on an upscale block in SoHo, where sev­eral police offi­cers guarded the door.

Our thoughts go out to his friends and family.

Comments 34 Responses to “Heath Ledger found dead, The Joker is gone”

Geoff January 22nd, 2008

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ledger fam­ily. So sad to see some­one so young and tal­ented die.

Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chron­i­cles » More of Heath Ledger as The Joker January 22nd, 2008

[…] TRAGIC UPDATE: The Joker, Heath Ledger found dead  […]

The Dark­est Knight January 22nd, 2008

I am a huge Bat­man fan, if not the biggest, one of the biggest! I can’t believe that Heath Ledger has died! It is shock­ing but above all it is extremly sad! My thoughts and prayers go out to his fam­ily and dear friends! It is hon­estly extremly sad that this has a occured, an actor who I had no con­fi­dence in as being the Joker was restored when I saw that trailer. It is sadding and over­all depress­ing to know that an actor that was reach­ing his peak would end his life in such a ter­ri­ble way. My one ques­tion is did they fin­ish film­ing this movie he was going to be in?

destruct26 January 22nd, 2008

And yet another bright star burns out. RIP Heath. We all are going­miss you.

destruct26 January 22nd, 2008

And yet another bright star burns out. RIP Heath. We all are going miss you.

Andy B January 22nd, 2008

One of our bright­est gone… this aussie is shocked at his death at such a young age. What a true break­out per­for­mance we have in store from Heath as The Joker. What­ever the cir­cum­stances in his pri­vate life, truly The Batman’s words from Bat­man Begins rings true “It’s not who I am under­neath, but what i do that defines me”, and his Joker will define him to legions of bat fans for years to come. RIP mate…

Dad day January 22nd, 2008

Please some­one, let me know, will the Dark Knight will be still on? Is a extreme big loss on this. Heath was truly a great actor, he con­vinced us as a gay cow­boy and now he con­vinced us as a mul­ti­ple homi­cide clown.
May he rest in peace..!!!

so sad January 22nd, 2008

Wow. I’m am a BIG bat­man fan and I am only 11! My mom said that he died and I thought that she ment he died in the new movie​.My thoughts and prayers of love,hope,joy to the family.I can’t think of his lit­tle daugh­ter.:{ [and yes they did fin­ish the movie.] To all bat fans and the cast and crew, Good­bye Joker boo who

Isi123 January 22nd, 2008

Im so shocked!!! We’ve lost a great tal­ent and i cant describe how i feel. My con­do­lences go to heaths fam­ily and friends. RIP Heath!

wannabebat­girl January 22nd, 2008

His por­tions of TDK have been fin­ished for some time now, accord­ing to his inter­views in the last few months. This is still a gigan­tic loss. He was a bril­liant actor and we barely got to see just how bril­liant… this is going to make watch­ing TDK a very, very weird experience.

bru­tus January 22nd, 2008

It’s a tragedy that Heath has died. Mul­ti­ple news out­lets are blam­ing his role in TDK, say­ing that he got so involved in the joker & it’s such an intense, sadist char­ac­ter that he couldn’t break away from play­ing him when they stopped film­ing in Nov. & he’s had prob­lems sleep­ing since.

I like the Bat­man films & have been a fan since I was lit­tle & first exposed when the first film came out in 1989. Even though Bat­man is my all time favorite super hero, I’m not lik­ing the direc­tion this new fran­chise is tak­ing. The first movie was ok (despite Katie Holmes & Chris­t­ian Bale’s lisp when speak­ing as Bat­man), but this series is TOO dark. These films are not let­ting up, there’s no hap­pi­ness shown; all of the char­ac­ters are mis­er­able. By no means do I wish for the films to degrade to the level they were at after Michael Keaton & Tom Bur­ton left, but this new series is too severe.

If Heath Ledger was both­ered by his char­ac­ter so much that it could of con­tributed to his using pills to help with his sleep dis­or­der; pills that may have caused his death ACCIDENTALLY, I’m ques­tion­ing weather I’ll even see this movie or encour­age friends and fam­ily to see it either. If the movie is this dis­turb­ing then I’d rather not see it.

Detarra January 22nd, 2008

This has effected me in a way I never thought it would. I can’t believe its true. The thing that makes me sad­der is won­der­ing if his por­trayal of the Joker is what caused it. He devel­oped insom­nia because of the role and it took a tole on him phys­i­cally. They said that the pills he took were sleep­ing pills. Per­haps it was an acci­dent. He will truly be missed.

