Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Why So Serious Mausoleum November 27th, 2007

EDIT: Look­ing for the “It’s all part of the plan” safe codes? Check our cov­er­age here: “It’s all part of the plan — Why So Seri­ous

EDIT 2: Now a new site has been revealed, http://​www​.gothamusd​.net/ — The Gotham Uni­fied School District


It’s a vault! Why So Seri­ous has a sec­ond secret stage dis­cov­ered in the per­son­al­ity pro­file… http://​www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​m​a​u​s​o​l​e​um/ Thanks to Hol­ly­wood Chicago for the heads up!

The secret itself was found by look­ing at the let­ters in the var­i­ous lev­els you could achieve on the pro­filer, it was found that tak­ing one let­ter from each could spell mau­soleum and hence gen­er­ate the next fas­ci­nat­ing URL.

This is the email that was sent out:

If you’ve fin­ished my quiz, then it’s time for the next step in the inter­view process, some­thing to test your apti­tude. Spaces count:

* Eighth
* Sixth
* Eighth
* Ninth
* Ninth
* Sec­ond
* Fourth
* Sec­ond
* Third

The text on the note reads:

” You surely know how to put a smile on a guys face ! Now your task is simple.

Your job is to find a way into the evi­dence vault.

Our fine friends in blue have col­lected some­thing that surely dosn’t belong to them.”

UPDATE:From the blood­ied let­ters you can get the ana­gram, “TIME FOR TAFFY” — refer­ring to The Gotham Times, Johnny “Taffy­face” Linata died at 7:38am. There is a clock with­out any view­able hands to the left of the safe.

UPDATE: There seems to be a new secu­rity related Gotham web­site, http://​acmese​cu​ri​tysys​tems​.com/

“ACME Busi­ness Secu­rity pro­vides reli­able secu­rity sys­tems for busi­nesses through­out Gotham City. We pro­vide a range of ser­vices, from pas­sive alarm to con­stant video surveillance.

We spe­cial­ize in ware­house and com­mer­cial real estate secu­rity with flex­i­ble plans—allowing you secu­rity when you need it, for as long as you need it.”

There is also yet another Gotham City based web­site, this time its Gotham Cabs at http://​www​.gotham​cab​.com/

Comments 26 Responses to “Why So Serious Mausoleum”

sabin26 November 27th, 2007

If you look at the blood spat­ters on the note for the vault it unscram­bles to Time for Taffy. Don’t know if it means anything.

Ed Nonya November 27th, 2007

What is the combo to the safe?

Susanna November 27th, 2007

So, how do you open the safe?

Doc P November 30th, 2007

I think the lock has some­thing to do with the num­bers in the Mob­ster arti­cle in the Gotham Times. I dunno if the AM/PM mat­ters for the times, but here’s the list of the num­bers as they appear (dig­its only, I dunno if the spelled out num­bers mat­ter as well):

7:38 AM, $8.99, 10, 38, 23, 75, 2:36 PM, 7:38 PM, 28, 25, 11, 8, 8:25 PM, 8:52 PM, 29, 52, 5, 12:57 AM

The dial seems a bit dif­fi­cult to use, you should have steady hands when try­ing codes.

chris­tine December 1st, 2007

change your com­puter clock to 7:38am and see what happens

Katy December 2nd, 2007

I can’t get the vault open!! I’ve tried every­thing! Can any­one help?

Chris December 2nd, 2007

Nope, no idea here either. I’ve tried the num­bers “10, 38, 23, 75, 28, 25, 11, 8, 29, 52, 5″ from clock­wise to counter-clockwise (and yes, I have steady hands) but no deal. Bah, I’m not going to give up. I just wish the dial wasn’t so hard to read. Maybe we’re miss­ing some­thing obvi­ous here or some­thing. ~_~

Chris December 2nd, 2007

Hmm, I actu­ally less­ened the num­bers to just the ages of the cit­i­zens deaths (38, 23, 75, 38, 35, 11, 8, 29, 52), but it’s still a no-go. >_>

Bradley December 6th, 2007

Look at the name on the Gotham Evi­dence Bag…the vic­tim is listed at Susan Swaltham­mer. Her name appeared on the 4th page of The Gotham Times…she was the one suing Bat­man for let­ting her car get destroyed! The arti­cle says she works for Gotham’s Power Dept but I can’t fig­ure out if that is another viral site and if so where…help me out with this one…

Matt December 7th, 2007


Chris March 24th, 2008

Has any­body tried leav­ing mes­sages for the secu­rity com­pany or gotham cab both phone num­bers work ut go to voice­mail after a short message.

