Wow, just noticed I hadn’t posted these. Here are a couple of nice n’large Joker pictures for you to get your teeth into. The first one makes a great wallpaper.
Some High Resolution Joker Images August 3rd, 2008
Dark Knight Wallpapers, MSN Site July 15th, 2008
MSN have released a special Dark Knight website, similar to the Comcast and Verizon ones, with downloads, wallpapers, trailers and synopsis, nothing too fancy here though there are some lovely new Wallpapers to check out:

Thanks Israr!
Comcast Launch Dark Knight Site June 6th, 2008
Comcast have unveiled a Dark Knight themed flash based website, complete with posters and screensaver downloads, in a similar vein to the official site, but all the same slightly different! Thanks Csram
The site features two new featurettes, one focusing on Imax, another on the making of the clown masks.
Download Clown Masks Featurette

I’d also like to take this moment to thank my friend aCynicalPie for keeping the website up to date in my two week absence! The remote parts of Greek islands do not have high speed internet access.