David January 22nd, 2008

I think like every­one it is a hor­ri­ble tragedy, a tal­ented actor when he was one of the best of his generation.

I know a lot of peo­ple are think­ing ‘what hap­pens with the third Bat­man film’?

Lets not for­got in the long run that isnt a big deal. Remem­ber this was a young tal­ented actor and father and he is dead. So what I am say­ing to the few who worry about what hap­pens with the third Bat­man film is that the real tragedy is that he is dead not that the sto­ry­line might change or they will have to get a new actor to play the joker.

R.I.P. Heath

alex January 22nd, 2008

Such a loss. Rest in Peace Heath.

Arroyo January 22nd, 2008

The Joker is dead…
He will be missed…

The movie (The Dark Knight), in my opin­ion, will become much more Beau­ti­ful and Sad at the same time, because of the fact that this will be the last, great per­for­mance of Heath Ledger and NO ONE can even try to replace him as the Joker, even though I have had only seen trail­ers of the movie…

This will be the Great­est Joker to live…

Rest in peace…

Tin­sterr January 22nd, 2008

It chocked me when I heard it on the radio. Very tradgic..

Ascribed1 January 22nd, 2008

Its always ter­ri­ble when some­one as young as he was dies –
its more tragic when they had so much left to be and to. That said I’ve been annoyed by the fact that since Heath Ledger’s pass­ing was announced is that peo­ple on var­i­ous film news sites and the Bat­man com­munnity were hav­ing panic attacks over the sta­tus of the movie 1st than focussed on the real­ity
that the actor who played The Joker is dead.

LaDell January 22nd, 2008

I, as many oth­ers, have watched Heath Ledger in var­i­ous film roles for the past few years…leaving us won­der­ful and mem­o­rable char­ac­ters to remem­ber. I know his por­trayal of the Joker will cer­tainly be one of them. I am deeply sad­dened by our loss of a very tal­ented and won­der­ful per­son. My heart and sym­pa­thy goes out to his fam­ily, friends, and espe­cially his daughter.

the dude January 23rd, 2008


Savanna January 23rd, 2008

RIP. love ya man. <3 still can’t wait to see the movie. it will be sad.

destruct26 January 23rd, 2008

Upon what i have heard and read, it seems very clear what hap­pened. The facts so far: He appar­ently he had prob­lems stay­ing sober in the past. Im going to assume they were refer­ring to alco­hol. He had prob­lems with his mar­riage, and unfor­tu­nately, led to a seper­a­tion, in the mid­dle of shoot­ing tdk, mon­thes ago. The role of the Joker took its toll, men­tally, as far as sleep pat­terns are con­cerned. He fin­ishes the movie, yet does another one and is drained by all the stress and has 2 hrs of sleep a nite and takes a pill that only lasts an hour, per­haps some­thing to relax him­self. His body could have built up a tol­er­ance for some time. Then he calls a masseuse, which would explain his state of undress when they found him. Then, before the masseuse arrives, he took some pills to relax even more so, and the rest of it unfolds. No foul play or evi­dence of a sui­cide note. Im not an inves­ti­ga­tor, and try­ing not to assume any­thing here but the facts given, so i could be mis­taken, but it seems clear that it was just an acci­den­tal over­dose based on a plethera of events that built up for this guy for months– and ended in plain sim­ple tragedy. I hope he didnt feel much pain. Im sure he was a hell of a guy. The scari­est part is that if what I explained is actu­ally the case– well, it really could hap­pen to any of us that way. Thats life, my friends. Not to sound ironic, but it seems the jokes is on him :( At least a part of him can live on through his daugh­ter, i mean thats some­thing, right?

Kun­deremp An-Narkaulipsiy January 23rd, 2008

I was shocked when I saw the news por­tal opened in my friend’s computer..

matt January 23rd, 2008

This news is unreal, watch­ing The Dark Knight trailer is very dis­turb­ing. Heath was a great actor and from what i under­stand por­trayed the joker as true to the comics as pos­si­ble. He was a mas­ter of his craft, and hope­fully this role as the Joker did not con­tribute to his trou­bles, I dont think any­one will ever know. The Bat­man books are of course just fic­tional sto­ries, but i think that peo­ple who fol­low it and are such strong fans, under­stand the story because it has aspects of real suf­fer­ing, real pain, and true life. Heath was so com­mit­ted to his craft he may have hurt him­self in this role. I guess no one will ever know.

Jonny January 23rd, 2008

In response to Bru­tus’ com­ment about the movie being too dark and severe:

The best thing about Bat­man is dark­ness. It’s what sep­a­rates the comic and makes it great, really unlike any other DC comic for the most part.

