Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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EXTREME SPOILERS — Two Face and The Joker July 8th, 2008

I wish I hadn’t seen these. The French site, Lyri​cis​.fr have posted screen caps from The Dark Knight show­ing Two Face and The Joker in scenes that are VERY spoi­lerific. I warn you — look­ing at these images may be too much, they are also very graphic.

I have lis­tened to your warn­ing and want to see this anyway

High Resolution Dark Knight Movie Stills June 26th, 2008

SHH have posted more High Res­o­lu­tion Dark Knight movie stills, here are a selec­tion of high qual­ity images we haven’t seen before includ­ing Bat­man and Jim Gordon:

Harvey Dent / Two Face coin flip

Set of 39 Images June 26th, 2008

The IESB have pro­vided another set of Dark Knight images, we’ve seen a lot of these before, but there are a few new ones that stand­out, par­tic­u­larly these two sub­way advertisements:

High Resolution Shots & Two Face Image May 4th, 2008

Here are an incred­i­bly fine selec­tion of high-resolution, in-focus images from the most recent Dark Knight trailer. They fea­ture close ups of The Joker, Bat­man, Bruce Wayne, Har­vey Dent and Rachel Dawes and most impor­tantly — that quick glimpse of Two-Face! They are all at the res­o­lu­tion of 1920x817 pix­els — per­fect for a widescreen wall­pa­per. The Two Face image is the very last one (and a smaller ver­sion is included after the break — hid­den to save on spoilers!)

You may also be inter­ested in our first round of images, from the pre­vi­ous trailer.

Two Face in The Dark Knight - first look

Read the rest of this entry »

New York Times Dark Knight Report March 10th, 2008

The NYTimes have posted a very inter­est­ing Dark Knight report which closely fol­lows Chris Nolan’s work as direc­tor. It is a must read, even if the minor plot spoil­ers in the first para­graph would put you off. I’ve included some choice excerpts for you below, along with the new images that fea­ture in the article.

In so many ways this isn’t what you’d expect of a $180 mil­lion Hol­ly­wood comic-book movie sequel with a zil­lion mov­ing parts, a cast of thou­sands and sets from here to Hong Kong. Any­one else would shoot indoors, use dig­i­tal effects or wait for clear skies; Mr. Nolan rolls with the weather’s punches, believ­ing that the messi­ness of real­ity can’t be faked. Another film­maker would leave a shot like this in the hands of a second-unit direc­tor, but Mr. Nolan doesn’t use one; if it’s on the screen, he directed it, and his long­time cin­e­matog­ra­pher, Wally Pfis­ter, worked the cam­era. Stars on any other movie would have fled to their trail­ers to wait in com­fort until needed again. Here, Gary Old­man is watch­ing and shiv­er­ing along with every­body else, crack­ing jokes to keep warm.


Now the ques­tion is whether Mr. Nolan’s vision of Bat­man can not only main­tain its hold on the imag­i­na­tions of comic fans and crit­ics, but expand its reach to a wider sum­mer moviego­ing audi­ence, even as the death of Heath Ledger, who played the Joker in “The Dark Knight,” has added unan­tic­i­pated mor­bid­ity to the film’s delib­er­ate darkness.


“As we looked through the comics, there was this fas­ci­nat­ing idea that Batman’s pres­ence in Gotham actu­ally attracts crim­i­nals to Gotham, attracts lunacy,” he said. “When you’re deal­ing with ques­tion­able notions like peo­ple tak­ing the law into their own hands, you have to really ask, where does that lead? That’s what makes the char­ac­ter so dark, because he expresses a venge­ful desire.”


Will Mr. Ledger’s death cast a pall over “The Dark Knight,” whose tragic plot turns already make it much darker than “Bat­man Begins”? “We’ll see,” said Mr. Robi­nov, of Warner Broth­ers. Mr. Nolan, for his part, said he felt a “mas­sive sense of respon­si­bil­ity” to do right by Mr. Ledger’s “ter­ri­fy­ing, amaz­ing” performance.


Chris Nolan

Batman and The Joker

Let’s Put a Smile on That Face December 17th, 2007

High Res­o­lu­tion Screen­shots from The Dark Knight Trailer

Just for you (espe­cially those that can’t play HD video on their machines) we have some won­der­ful high res­o­lu­tion screen­shots from the trailer that was offi­cially released yes­ter­day. I highly rec­om­mend look­ing at the Joker images, they are quite fantastic.

Dark Knight IMAX Prologue Preview November 22nd, 2007

The offi­cial IMAX web­site have posted a pre­view to the IMAX Dark Knight pro­logue. The video fea­tures an inter­view with direc­tor Christo­pher Nolan amidst scenes from the movies film­ing — we see small clips from action sequences, the film crews, a cou­ple of small explo­sions, Bat­man swoop­ing down, the Bat­mo­bile, etc. But most of all the short video is just a mas­sive pro­mo­tion for the won­der that is the IMAX format.

IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue


IMAX Dark Knight Prologue

19 Awesome Movie Stills from The Dark Knight August 17th, 2007

At long last some­thing fleshy and solid to get our teeth into! Here are a ton of pic­tures from the actual Dark Knight film, pro­mo­tional shots by the look of things — screen­shots if you will. Mul­ti­ple Joker shots and rem­nants of what we heard about in that trailer.

EDIT: After some research and much delib­er­a­tion I have decided to remove these pic­tures from this site. It seems that yes, the pic­tures are offi­cial, but that they were leaked with­out per­mis­sion from a WB owned com­puter. They were instead to be used as some sort of prize to a viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign. It feels like we are chil­dren and we have opened out presents before Christ­mas. When Christ­mas comes we wont be half as excited.

For those too late to the party, don’t worry — they will undoubt­edly resur­face in a few weeks as part of an offi­cial cam­paign. Or alter­na­tively you could catch them on the sites not yet asked to remove the images — they will always be some­where. I shall per­son­ally repost the images once they have been offi­cially released by the WB.

In the mean time, a num­ber of web­sites are still host­ing these pic­tures, I’ll list them here:
Slash­Film | IESB | First Show­ing | Film School Rejects | Flickr | X-realms | The Movie Blog

I have also started a topic on the forums to dis­cuss the pic­tures: Forums

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