Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger Joker Action Figures sell out May 7th, 2008

WENN are report­ing that within min­utes of going on sale, Mattel’s Joker action fig­ure has sold out:

Bat­man fans have cleaned out New York toy stores’ entire sup­ply of Heath Ledger’s Joker action fig­ure, within min­utes of them going on sale.

Devo­tees of the comic book series lined up early to clear shelves of the $9.99 toy.

Ebay is rid­dled with these fig­ures sell­ing for much more than their retail price, up to $55 each.

Joker Action Figure

Via /Film

Comments 13 Responses to “Heath Ledger Joker Action Figures sell out”

Tim May 8th, 2008

Good thing I got my Joker fig­ure on day one. Who paid $9.99? I had to pay $11.99! It’s a badass fig­ure though.

Joker May 10th, 2008


It’s good to see you all buy­ing my figure-ines. You might find a lit­tle sur­prise in them when it get’s closer to movie day.


Don’t stop com­ment­ing on my videos (http://​www​.blarnee​.com/​q​/​?​D​ark Knight Joker) — I like keep­ing an eye on mye fans. hahaha.

Jeff May 10th, 2008

Ha, yeah, you’re the “Joker” alright. Too bad you can’t spell.

Bat­man May 10th, 2008

Don’t lis­ten to the Joker! Buy my action fig­ures and stop evil!!

Stew May 10th, 2008

has any one got­ten the fig­ure in Canada (specif­i­cally Toronto) yet

Tim May 13th, 2008

Ama​zon​.com is sell­ing them brand new for $69.99!!

Dick Hurtz May 19th, 2008

Stop buy­ing crap.

Edmon­ton­bruce­wayne May 29th, 2008

I seen the 5″ line here in edmon­ton and picked up a bat­man
no mm’s here. any­thing in toronto yet?. So far as I can tell the MM are not in Canada yet.

Adam New­man July 24th, 2008

I live in toronto, and i haven’t seen any joker toys. That includes the movie mas­ters line, and the reg­u­lar line. I’m pissed off.

Two Face August 2nd, 2008

If you can’t decide whether to buy the Bat­man or Joker fig­ure just flip a coin, it always works for me…or you could just wait for my fig­ure which is arguably the best.

Adam August 2nd, 2008

Can any­one tell me whether the mm joker is in britain yet cos i spoke to the guy at for­bid­den planet and he said it would be in at a later date but later on that same day i went some­where else and they said it came in march.
Who’s right cos every­one else says lis­ten to the for­bid­den planet guy

The JOKER December 15th, 2008

”Good Evening Ladies and gen­tle­men.”
We’Are Tonights Enter­tain­ment you no you peo­ple remind me of my father i hated my father ahh… you a’ll see ahh my fig­ure is not sold out no no ah.…. not ONE BIT!!!!
it is still ahh in KMART some stores even tar­get –Ooo-eee-ee-ahaaha-ooo-ee-haaa –hahaHUH-Ha ..” so.….
Here’s my CARD

jonn3 January 3rd, 2011
