Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Maggie Gyllenhaal mentions Rachel Dawes January 7th, 2008

Maggie GyllenhaalChrist­mas has been and gone, and, after get­ting our lit­tle trailer, gift wrapped in a pre­ced­ing viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign, we have all sat back and relaxed (whilst get­ting fat on choco­late). The Dark Knight news has since been sparse, not a lick of viral mad­ness since Santa came around. Though you can guar­an­tee that it will all kick off again as soon as we get a whiff of that next mar­ket­ing scheme.

In the mean­time, Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal has been speak­ing with the British pub­li­ca­tion Metro about her role in the Bat­man flick (and also sexy under­wear it seems):

Is your Bat­man char­ac­ter a damsel in dis­tress?
There are moments of that. Chris Nolan, the direc­tor, would joke about how I had to resign myself to being a lit­tle bit of a damsel in dis­tress but he pushed me in other ways to make her a pow­er­ful char­ac­ter. I play a lawyer and have real rela­tion­ships with the peo­ple I’m inter­act­ing with in the movie. She’s very smart and a real rounded per­son. Of course, if you’re the girl in Bat­man, you’re going to be a damsel in dis­tress to some extent but she’s a really great char­ac­ter. So many peo­ple I play are a mess; Rachel’s really clear about what’s impor­tant to her and unwill­ing to com­pro­mise her morals, which made a nice change.