Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Justice League Movie Fiasco August 22nd, 2007

Recently a lot of “will they wont they” dis­cus­sion has been aired about the pos­si­bil­i­ties of a Jus­tice League movie; ide­ally recruit­ing Chris­t­ian Bale as Bat­man and Bran­don Routh as Super­man — amongst oth­ers. These rumors were orig­i­nally fuelled by two Vari­ety arti­cles, the first reveal­ing that Warner Bros. were look­ing into the movie’s development,

 “The Jus­tice League of Amer­ica has been a peren­nial favorite for gen­er­a­tions of fans, and we believe their appeal to film audi­ences will be as strong and diverse as the char­ac­ters themselves.”

And the sec­ond enti­tled “Jus­tice League film gets script”.

Husband-wife writ­ing duo Kieran Mul­roney and Michele Mul­roney turned in a first draft that had Warner Bros. suits actu­ally smiling

How would this film­ing sched­ule work in-between TDK and Man of Steel? Would the cor­rect cast be present? These are the ques­tions being asked. The IESB had a chance to talk to Chris­t­ian Bale, he stated cat­e­gor­i­cally that he was not involved in the adap­ta­tion and nor had he been approached. And later Moviehole con­firmed that the WB are look­ing for an all new cast and that the movie was “full steam ahead” with cast­ing start­ing imme­di­ately. They also men­tioned an assigned direc­tor, George Miller (Happy Feet meets Mad Max).

All this seemed a lit­tle con­fus­ing until the final and fit­ting piece of the puz­zle unearthed, how this could be pos­si­ble with­out dis­may­ing fans and whilst aim­ing for an early 2008 pro­duc­tion sched­ule. The IESB have a num­ber of some­what reli­able sources stat­ing that the JLA movie shall in fact be a CGI/Motion Cap­ture film (e.g. sim­i­lar to The Polar Express or more recently Beowulf). This still needs some clo­sure but it all makes per­fect sense. These films tra­di­tion­ally take slightly longer to cre­ate so we could see a late 2009, sum­mer 2010 release.

Justice League of America Team