Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Christian Bale talks with Parade, Third Movie suggested June 26th, 2008

Fuelling the unstop­pable loco­mo­tive of Dark Knight hype, Chris­t­ian Bale has been speak­ing with Parade about his roles as Batman/Bruce Wayne.

The choice quote comes from Bale’s enthu­si­as­tic talk of a third movie:

“What Bat­man is all about is a double-sided edge; there’s a dual­ity to this char­ac­ter, which makes him still inter­est­ing to play in the sequel — I hope in a third. And I’m work­ing with peo­ple who are going to inspire but also demand that I come up with some­thing new. I do love the unknown, but there’s more to inves­ti­gate in Bruce Wayne and Batman.”