The darker, the more grue­some, the bet­ter. He is the dark knight after all.

Chris Nolan is one of my favorite direc­tors and can do no wrong. I only fore­see improve­ments to the series as long as he is the director.

Lara January 24th, 2008

You know I didn’t even really know about this film com­ing out until I heard about Heath Ledger being found dead (I don’t really watch TV or go to the movies :P ). So when I found this out, and read some quotes from Ledger him­self talk­ing about how men­tally dis­turb­ing it was to play such a sadis­tic and hor­rid char­ac­ter (The Joker), I thought two things at the same time: this must be a very dark and dis­turb­ing movie, and I feel the same way that bru­tus does; and also that the inten­sity of Ledger’s play­ing and “becom­ing” his char­ac­ter just shows how ded­i­cated and tal­ented of an actor he was. That ded­i­ca­tion was I guess bit­ter­sweet because while it lead to an incred­i­ble per­for­mance in the role it might have also led to his death. I am only hop­ing it was acci­den­tal.
Also, my sis­ter and I were dis­cussing how fright­en­ing it is that doc­tors just freely pre­scribe these poten­tially lethal med­ica­tions to peo­ple. I don’t think these drugs should be taken by so many peo­ple so fre­quently.
Any­way, Broke­back Moun­tain was one of my favorite movies, and Ledger blew me away in it. May he rest in peace.

matt January 24th, 2008

Bat­man is not a happy story. The char­ac­ters that are por­trayed in the story are not happy char­ac­ters. If we are talk­ing about the same bat­man that has been writ­ten into comics over the years, we are talk­ing about a super­hero that is not a light­hearted, col­or­ful, “happy go lucky” super hero such as super­man or spi­der­man. If you are going to stay true to what “Bat­man” in its self is…I would say Nolan’s movie por­trayal of The Dark Knight is pretty accu­rate. Its sad what has hap­pened to poor Heath Ledger, he was a great actor, among other things.

JC January 24th, 2008

To Bru­tus,

Aside from the fact that many of us Bat­Man fans are deeply sad­dened by the loss of Heath Ledger, you say the films are too dark. Have you read the Bat­man comics or nov­els? They are dark. He is a dark char­ac­ter, cre­ated by fear, loss, and tragedy. He lives to per­son­ify the good his par­ents put forth into the city, and he has no time for much else.

I say this new series has hit the nail on the head.

tj January 26th, 2008

its crazy. i guess he won’t be in 3. if joker lived in 2.

Whit­neyB January 27th, 2008

I have to say that I too was shocked by the news. Im not really a fan of Heath but I thought his work in most of his films were great. Never thought I would see Broke­Back Moun­tain and fall for char­ac­ters. It was really that good and just to know that such tal­ent has left is tru­ely sad. I can not believe it. I am soo deeply sad not only for him but for his fam­ily and his lit­tle girl. God Bless that lit­tle child. As far as the film (The Dark Knight) I have to agree that the trailer looked a lit­tle dis­turb­ing. Im kind of afraid to see it, but one thing is for sure it looks like Heath played that damn part well. Com­mend him on his ded­i­ca­tion to the craft and I will con­tinue to pray for him (b/c I know I feel it in my heart that he is in a bet­ter place) and his fam­ily. Almost feel like cry­ing. Gosh and I didnt even know the guy per­son­ally and it kind of hurts. Despite the dark­ness of the movie I will defi­nantly go out and see this. sup­port great talent.

SEPHER July 22nd, 2008



sara July 23rd, 2008

RIP.…..I feel bad for the lil girl she will never know her father :’( MY prey­ers are with you

destruct26 July 31st, 2008

Final sum­ma­tion: Ledgers per­for­mance as the Joker was incred­i­ble– I for­got he even did the role after twenty min­utes sim­ply because he van­ished into it. He will most inde­finetly live on through the Joker, for years to come, as far as Im con­cerned– and will be remem­bered as a one most diverse actors of our generation.

Sri­ram August 2nd, 2008

I wept at the news of Heath’s death, even before watch­ing the movie. But now, after watch­ing DK, I feel he is des­tined to leave earth after giv­ing the best per­for­mance the world had ever seen and will see. The Joker’s char­ac­ter can­not be matched by any­one else, not even him…

Oh god, don’t get stunned by Mr. Joker. Have a place for him in the heaven.


christina November 16th, 2010

i really miss him!it was a big choc for me & i’ll still can’t beleave!!!