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Next Filming Location & Joker Semi August 7th, 2007

Mary Jane has sent in this tid­bit of news for us,

Begin­ning Sat­ur­day, August 11 and con­tin­u­ing through Sat­ur­day, August 18, prepa­ra­tions for and film­ing of a fea­ture film cur­rently dis­guised as “Rory’s First Kiss” is sched­uled at 330 North Wabash. The film­ing takes place in the lobby, thir­teenth and third floors as well as the exte­rior south plaza. The actual film­ing dates are: Sun­day, August 12 in the lobby (south­west side), Wednes­day and Thurs­day, August 15 and 16 on the 13th floor, and Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, August 17 and 18 on the 3rd floor and exterior.

Next up, after the break, check out the image of the Joker Semi that Eric sent us and some Har­vey Dent spoil­ers… Read the rest of this entry »

New Joker Footage August 3rd, 2007

My Fox Chicago are back with more can­did videos and pho­tog­ra­phy from this week’s filming.

And for the videos, the first shows the scene being shot in the above images and can be found here. The sec­ond video is from a slightly dif­fer­ent angle.

“We’ve got more behind-the-scenes footage from the ongo­ing pro­duc­tion of Bat­man: The Dark Knight going on right now in Chicago. These are from overnight last night into this morning.

In these clips, you can see Heath Ledger dressed as The Joker prepar­ing for a scene, and in the link after that, video of the scene being produced.”

Thanks for the heads up Steve.

Exclusive Video and Images from TDK Set August 2nd, 2007

These were sent into us in the early hours of this morn­ing, thanks to Knightwing10-43, he has trav­elled to each of the film­ing loca­tions. Let us show you the pic­tures of the Bat­mo­bile before you watch the videos:

The first video shows a close-up of The Dark Knight’s Bat­mo­bile, as it is loaded onto its trailer:

Sec­ondly we have a brief clip of the events from Wacker Drive:

And thirdly, two great videos show­ing the Bat­pod in high speed action with the wind bel­low­ing in Batman’s cloak (they are slightly different):

Let’s throw some more media into the mix, Freak Comics have a nice set of images show­ing that one par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing burnt out vehi­cle, of which Todd Burbo has some more, whilst twobitme has some pic­tures of an entirely dif­fer­ent bashed up vehi­cle.

New Official Joker Picture July 28th, 2007

Revealed in the Why So Seri­ous escapades, we have this lit­tle delight star­ring Heath Ledger and Mag­gie Gyllenhaal,

Joker Picture The Dark Knight

Why So Serious? July 27th, 2007

Why So Serious?

Joker Bill


You have, as of writ­ing, approx­i­mately 4 hours to get to the co-ordinates on the site — they are intrigu­ingly in San Diego and the page itself is titled “Antic­i­pa­tion”. The clock is tick­ing. Good hunt­ing my friends.

Joker Wants You

Joker Wants You Too

Gotham City Vehicle Props July 25th, 2007

Jeremy Farmer has returned from a Dark Knight prop stor­age locale with these great pic­tures, which he has kindly released under a cre­ative com­mons license. These are some super hi-res shots.

These shots are from his flickr gallery.

More of Heath Ledger as The Joker July 17th, 2007

TRAGIC UPDATE: The Joker, Heath Ledger found dead 

Seems like Heath Ledger has been doing quite a bit of film­ing as of late, as well as some skate­board­ing it seems. First up, MyFox­Chicago has three can­did videos of The Dark Knight, show­ing The Joker and the tum­bler (Batmobile).

In an alto­gether dif­fer­ent loca­tion LatinoReview’s scooper Kava­lier 149 has snapped this great shot — at last we can see the tra­di­tional Joker attire (see full arti­cle for spoiler pictures).

Read the rest of this entry »

On Set Shots July 15th, 2007

First up, Super­Hero­Hype have some stun­ning shots of The Dark Knight’s gotham props and Gary Oldman:

Next up, ShawnW has some spoiler-ish shots of a major action event from the Dark Knight, check out his flickr gallery.

And thirdly, Noir has posted an exclu­sive set report with pic­tures over at the Super­Hero­Hype forums. The report includes descrip­tions of Heath as The Joker, and this image:

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