Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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First look at Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes June 17th, 2007

Right place at the right time man Yunerz has snatched some shots of Mag­gie Gyl­len­haal and Aaron Eck­hart play­ing Rachel Dawes and Har­vey Dent respec­tively, right next to his place of work. This is the first time we have seen Katie Holmes’ replace­ment. Many have viewed this swap-over favourably and are look­ing for­ward to see­ing Gyllenhaal’s performance.

Whilst these are can­did shots, the cho­sen image (above) does show a con­sid­er­able like­ness between the two por­tray­als by dif­fer­ent actresses. For more images, includ­ing Har­vey Dent, I rec­om­mend vis­it­ing the users’ gallery over at flickr.

The Bat-suit, our first look June 15th, 2007

EDIT: Warner Broth­ers have released a high res­o­lu­tion ver­sion of this image. Check it out here

And so the images con­tinue, this time Enter­tain­ment Weekly has pro­vided us the goods in an inter­view with cos­tume designer Lindy Hem­ming. Most impor­tantly, with photo, lov­ingly scanned in for our plea­sure by C.Zejr. All the details are in the pic­ture itself, this post needs lit­tle commentary.

The Dark Night - Bat Suit

First Production Shots June 15th, 2007

Now that we have had our first taste of The Joker and Har­vey Dent, some more deli­cious images from pro­duc­tion of The Dark Knight have begun stream­ing out. The first shows Nolan over­see­ing a smartly blurred-out Joker pro­logue scene, the sec­ond reveals some, assumed to be, hench­men of the Joker. From the promo shots and now these images we can already see that this film is build­ing to become darker and more sin­is­ter than Bat­man Begins, inline with the uttered notion that “things need to get worse before they can get better”.

Promotional Images June 15th, 2007

From the offi­cial web­site, this is the first of The Dark Knight pro­mo­tion shots:

Sec­ond comes Har­vey Dent’s pro­mo­tional poster, once again via the Warner Bros. site:

And thirdly, the first unveil­ing of Heath Ledger as The Joker which slowly emerged via a viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign “I believe in Har­vey Dent TOO”:

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