Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Joker Defaced Posters July 16th, 2008

We reported that The Joker got to the front page of the Offi­cial Dark Knight web­site, wreak­ing havoc with his red paint, we for­got to men­tion that the poster down­loads also got hit — whilst the main site has now returned to its for­mer state, here are the posters as they once stood, graffiti’d by The Joker:

Con­tribut­ing Source: IMPAwards

Dark Knight World Premier Gallery July 16th, 2008

These images from the World Pre­mier of The Dark Knight on 68th Street and Broad­way in NYC, come via two sources — the glitzy posed shots with excel­lent light­ing were posted by Cin­e­mat­i­cal, whilst the can­did but super high res­o­lu­tion shots were taken by Flickr user czan­gle:

Dark Knight Wallpapers, MSN Site July 15th, 2008

MSN have released a spe­cial Dark Knight web­site, sim­i­lar to the Com­cast and Ver­i­zon ones, with down­loads, wall­pa­pers, trail­ers and syn­op­sis, noth­ing too fancy here though there are some lovely new Wall­pa­pers to check out:

Thanks Israr!

Joker defaces sites, Kicking and Screening — Free IMAX tickets July 10th, 2008

The WSS Over­ture count­down has ended, and with it the Joker has brought down his mad­ness upon all of the Gotham City viral web­sites, splat­ter­ing them with flood and defac­ing them with mis­chie­vous messages.

On each of these pages a puz­zle piece with a let­ter was left, com­bin­ing all the pieces the phrase “Kick­ing and Screen­ing” can be found, which leads to the next Why So Seri­ous page,


Note the play on words, “Screen­ing” — the prize — Free tick­ets to an IMAX pre-release Dark Knight screen­ing on July 15th!. As quickly as they appeared they have now SOLD OUT.


“You’ve played your part, here are your just rewards. Meet at the ren­de­vous points below. Don’t be late, don’t for­get your ticket or heads will roll. Casual attire, smiles optional.”

Sold Out Chicago, Cin­e­mark IMAX (Woodridge) 9:30pm
Sold Out New York, Pal­isades IMAX (West Nyack) 9:00pm
Sold Out Edmon­ton, Sil­ver City IMAX 9:30pm
Sold Out Pitts­burg, Cin­e­mark IMAX (Tar­en­tum) 9:30pm
Sold Out Kansas City, Stu­dio IMAX (Olathe) 9:00pm
Sold Out Phoenix, Deer Val­ley IMAX 9:00pm
Sold Out San Fran­cisco, Metreon IMAX 9:00pm
Sold Out Los Ange­les, Uni­ver­sal City IMAX 9:00pm
Sold Out Las Vegas, Palms IMAX 9:30pm
Sold Out Min­neapo­lis, Met­ro­pol­i­tan IMAX (St. Michael) 9:30pm
Sold Out Dal­las, Cin­e­mark IMAX 9:30pm
Sold Out Toronto, Sco­tia­bank IMAX 9:30pm
Sold Out Salt Lake City, Jor­dan Com­mons IMAX (Sandy) 9:30pm
Sold Out Grand Rapids, Cel­e­bra­tion IMAX 9:30pm
Sold Out Atlanta, Mall of Geor­gia IMAX (Buford) 9:45pm
Sold Out Den­ver, Col­orado Cen­ter IMAX 9:45pm
Sold Out Hous­ton, Marq*e IMAX 9:45pm
Sold Out Orlando, Pointe IMAX 9:45pm
Sold Out Port­land, Bridge­port IMAX (Tigard) 9:45pm
Sold Out San Diego, Mira Mesa IMAX 9:45pm
Sold Out Omaha, Star IMAX (Coun­cil Bluffs) 9:30pm
Sold Out Indi­anapo­lis, Show­place IMAX 9:30pm
Sold Out Boston, Com­cast IMAX (Nat­ick) 7:00pm
Sold Out Seat­tle, Boe­ing IMAX 7:30pm

An email was also sent out shortly before­hand via Human Resources:

http://​www​.whysose​ri​ous​.com/​k​i​c​k​i​n​g​a​n​d​s​c​r​e​e​n​ing HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA ha HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA ha HA HA HA ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha HA ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA ha HA HA ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA ha ha HA ha HA ha HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha HA HA HA HA ha HA HA HA ha HA HA HA HA ha HA ha

Thanks to every­one that sent this in! Hope you got your tick­ets in time! (We poor brits miss out again it seems — we’re get­ting the movie a week later anyway).

Read the rest of this entry »

Citizens for Batman — July 8th event July 9th, 2008

Last night was the end of the CFB count­down, as two live video feeds were posted to the Cit­i­zens for Bat­man web­site and crowds gath­ered at the two loca­tions in New York and Chicago. Fans that turned up for the event received Gotham Times news­pa­pers and a col­lec­tion of CFB good­ies, includ­ing T-shirts.

Par­tic­i­pants were given Domino’s pizza boxes that con­tained code words and clues to a locked box in a secret loca­tion. At this box more clues were uncov­ered, lead­ing to a 2-way radio, with which direc­tions were given to a spe­cific spot for the per­fect view of The Dark Knight bat sig­nal, pro­jected onto the Wool­worth build­ing and Sears tower.



/Film have also posted their report, relay­ing some off the bad feel­ings and hin­drances that sur­rounded the poorly exe­cuted Chicago event.

EXTREME SPOILERS — Two Face and The Joker July 8th, 2008

I wish I hadn’t seen these. The French site, Lyri​cis​.fr have posted screen caps from The Dark Knight show­ing Two Face and The Joker in scenes that are VERY spoi­lerific. I warn you — look­ing at these images may be too much, they are also very graphic.

I have lis­tened to your warn­ing and want to see this anyway

Bat pod on tour, with images July 6th, 2008

Greg was in Cincin­nati this week­end to see the Bat pod on tour as it does its part in the pre-release pro­mo­tional cam­paign for The Dark Knight. You can find some pic­tures below, even its trailer looks fantastic!

On the other hand, dis­grun­tled fan Travis gives us some words of warn­ing before we head out and see the Pod on tour:

Yes just wanted to let every­one know that it was dis­ap­point­ing. Yes today I got off work at 4pm and picked up my lit­tle brother so we could go them at the Show­case Cin­ema de Lux & IMAX in Spring­dale, Ohio. We got there just a cou­ple min­utes after 5pm and they were gone. The man­agers said that the Tum­bler wasn’t even there and they decided to leave just before 5, even though they were sched­uled to be there till 530. It was such bull­crap!!!! My brother and I (along with a whole lot of other fans) were so dis­ap­pointed. Its nice to know how they (WB) treat their fans. Thanks WB. So just thought I would let every­one out there know you bet­ter get there real early if you want to see them.

New “Stupid Bats” Dark Knight Poster July 1st, 2008

The clues from the lat­est Why So Seri­ous viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign have led us to the stu­pid bats page con­tain­ing a brand new Dark Knight poster made up of Joker cards and scratched Joker ramblings:

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