Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Creepy early Joker Concept Art August 10th, 2008

The Art of The Dark Knight has been released with a full script along­side pro­duc­tion images and con­cept art.

The most inter­est­ing sec­tion in the book is the part cov­er­ing the early Joker designs — the below images illus­trate how grue­some and ter­ri­fy­ing the Joker could have been. They almost look like some­thing out of the Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre.

Comments 6 Responses to “Creepy early Joker Concept Art”

isi123 August 10th, 2008

Yeah they are kinda creepy. But i pre­fer what they went with.

tyler August 11th, 2008

I would have loved if they had this in the dark knight or the third film.

alex August 12th, 2008

wow… how deli­ciously grotesque!

MortesK August 20th, 2008

likelikelike.…love what they did in movie though.espially his hair.all these have short but he needs long to com­plete him. one two or three would have been ok too (with long hair).

joe September 4th, 2008

does any­one else think the sec­ond one down looks a bit like eli­jah wood?

simon­dark April 12th, 2009

the sec­ond is eli­jah wood the third is trent reznor,there all pics of peo­ple that have been manipulated.Its just eas­ier to do it that way.