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More TDK Spoilers from Chicago July 2nd, 2007

Hol­ly­wood Chicago have two huge but spoiler filled scoops. These can be seen after the break…

In other news, Thread­less have just announced a sexy new Bat­man t-shirt:

Batman T-shirt

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Pictures from Chicago’s Wabash Bridge June 28th, 2007

This time we get to see the dash­ing GCPD police offi­cers. This first image is from Titan­Vi­su­als

GCPD Chicago Set

Jeanne M. Grun­hard has also snapped a great shot of the Gotham City PD,

Image Copyright J.Grunhard
(Copy­right J.Grunhard, repro­duced with permission)

Kyle Marks also has some inter­est­ing set pic­tures, click the link to see a gallery of 24:

Via Super­Hero­Hype:

Gotham Props, Gyllenhaal and Eckhart June 22nd, 2007

Cur­l­ey­Casey has pro­vided AICN with a new scoop, and some great shots. Check out the link for the full story about the scene and some more pic­tures, not really any spoil­ers here.


The Scarecrow Returns June 21st, 2007

This is the big Bat­man news story of the day, Cil­lian Mur­phy has been spot­ted on the set of The Dark Knight, as the Scare­crow. There’s some footage online over at YouTube, which pretty much gives away the scene and hence has some spoil­ers. Noth­ing too supris­ing in the video so I advise just wait­ing for the movie, if you can. Super­Hero­Hype has the full story from bud­ding Paparazzi ‘type­orocks’. Here’s one of the shots:

And here’s the infa­mous Bat Sig­nal, the best can­did shot we’ve seen yet, as snapped by Jeremy Farmer:

Bat Signal

Batmobile Spotted in Chicago June 19th, 2007

EDIT: Chicago not New York, I had ques­tioned this but it had seemed plau­si­ble what with the NY 2007 Licens­ing show which had the Bat­pod. Sorry for the mis­take guys. 

The news keeps “tum­bling” in, this time we’re get­ting reports of Bruce Wayne’s tum­bler, aka the Bat­man Begins Bat­mo­bile. It’s turned up in CHICAGO, ready for film­ing. Here are some great shots:

Catch more of these shots at Freak Comics.

High Resolution Batpod Images June 19th, 2007

As expected, what with the release of a high res­o­lu­tion bat­suit pic­ture, we can get some juicy up close pic­tures of the infa­mous bat-cycle mon­ster. Click the images for the full high res­o­lu­tion ver­sions, each is about 1mb in size. Enjoy.

Bat Pod High Resolution Close

Batman riding Bat pod up close

And here’s an ALL NEW image from The Slug:

And we’ve got another good shot from the show via AICN:

The Batpod (or bat-cycle) is here! June 18th, 2007

Bat pod / cycle

This is it, the new con­trap­tion ‘cre­ated’ by Lucius Fox, the vehi­cle rumored to be unveiled this week. It is the Bat­pod, or bat-cycle, whichever you pre­fer. It offi­cially goes on view tomor­row at the 2007 New York Licens­ing show.

It is a mon­ster, and not only is it rid­able, it is fast. The wheels are 508 mm in diam­e­ter and it boasts machine guns, can­nons and a grap­pling hook. There is no han­dle­bar, instead you steer with your shoul­ders that lock into two shields. To ride this you need to lie belly down, on the ‘tank’, which can rise and lower itself in order to fit through the small­est of gaps.

Bat pod 2

There are six of these beau­ties in total and their cost is unknown. They were designed by the man behind the Bat­man Begins Bat­mo­bile, Nathan Crow­ley and built by Chris Cor­bould. It will be rid­den by French stunt­man Jean-Pierre Goy, who has been test­ing the bikes at an undis­closed secret loca­tion in Eng­land over the past month.

I think we all can’t wait to see this thing in action!

More ‘bulging’ bat suit from Chicago June 18th, 2007

The spy cam­eras, cell phone shots and Chris­t­ian Bale voyeurisms con­tinue to pour in. This time Sarah Piper Brown snapped these shots with her phone on June 16th at a Chicago set.

Bat suit candid

Bat suit back candid

The nov­elty and inter­est in shots like these will soon dis­si­pate so I shall not be post­ing all of the candid-back-alley pic­tures or videos received, I feel it may be dam­ag­ing towards the integrity of the film and will inevitably be incred­i­bly spoi­lerific.

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