Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

C-130 Aircraft Flies Over Hong Kong November 8th, 2007

A num­ber of news crews were on hand to wit­ness some of the C-130 air­craft Hong Kong fly overs which took place today as part of The Dark Knight’s film­ing schedule:

Hong Kong Fly Over

Asso­ci­ated Press (2) | Reuters (2)

The Stan­dard have posted an arti­cle cov­er­ing the event. Once again it seems filled with more of their neg­a­tive com­men­tary — stat­ing that the fly overs failed to “thrill fans” and those that waited out­side to catch a glimpse of Bat­man or the bat sig­nal. I get the feel­ing they are not entirely happy with the TDK HK shoot.

Flickr user fer­nan­dogros (blog) has also man­aged to cap­ture some shots of an encir­cling Heli­copter, tak­ing some footage for the movie:

TDK Helicopter

In other related news, Cybr­punk has posted some street clo­sures in the area to make way for Bat­man and his chums. Specif­i­cally, Novem­ber 9th between 2:00pm and 5:30pm on Lyn­d­hurst Ter­race and Cochrane Street:

Hong kong Street Closures Notice

Comments 2 Responses to “C-130 Aircraft Flies Over Hong Kong”

Bat­man: The Dark Knight — Movie Chron­i­cles » Bat­man in Hong Kong Part 2 November 12th, 2007

[…] week Lucius Fox (Mor­gan Free­man) and Bruce Wayne were filmed hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion on a bridge near Lyn­d­hurst Ter­race. Bale also stated in a press con­fer­ence that he was sched­uled to jump from the “90 floor […]

phil June 3rd, 2010

does any­one know how fast the c-130 was flying?