Ryan April 13th, 2008

Any­one find a phone num­ber for the school?

Mike April 24th, 2008

Oh, for God’s sake.
Why so seri­ous?
Just plug in your microp­o­hone, turn on allow in the Flash win­dow and say the right phrase.

Daniel April 28th, 2008

i opened it yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no trailer gets me pissed off

ter­rie batson November 9th, 2008

WHY SO SERIOUS PEOPLE i’m joker Heath Ledger’s Harley Quinn. and by the way no other woman can have joker Ledger he’s mine. I wanna fuck and marry joker and by the way I have Heath Ledger’s name tat­tooed on me. and a pic. of joker’s face as Heath Ledger from TDK.JOKER#1 ms.joker.Terri.

ter­rie batson November 9th, 2008

WHY SO SERIOUS. IF I was a crim­i­nal I would be just like joker. I would cut everbody’s face 4 real. WHY SO SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET“S PUT A SMILE ON EVERY ONE“S FACE!!!!!!!!! THE ONLY JOKER THAT JOKER IS #1

ter­rie batson November 10th, 2008

Some bitch I met on this sight stood me up I ain’t say­ing her name but if I ever meet her in per­son i’m gonna have a seri­ous word with her and i’m not telling what I would do cause she is a lier she emailed me for awhile and called me on my cell phone but, then she said she was hav­ing prob­lems with her bitch ass hubby, and decided to blow me off! i’ll be good and not tell her name, and by the way she said she wanted to fuck me and joker! and she was bisex­ual, some peo­ple you talk to on the net can’t be trusted and she’s from California,and i’m a Texan! she is a lying stu­pid idiot! she said she never meant to stand me up she’s a liar!don’t worry I won’t kill or kick her ass even though I would if I could! I don’t wanna go back to jail!her name starts with an L. she even said that she had sick fan­tasies of the joker being gay now that’s fucked up! what a skank bitch! The joker would never let no one fuck him in the ass! I want him to fuck my ass,and pussy! joker is my man and not hers!people you do agree right!even if he was gay or straight I would stil­llove him but I dought he is gay or go like that! if I could I would cut her face for stand­ing me up! I“LL PUT A SMILE ON HER FACE AND SHE WON“T LIKE IT!

ter­rie batson November 10th, 2008

not that I hate every­one but her I do, and peo­ple should not lead peo­ple on espe­cially if they say they want to meet you and fuck you and then they just stop talk­ing to you alto­gether! it’s her fault!i’m just pissed off and fuckin wanna beat her ass for stand­ing me up and I never even met her yet!I have a hard time trust­ing moth­er­fuck­ers! but it’s cool I hope I never do meet her now! she’s crazy and a weirdo!

Com­puter Blog January 3rd, 2010

My brother would appre­ci­ate this blog post. We were not too long ago speak­ing about this. hehe

Louisa Wolfs­berger May 5th, 2010


Justin Chad­burn May 13th, 2010

Damn, awe­some web­site. I actu­ally came across this on Yahoo, and I am stoked I did. I will defi­nately be return­ing here more often. Wish I could add to the con­ver­sa­tion and bring a bit more to the table, but am just tak­ing in as much info as I can at the moment.

Thank You

Houses for Sale in Drogheda

Rhea Muck­er­man May 13th, 2010

Damn, awe­some web­site. I actu­ally came across this on Yahoo, and I am happy I did. I will defi­nately be revis­it­ing here more often. Wish I could add to the con­ver­sa­tion and bring a bit more to the table, but am just absorb­ing as much info as I can at the moment.

Thank You

Prop­erty For Sale Ireland

Ger­ald Goranson May 31st, 2010

i like your site, so use­ful, keep it up

Clarita Jamieson June 6th, 2010

I love tat­toos and don’t for a minute regret get­ting any of them, I’m cur­rently get­ting a koi tat­too down my right arm can’t wait to get it fin­ished! as can only afford short­sit­tings at any­time. My local artist is very good and also very expen­sive but, he’s worth it! Fan­tas­tic site btw

Kimiko Bridg­man July 21st, 2010

And,it’s very use­ful for my life.