EDIT: Looking for the “It’s all part of the plan” safe codes? Check our coverage here: “It’s all part of the plan — Why So Serious”
EDIT 2: Now a new site has been revealed, http://www.gothamusd.net/ — The Gotham Unified School District

It’s a vault! Why So Serious has a second secret stage discovered in the personality profile… http://www.whysoserious.com/mausoleum/ Thanks to Hollywood Chicago for the heads up!
The secret itself was found by looking at the letters in the various levels you could achieve on the profiler, it was found that taking one letter from each could spell mausoleum and hence generate the next fascinating URL.
This is the email that was sent out:
If you’ve finished my quiz, then it’s time for the next step in the interview process, something to test your aptitude. Spaces count:
* Eighth
* Sixth
* Eighth
* Ninth
* Ninth
* Second
* Fourth
* Second
* Third

The text on the note reads:
” You surely know how to put a smile on a guys face ! Now your task is simple.
Your job is to find a way into the evidence vault.
Our fine friends in blue have collected something that surely dosn’t belong to them.”
UPDATE:From the bloodied letters you can get the anagram, “TIME FOR TAFFY” — referring to The Gotham Times, Johnny “Taffyface” Linata died at 7:38am. There is a clock without any viewable hands to the left of the safe.
UPDATE: There seems to be a new security related Gotham website, http://acmesecuritysystems.com/
“ACME Business Security provides reliable security systems for businesses throughout Gotham City. We provide a range of services, from passive alarm to constant video surveillance.
We specialize in warehouse and commercial real estate security with flexible plans—allowing you security when you need it, for as long as you need it.”

There is also yet another Gotham City based website, this time its Gotham Cabs at http://www.gothamcab.com/

Comments 26 Responses to “Why So Serious Mausoleum”
If you look at the blood spatters on the note for the vault it unscrambles to Time for Taffy. Don’t know if it means anything.
What is the combo to the safe?
So, how do you open the safe?
I think the lock has something to do with the numbers in the Mobster article in the Gotham Times. I dunno if the AM/PM matters for the times, but here’s the list of the numbers as they appear (digits only, I dunno if the spelled out numbers matter as well):
7:38 AM, $8.99, 10, 38, 23, 75, 2:36 PM, 7:38 PM, 28, 25, 11, 8, 8:25 PM, 8:52 PM, 29, 52, 5, 12:57 AM
The dial seems a bit difficult to use, you should have steady hands when trying codes.
change your computer clock to 7:38am and see what happens
I can’t get the vault open!! I’ve tried everything! Can anyone help?
Nope, no idea here either. I’ve tried the numbers “10, 38, 23, 75, 28, 25, 11, 8, 29, 52, 5″ from clockwise to counter-clockwise (and yes, I have steady hands) but no deal. Bah, I’m not going to give up. I just wish the dial wasn’t so hard to read. Maybe we’re missing something obvious here or something. ~_~
Hmm, I actually lessened the numbers to just the ages of the citizens deaths (38, 23, 75, 38, 35, 11, 8, 29, 52), but it’s still a no-go. >_>
Look at the name on the Gotham Evidence Bag…the victim is listed at Susan Swalthammer. Her name appeared on the 4th page of The Gotham Times…she was the one suing Batman for letting her car get destroyed! The article says she works for Gotham’s Power Dept but I can’t figure out if that is another viral site and if so where…help me out with this one…
Has anybody tried leaving messages for the security company or gotham cab both phone numbers work ut go to voicemail after a short message.
Anyone find a phone number for the school?
Oh, for God’s sake.
Why so serious?
Just plug in your micropohone, turn on allow in the Flash window and say the right phrase.
i opened it yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no trailer gets me pissed off
WHY SO SERIOUS PEOPLE i’m joker Heath Ledger’s Harley Quinn. and by the way no other woman can have joker Ledger he’s mine. I wanna fuck and marry joker and by the way I have Heath Ledger’s name tattooed on me. and a pic. of joker’s face as Heath Ledger from TDK.JOKER#1 ms.joker.Terri.
WHY SO SERIOUS. IF I was a criminal I would be just like joker. I would cut everbody’s face 4 real. WHY SO SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET“S PUT A SMILE ON EVERY ONE“S FACE!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY JOKER THAT JOKER IS #1
Some bitch I met on this sight stood me up I ain’t saying her name but if I ever meet her in person i’m gonna have a serious word with her and i’m not telling what I would do cause she is a lier she emailed me for awhile and called me on my cell phone but, then she said she was having problems with her bitch ass hubby, and decided to blow me off! i’ll be good and not tell her name, and by the way she said she wanted to fuck me and joker! and she was bisexual, some people you talk to on the net can’t be trusted and she’s from California,and i’m a Texan! she is a lying stupid idiot! she said she never meant to stand me up she’s a liar!don’t worry I won’t kill or kick her ass even though I would if I could! I don’t wanna go back to jail!her name starts with an L. she even said that she had sick fantasies of the joker being gay now that’s fucked up! what a skank bitch! The joker would never let no one fuck him in the ass! I want him to fuck my ass,and pussy! joker is my man and not hers!people you do agree right!even if he was gay or straight I would stilllove him but I dought he is gay or go like that! if I could I would cut her face for standing me up! I“LL PUT A SMILE ON HER FACE AND SHE WON“T LIKE IT!
not that I hate everyone but her I do, and people should not lead people on especially if they say they want to meet you and fuck you and then they just stop talking to you altogether! it’s her fault!i’m just pissed off and fuckin wanna beat her ass for standing me up and I never even met her yet!I have a hard time trusting motherfuckers! but it’s cool I hope I never do meet her now! she’s crazy and a weirdo!
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Thank You
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Damn, awesome website. I actually came across this on Yahoo, and I am happy I did. I will definately be revisiting here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just absorbing as much info as I can at the moment.
Thank You
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